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Variables in $\mathcal{T}_{LIA}$ are of integer sort ($\mathbb{Z}$).
The functions of $\mathcal{T}_{LIA}$ are $+$ and $-$ and the predicates are
$=, \neq, <, >, \leq,$ and $\geq$. The axioms withing $\mathcal{T}_{LIA}$
define the meaning for these functions and predicates.
Therefore, for the theory of Linear Integer Arithmetic $\mathcal{T}_{LIA}$ we have:
\item $\Sigma = \Z \union \{+,-\} \union \{=, \neq, <, \leq,>,\geq\} $
\item $\mathcal{A}$ defines the usual meaning to all symbols:
\item Constant symbols are mapped to the corresponding value in $\Z$.
\item $+$ is interpreted as the function $0+0 \rightarrow 0, 0+1 \rightarrow 1, \ldots$. $-$ follows it analogous interpretation.
\item The predicate symbols are interpreted as their respective comparison operator.