You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
16 KiB

import re, sys, os, shutil, fileinput, subprocess, argparse
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
import argparse
from translate import translateTransitions, readLabels
from plotting import VisVisPlotter
from simulation import Simulator, Verdict
def convert(tuples):
return dict(tuples)
def getBasename(filename):
return os.path.basename(filename)
def traFileWithIteration(filename, iteration):
return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + f"_{iteration:03}.tra"
def copyFile(filename, newFilename):
shutil.copy(filename, newFilename)
def execute(command, verbose=False):
if verbose: print(f"Executing {command}")
class State:
id: int
x: float
x_vel: float
y: float
y_vel: float
z: float
z_vel: float
def default_value():
return {'action' : None, 'choiceValue' : None}
class StateValue:
ranking: float
choices: dict = field(default_factory=default_value)
class TestResult:
prob_pes_min: float
prob_pes_max: float
prob_pes_avg: float
prob_opt_min: float
prob_opt_max: float
prob_opt_avg: float
min_min: float
min_max: float
def csv(self, ws=" "):
return f"{self.prob_pes_min:0.04f}{ws}{self.prob_pes_max:0.04f}{ws}{self.prob_pes_avg:0.04f}{ws}{self.prob_opt_min:0.04f}{ws}{self.prob_opt_max:0.04f}{ws}{self.prob_opt_avg:0.04f}{ws}{self.min_min:0.04f}{ws}{self.min_max:0.04f}{ws}"
def parseStrategy(strategyFile, allStateActionPairs, time_index=0):
strategy = dict()
with open(strategyFile) as strategyLines:
for line in strategyLines:
line = line.replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("\n", "")
explode = re.split(",|=", line)
stateId = int(explode[0]) + 3
if stateId < 3: continue
if int(explode[1]) != time_index: continue
strategy[stateId] = allStateActionPairs[stateId].index(explode[2])
except KeyError as e:
return strategy
def queryStrategy(strategy, stateId):
return strategy[stateId]
return -1
def callTempest(files, reward, bound=3):
property_str = "!(\"failed\" | \"reached\")"
if True:
prop = f"filter(min, Pmax=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(max, Pmax=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(avg, Pmax=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(min, Pmin=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(max, Pmin=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(avg, Pmin=? [ true U<={bound} \"failed\" ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(min, Rmin=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(min, Rmax=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop = f"filter(min, Rmin=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(max, Rmin=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(avg, Rmin=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(min, Rmax=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(max, Rmax=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
prop += f"filter(avg, Rmax=? [ C<={bound} ], {property_str} );"
command = f"~/projects/tempest-devel/ranking_release/bin/storm --io:explicit {files} --io:staterew MDP_Abstraction_interval.lab.{reward} --prop '{prop}' "
results = list()
output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).decode("utf-8").split('\n')
for line in output:
if "Result" in line and not len(results) >= 10:
range_value ="(.*:).*\[(-?\d+\.?\d*), (-?\d+\.?\d*)\].*", line)
if range_value:
value ="(.*:)(.*)", line)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return TestResult(*(tuple(results)))
def parseRanking(filename, allStates):
state_ranking = dict()
with open(filename, "r") as f:
filecontent = f.readlines()
for line in filecontent:
stateId = int(re.findall(r"^\d+", line)[0])
values = re.findall(r":(-?\d+\.?\d*),?", line)
ranking_value = float(values[0])
choices = {i : float(value) for i,value in enumerate(values[1:])}
state = allStates[stateId]
value = StateValue(ranking_value, choices)
state_ranking[state] = value
if len(state_ranking) == 0: return
all_values = [x.ranking for x in state_ranking.values()]
max_value = max(all_values)
min_value = min(all_values)
new_state_ranking = {}
for state, value in state_ranking.items():
choices = value.choices
new_value = (value.ranking - min_value) / (max_value - min_value)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
new_value = 0.0
new_state_ranking[state] = StateValue(new_value, choices)
state_ranking = new_state_ranking
except EnvironmentError:
print("TODO file not available. Exiting.")
return {state: values for state, values in sorted(state_ranking.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].ranking)}
def parseStateValuations(filename):
all_states = dict()
maxStateId = -1
for i in [0,1,2]:
dummy_values = [i] * 7
all_states[i] = State(*dummy_values)
with open(filename) as stateValuations:
for line in stateValuations:
values = re.findall(r"(-?\d+\.?\d*),?", line)
values = [int(values[0])] + [float(v) for v in values[1:]]
all_states[values[0]] = State(*values)
if values[0] > maxStateId: maxStateId = values[0]
dummy_values = [maxStateId + 1] * 7
all_states[maxStateId + 1] = State(*dummy_values)
return all_states
def parseResults(allStates):
state_to_values = dict()
with open("prob_results_maximize") as maximizer, open("prob_results_minimize") as minimizer:
for max_line, min_line in zip(maximizer, minimizer):
max_values = re.findall(r"(-?\d+\.?\d*),?", max_line)
min_values = re.findall(r"(-?\d+\.?\d*),?", min_line)
if max_values[0] != min_values[0]:
print("min/max files do not match.")
stateId = int(max_values[0])
min_result = float(min_values[1])
max_result = float(max_values[1])
value = (min_result, max_result, max_result - min_result)
state_to_values[stateId] = value
return state_to_values
def removeActionFromTransitionFile(stateId, chosenActionIndex, filename, iteration):
stateIdRegex = re.compile(f"^{stateId}\s")
for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace = True):
if not stateIdRegex.match(line):
print(line, end="")
explode = line.split(" ")
if int(explode[1]) == chosenActionIndex:
print(line, end="")
def removeActionsFromTransitionFile(stateActionPairsToTrim, filename, iteration):
stateIdsRegex = re.compile("|".join([f"^{stateId}\s" for stateId, actionIndex in stateActionPairsToTrim.items()]))
for line in fileinput.input(filename, inplace = True):
result = stateIdsRegex.match(line)
if not result:
print(line, end="")
actionIndex = stateActionPairsToTrim[int(result[0])]
explode = line.split(" ")
if int(explode[1]) == actionIndex:
print(line, end="")
def getTopNStates(rankedStates, n, threshold):
if n != 0:
return dict(list(rankedStates.items())[-n:])
return {state:value for state,value in rankedStates.items() if value.ranking >= threshold}
def getNRandomStates(rankedStates, n, testedStates):
stateIds = [ for state in rankedStates.keys()]
notYetTestedStates = np.array([stateId for stateId in stateIds if stateId not in testedStates])
if len(notYetTestedStates) >= n:
return notYetTestedStates[np.random.choice(len(notYetTestedStates), size=n, replace=False)]
return notYetTestedStates
def main(traFile, labFile, straFile, horizonBound, refinementSteps, refinementBound, ablationTesting, plotting=False, stepwisePlotting=False):
all_states = parseStateValuations("MDP_state_valuations")
deadlockStates, reachedStates, maxStateId = readLabels(labFile)
stateToActions, allStateActionPairs = translateTransitions(traFile, deadlockStates, reachedStates, maxStateId)
strategy = parseStrategy(straFile, stateToActions)
if plotting: plotter = VisVisPlotter(all_states, reachedStates, deadlockStates, stepwisePlotting)
if plotting: plotter.plotScenario()
copyFile("MDP_" + traFile, "MDP_" + os.path.splitext(getBasename(traFile))[0] + f"_000.tra")
iteration = 0
#testsPerIteration = refinementSteps
#refinementThreshold =
numTestedStates = 0
totalIterations = 60
testedStates = list()
while iteration < totalIterations:
print(f"{iteration:03}", end="\t")
currentTraFile = traFileWithIteration("MDP_" + traFile, iteration)
nextTraFile = traFileWithIteration("MDP_" + traFile, iteration+1)
testResult = callTempest(f"{currentTraFile} MDP_{labFile}", "saferew", horizonBound)
state_ranking = parseRanking("action_ranking", all_states)
copyFile("action_ranking", f"action_ranking_{iteration:03}")
copyFile("prob_results_maximize", f"prob_results_maximize_{iteration:03}")
copyFile("prob_results_minimize", f"prob_results_minimize_{iteration:03}")
if not ablationTesting:
importantStates = getTopNStates(state_ranking, refinementSteps, refinementBound)
statesToTest = [ for state in importantStates.keys()]
statesToPlot = importantStates
statesToTest = list(getNRandomStates(state_ranking, refinementSteps, testedStates))
testedStates += statesToTest
statesToPlot = {all_states[stateId]:StateValue(0,{}) for stateId in statesToTest}
copyFile(currentTraFile, nextTraFile)
stateActionPairsToTrim = dict()
for testState in statesToTest:
chosenActionIndex = queryStrategy(strategy, testState)
if chosenActionIndex != -1:
stateActionPairsToTrim[testState] = chosenActionIndex
stateEstimates = parseResults(all_states)
results = [0,0,0]
failureStates = list()
validatedStates = list()
for state, estimates in stateEstimates.items():
if state in deadlockStates or state in reachedStates:
if estimates[0] > 0.05:
results[1] += 1
#print(f"{state}: {estimates}")
elif estimates[1] <= 0.05:
results[0] += 1
results[2] += 1
removeActionsFromTransitionFile(stateActionPairsToTrim, nextTraFile, iteration)
print(f"{numTestedStates}\t{testResult.csv(' ')}\t{results[0]}\t{results[1]}\t{results[2]}\t{sum(results)}")
if results[2] == 0:
numTestedStates += len(statesToTest)
iteration += 1
if plotting: plotter.plotStates(failureStates, coloring=(0.8,0.0,0.0,0.6), removeMeshes=True)
if plotting: plotter.plotStates(validatedStates, coloring=(0.0,0.8,0.0,0.6))
if plotting: plotter.takeScreenshot(iteration, prefix="stepwise_0.05")
def randomTesting(traFile, labFile, straFile, bound, maxQueries, plotting=False):
all_states = parseStateValuations("MDP_state_valuations")
deadlockStates, reachedStates, maxStateId = readLabels(labFile)
stateToActions, allStateActionPairs = translateTransitions(traFile, deadlockStates, reachedStates, maxStateId)
strategy = parseStrategy(straFile, stateToActions)
if plotting: plotter = VisVisPlotter(all_states, reachedStates, deadlockStates, stepwisePlotting)
if plotting: plotter.plotScenario()
passingStates = list()
randomTestingSimulator = Simulator(allStateActionPairs, strategy, deadlockStates, reachedStates, bound)
i = 0
print("Starting with random testing.")
numQueries = 0
failureStates = list()
while numQueries <= maxQueries:
if i >= 500:
if plotting: plotter.plotStates(failureStates, coloring=(0.8,0.0,0.0,0.6))
if plotting: plotter.takeScreenshot(iteration, prefix="random_testing")
if plotting: plotter.turnCamera()
if plotting: input("")
print(f"{numQueries} {len(failureStates)} ")
i = 0
testCase, testResult, queriesForThisTestCase = randomTestingSimulator.runTest()
i += queriesForThisTestCase
numQueries += queriesForThisTestCase
stateValuation = all_states[testCase]
if testResult == Verdict.FAIL:
print(f"{numQueries} {len(failureStates)} ")
def parseArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--tra', type=str, required=True, help='Path to .tra file.')
parser.add_argument('--lab', type=str, required=True, help='Path to .lab file.')
parser.add_argument('--rew', type=str, required=True, help='Path to .rew file.')
parser.add_argument('--stra', type=str, required=True, help='Path to strategy file.')
refinement = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
refinement.add_argument('--refinement-steps', type=int, default=0, help='Amount of refinement steps per iteration, mutually exclusive with refinement-bound.')
refinement.add_argument('--refinement-bound', type=float, default=0, help='Threshold value for states to be tested, mutually exclusive with refinement-steps.')
parser.add_argument('--bound', type=int, required=False, default=3, help='(optional) Safety Horizon Bound, defaults to 3.')
parser.add_argument('--threshold', type=float, required=False, default=0.05, help='(optional) Safety Threshold, defaults to 0.05.')
random_testing = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
random_testing.add_argument('-a', '--ablation', action='store_true', help="(optional) Run ablation testing for the importance ranking, i.e. model-based random testing.")
random_testing.add_argument('-r', '--random', type=int, default=0, help='(optional) The amount of queries allowed for random testing.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--plotting', action='store_true', help='(optional) Enable plotting.')
parser.add_argument('--stepwise', action='store_true', help='(optional) Remove states before plotting the next iteration.')
return parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parseArgs()
traFile = args.tra
labFile = args.lab
straFile = args.stra
rewFile = args.rew
ablationTesting = args.ablation
plotting = args.plotting
stepwisePlotting = args.stepwise
maxQueriesForRandomTesting = args.random
horizonBound = args.bound
refinementSteps = args.refinement_steps
refinementBound = args.refinement_bound
if maxQueriesForRandomTesting == 0: #akward way to test for this...
main(traFile, labFile, straFile, horizonBound, refinementSteps, refinementBound, ablationTesting, plotting, stepwisePlotting)
randomTesting(traFile, labFile, straFile, horizonBound, maxQueriesForRandomTesting, plotting)