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\item \self
Consider a robot moving in this small transition system. The robot has to fulfill tasks in the state $00$ and $10$. \\
Let the state labelling be as follows: $(x_1 x_0)$.
%\tikzset{every loop/.style={min distance=10mm,in=0,out=60,looseness=10}}
\node[base node] (00) {$00$};
\node[base node] (01) [right of=00] {$01$};
\node[base node] (10) [below of=01] {$10$};
\node[base node] (11) [below of=00] {$11$};
\path[->] (00) edge [loop above] node {} ();
\path[->] (10) edge [loop right] node {} ();
\path[->] (11) edge [loop below] node {} ();
(00) edge [bend left] node {} (01)
(01) edge [bend left] node {} (00)
(01) edge [bend left] node {} (10)
(10) edge [bend left] node {} (01)
(00) edge [] node {} (11)
(10) edge [] node {} (11);
Formulate the following using \emph{Linear Temporal Logic}:
\item The robot will infinitely often see state $00$ and $10$.
\item The robot will never visit state $11$.
\item After visiting either state $00$ or $10$ the robot will visit state $01$ within the next three time steps.