From a given formula $\varphi \lor \psi$, we want to proof some other formula $\chi$. We only know that $\varphi$ \emph{or} $\psi$ holds. It could be that both of them are true, but it could also be that only $\psi$ is true, or only $\varphi$ is true. Sine we don't know which sub-formula is true, we have to give two separate proofs: \begin{itemize} \item First box: We assume $\varphi$ is true and need to find a proof for $\chi$. \item Second box: We assume $\psi$ is true and need to find a proof for $\chi$. \end{itemize} Only if we can prove $\chi$ in the first and in the second box, then we can conclude that $\chi$ holds also outside of the box. The $\ore$ rules says that we can only derive $\chi$ from $ \varphi \lor \psi$ if we can derive $\chi$ from the assumption $ \varphi$ as well as from the assumption $\psi$. Formally the rule is written as: \begin{center} \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{\begin{tabular}{l} \vspace*{0.95ex}\\ \vspace*{0.95ex}\\ $ \varphi \lor \psi $\\ \end{tabular}} \AxiomC{\begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline $ \varphi $ ass.\\ \hspace*{0.2em}$ \vdots $\\ $ \chi $\\ \hline \end{tabular}} \AxiomC{\begin{tabular}{|l|} \hline $ \psi $ ass.\\ \hspace*{0.2em}$ \vdots $\\ $ \chi $\\ \hline \end{tabular}} \RightLabel{$ \ore$} \TrinaryInfC{$ \chi $} \end{prooftree} \end{center}