You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

16 lines
615 B

\item \self In the following list, tick
all items that conform to the Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF).
\item[$\square$] $(a \wedge b \wedge \neg c) \vee (\neg b
\wedge \neg c) \vee (e \wedge \neg f)$
\item[$\square$] $(a \vee b \vee \neg c) \wedge (\neg b
\vee \neg c) \wedge (e \vee \neg f)$
\item[$\square$] $\neg b$
\item[$\square$] $a \wedge \neg b$
\item[$\square$] $a \vee \neg b$
\item[$\square$] $a \vee (\neg b \wedge c)$
\item[$\square$] $(a \vee \neg b) \wedge c$
\item[$\square$] $\neg(p \vee q)$
\item[$\square$] $x \vee \neg y \vee z$