\item \lect Complete the following snippet of the python script with the necessary constraint statements. The script reads a file that represents a \texttt{size\_x} $\times$ \texttt{size\_y} grid, which includes walkable cells denoted by '$\_$'. Write constraints for the variables \texttt{coords\_x} and \texttt{coords\_y} such that the variables can only take values that are within the boundaries of the grid and can only represent walkable cells. \begin{pythonSourceCode} from z3 import * ... # size_x and size_y denote the size of the grid size_y = len(grid) size_x = len(grid[0]) coords_x = Int("coords_x") coords_y = Int("coords_y") # Enforce that the position is in the grid, use size_x and size_y # Enforce that the coordinates can only be a valid cell for i in range(size_y): for j in range(size_x): if grid[i][j] != "_": # # # \end{pythonSourceCode}