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107 lines
3.8 KiB

\dpllAssi{ - |$a$|$a, c$|$a, c, b$|\makecell{$a, c, b, $ \\ $\lnot e$}}
\dpllClause{1}{$\lnot b, \lnot e$}{$\lnot b, \lnot e$|$\lnot b, \lnot e$|$\lnot b, \lnot e$|$\lnot e$|\done}
\dpllClause{2}{$a, d, e$}{$a, d, e$|\done|\done|\done|\done}
\dpllClause{3}{$b, \lnot c$}{$b, \lnot c$|$b, \lnot c$|$b$|\done|\done}
\dpllClause{4}{$c, \lnot d, e$}{$c, \lnot d, e$|$c, \lnot d, e$|\done|\done|\done}
\dpllClause{5}{$\lnot c, e$}{$\lnot c, e$|$\lnot c, e$|$e$|$e$|\conflict}
\dpllClause{6}{$\lnot a, c$}{$\lnot a, c$|$c$|\done|\done|\done}
\dpllClause{7}{$a, b, \lnot e$}{$a, b, \lnot e$|\done|\done|\done|\done}
\dpllClause{8}{$a, b$}{$a, b$|\done|\done|\done|\done}
\dpllBCP{$a$|$c$|$b$|$\lnot e$| - }
\dpllPL{ - | - | - | - | - }
\dpllDeci{ - | - | - | - |UNSAT}
Conflict in step 16\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,line join=bevel,]
% Edge: 0 -> 6
\draw [->] (1.0536bp,30.0bp) .. controls (2.5071bp,30.0bp) and (33.188bp,30.0bp) .. (64.696bp,30.0bp);
\draw (33.0bp,37.5bp) node {$$9$$};
% Edge: 2 -> 1
\draw [->] (344.16bp,45.662bp) .. controls (352.01bp,41.945bp) and (363.56bp,36.472bp) .. (382.68bp,27.417bp);
% Edge: 3 -> 2
\draw [->] (259.3bp,50.0bp) .. controls (272.47bp,50.0bp) and (295.58bp,50.0bp) .. (322.88bp,50.0bp);
\draw (291.0bp,57.5bp) node {$$1$$};
% Edge: 4 -> 1
\draw [->] (301.95bp,12.194bp) .. controls (318.12bp,14.134bp) and (350.4bp,18.008bp) .. (381.79bp,21.775bp);
% Edge: 5 -> 3
\draw [->] (172.97bp,32.373bp) .. controls (186.23bp,35.53bp) and (209.98bp,41.186bp) .. (237.05bp,47.63bp);
\draw (205.0bp,49.5bp) node {$$3$$};
% Edge: 5 -> 4
\draw [->] (172.07bp,25.196bp) .. controls (177.42bp,22.594bp) and (184.42bp,19.594bp) .. (191.0bp,18.0bp) .. controls (217.72bp,11.525bp) and (249.6bp,10.402bp) .. (280.0bp,10.619bp);
\draw (205.0bp,25.5bp) node {$$5$$};
% Edge: 6 -> 5
\draw [->] (87.3bp,30.0bp) .. controls (100.47bp,30.0bp) and (123.58bp,30.0bp) .. (150.88bp,30.0bp);
\draw (119.0bp,37.5bp) node {$$6$$};
% Node: 6
\draw (76.0bp,30.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (76.0bp,30.0bp) node {$a$};
% Node: 1
\draw (393.0bp,23.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (393.0bp,23.0bp) node {$\bot$};
% Node: 2
\draw (334.0bp,50.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (334.0bp,50.0bp) node {$\lnot e$};
% Node: 3
\draw (248.0bp,50.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (248.0bp,50.0bp) node {$b$};
% Node: 4
\draw (291.0bp,11.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (291.0bp,11.0bp) node {$e$};
% Node: 5
\draw (162.0bp,30.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
\draw (162.0bp,30.0bp) node {$c$};
\AxiomC{$1. \; \lnot b \lor \lnot e$}
\AxiomC{$3. \; b \lor \lnot c$}
\BinaryInfC{$\lnot e \lor \lnot c$}
\AxiomC{$5. \; \lnot c \lor e$}
\BinaryInfC{$\lnot c$}
\AxiomC{$6. \; \lnot a \lor c$}
\BinaryInfC{$\lnot a$}
\AxiomC{$9. \; a$}