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\node[base node] (a) {$a$};
\node[base node] (b) [above right of=a] {$b$};
\node[base node] (c) [below right of=b] {$c$};
\node[base node] (d) [below of=c] {$d$};
\node[base node] (e) [below left of=d] {$e$};
\node[base node] (f) [left of=e] {$f$};
\node[base node] (g) [above left of=f] {$g$};
(a) edge [] node {} (b)
(b) edge [] node {} (c)
(c) edge [] node {} (d)
(d) edge [] node {} (e)
(e) edge [] node {} (a)
(f) edge [] node {} (e)
(g) edge [] node {} (f);
\varphi_{TC} =~\egraphFuncConstraint{a}{b}{e}~\land\\[0.75ex]
\hat\varphi_{E} \coloneqq
\lnot e_{a=b} \land e_{b=c} \lor e_{c=d} \imp \lnot (\lnot e_{d=e} \lor e_{e=f}) \land \lnot(e_{f=g} \land \lnot e_{a=e})
\varphi_{prop} \coloneqq \varphi_{TC} \land \hat\varphi_{E}