The main idea of eager encoding is that the input formula is translated into a propositional formula with all relevant theory-specific information encoded into the formula. \begin{enumerate}[label=(\Roman*)] \item Replace any unique $\Theory$-atom in the original formula $\varphi$ with a fresh propositional variable to get a propositional formula $\hat{\varphi}$. \label{item:varphi_prop} \item Generate a propositional formula $\varphi_{cons}$ that constrains the values of the introduced propositional variables to preserve the information of the theory. \label{item:varphi_cons} \item Invoke a SAT solver on the propositional formula $\varphi_{prop} \coloneqq \hat{\varphi} \land \varphi_{cons}$ that corresponds to an equisatisfiable propositional formula to $\varphi$. \end{enumerate}