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$f_{p}$ \= $= r \lor(s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r) \lor (\lnot r \land q)$ \\
\>$f_{pq}$ \= $= r\lor (s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r)\lor \lnot r = \true $\\
\>$f_{p\lnot q}$ \= $= r\lor (s \land \lnot r)\lor (\lnot s \land r) $\\
\>\>$f_{p\lnot qr}$ \= $= \true $\\
\>\>$f_{p\lnot q\lnot r}$ \= $= s $\\
\>\>\>$f_{p\lnot q\lnot rs}$ \= $= \true $\\
\>\>\>$f_{p\lnot q\lnot r\lnot s}$ \= $= \false $\\
$f_{\lnot p}$ \= $= \lnot r \lor (s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r) \lor (\lnot r \land q)$ \\
\>$f_{\lnot pq}$ \= $= \lnot r \lor (s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r) \lor \lnot r = \lnot r \lor (s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r) $ \\
\>\>$f_{\lnot pqr}$ \= $= \lnot s = \lnot f_{p\lnot q\lnot r} $\\
\>\>$f_{\lnot pq\lnot r}$ \= $= \true $\\
\>$f_{\lnot p\lnot q}$ \= $= \lnot r \lor (s \land \lnot r) \lor (\lnot s \land r) = f_{\lnot p\lnot q}$ \\
\node[func node] (f) {$f$};
\node[cofactor] (p1) [below of=f] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (q1) [below left of=p1] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (q2) [below right of=p1,yshift=1em,xshift=2em] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (r1) [below of=q2] {$r$};
\node[cofactor] (r2) [below right of=q1] {$r$};
\node[phantom] (q1L) [below left of=q1] {};
\node[phantom] (r1R) [below right of=r1] {};
\node[cofactor] (s1) [below right of=r2] {$s$};
\node[phantom] (r2L) [below left of=r2] {};
\node[phantom] (s2L) [below left of=s1] {};
\node[phantom] (s2R) [below right of=s1] {};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (f!p)[above of=q2] {$f_{\lnot p}$};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (fp!q!r) [above of=s1,xshift=-1.5em,yshift=1em] {$f_{p\lnot q \lnot r}$};
\thenEdge[bend right]{q2}{r1}
\elseEdge[bend left]{q2}{r1}
\node[func node] (f) {$f$};
\node[cofactor] (p1) [below of=f] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (q1) [below left of=p1] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (r1) [below of=q2] {$r$};
\node[cofactor] (r2) [below right of=q1] {$r$};
\node[phantom] (q1L) [below left of=q1] {};
\node[phantom] (r1R) [below right of=r1] {};
\node[cofactor] (s1) [below right of=r2] {$s$};
\node[phantom] (r2L) [below left of=r2] {};
\node[phantom] (s2L) [below left of=s1] {};
\node[phantom] (s2R) [below right of=s1] {};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (fp!q!r) [above of=s1,xshift=-1.5em,yshift=1em] {$f_{p\lnot q \lnot r}$};
\elseEdge[bend left]{p1}{r1}
\node[func node] (f) {$f$};
\node[cofactor] (p1) [below of=f] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (q1) [below left of=p1] {$q$};
\node[cofactor] (r1) [below of=q2] {$r$};
\node[cofactor] (r2) [below right of=q1] {$r$};
\node[phantom] (q1L) [below left of=q1] {};
\node[phantom] (r1R) [below right of=r1] {};
\node[cofactor] (s1) [below right of=r2] {$s$};
\node[phantom] (r2L) [below left of=r2] {};
\node[phantom] (s2L) [below left of=s1] {};
\node[phantom] (s2R) [below right of=s1] {};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (fp) [above of=q1] {$f_{p}$};
\node[func node] (fp!q!r) [above of=s1,xshift=-1.5em,yshift=1em] {$f_{p\lnot q \lnot r}$};
\negatedEdge[bend left]{p1}{r1}