\hspace{-0.09cm}\scalebox{0.85}{ \begin{dplltabular}{6} \dpllStep{1|2|3|4|5|6} \dpllDecL{0|0|0|1|1|1} \dpllAssi{ - |$a$|$a, b$|$a, b, \lnot c$|\makecell{$a, b, \lnot c, $ \\ $\lnot d$}|\makecell{$a, b, \lnot c, $ \\ $\lnot d, \lnot e$}} \dpllClause{1}{$\lnot c, \lnot d$}{$\lnot c, \lnot d$|$\lnot c, \lnot d$|$\lnot c, \lnot d$|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{2}{$c, e$}{$c, e$|$c, e$|$c, e$|$e$|$e$|\conflict} \dpllClause{3}{$\lnot d, c$}{$\lnot d, c$|$\lnot d, c$|$\lnot d, c$|$\lnot d$|\done|\done} \dpllClause{4}{$d, \lnot e$}{$d, \lnot e$|$d, \lnot e$|$d, \lnot e$|$d, \lnot e$|$\lnot e$|\done} \dpllClause{5}{$b, \lnot d$}{$b, \lnot d$|$b, \lnot d$|\done|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{6}{$\lnot d, \lnot e$}{$\lnot d, \lnot e$|$\lnot d, \lnot e$|$\lnot d, \lnot e$|$\lnot d, \lnot e$|\done|\done} \dpllClause{7}{$a, c$}{$a, c$|\done|\done|\done|\done|\done} \dpllBCP{ - | - | - |$\lnot d$|$\lnot e$| - } \dpllPL{$a$|$b$| - | - | - | - } \dpllDeci{ - | - |$\lnot c$| - | - | - } \end{dplltabular} } Conflict in step 6\\ \scalebox{0.75}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,line join=bevel,] \pgfsetlinewidth{1bp} %% \pgfsetcolor{black} % Edge: 1 -> 3 \draw [->] (21.965bp,32.491bp) .. controls (42.831bp,35.613bp) and (91.46bp,42.888bp) .. (129.08bp,48.516bp); \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (54.0bp,46.5bp) node {$$2$$}; % Edge: 1 -> 4 \draw [->] (20.22bp,24.026bp) .. controls (25.504bp,19.994bp) and (32.72bp,15.28bp) .. (40.0bp,13.0bp) .. controls (51.438bp,9.4177bp) and (64.837bp,8.8202bp) .. (85.817bp,9.7781bp); \draw (54.0bp,20.5bp) node {$$3$$}; % Edge: 3 -> 2 \draw [->] (150.95bp,48.009bp) .. controls (167.28bp,44.745bp) and (200.03bp,38.194bp) .. (231.09bp,31.983bp); % Edge: 4 -> 5 \draw [->] (108.3bp,11.0bp) .. controls (121.47bp,11.0bp) and (144.58bp,11.0bp) .. (171.88bp,11.0bp); \draw (140.0bp,18.5bp) node {$$4$$}; % Edge: 5 -> 2 \draw [->] (193.67bp,14.223bp) .. controls (201.24bp,16.746bp) and (212.02bp,20.339bp) .. (231.09bp,26.697bp); % Node: 1 \begin{scope} \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (11.0bp,31.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp); \draw (11.0bp,31.0bp) node {$\lnot c$}; \end{scope} % Node: 3 \begin{scope} \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (140.0bp,50.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp); \draw (140.0bp,50.0bp) node {$e$}; \end{scope} % Node: 4 \begin{scope} \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (97.0bp,11.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp); \draw (97.0bp,11.0bp) node {$\lnot d$}; \end{scope} % Node: 2 \begin{scope} \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (242.0bp,30.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp); \draw (242.0bp,30.0bp) node {$\bot$}; \end{scope} % Node: 5 \begin{scope} \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0}; \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol} \draw (183.0bp,11.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp); \draw (183.0bp,11.0bp) node {$\lnot e$}; \end{scope} % \end{tikzpicture} } \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$4. \; d \lor \lnot e$} \AxiomC{$2. \; c \lor e$} \BinaryInfC{$d \lor c$} \AxiomC{$3. \; \lnot d \lor c$} \BinaryInfC{$c$} \end{prooftree} \hspace{-0.09cm}\scalebox{0.85}{ \begin{dplltabular}{4} \dpllStep{7|8|9|10} \dpllDecL{0|0|0|0} \dpllAssi{$a, b$|$a, b, c$|\makecell{$a, b, c, $ \\ $\lnot d$}|\makecell{$a, b, c, $ \\ $\lnot d, \lnot e$}} \dpllClause{1}{$\lnot c, \lnot d$}{$\lnot c, \lnot d$|$\lnot d$|\done|\done} \dpllClause{2}{$c, e$}{$c, e$|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{3}{$\lnot d, c$}{$\lnot d, c$|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{4}{$d, \lnot e$}{$d, \lnot e$|$d, \lnot e$|$\lnot e$|\done} \dpllClause{5}{$b, \lnot d$}{\done|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{6}{$\lnot d, \lnot e$}{$\lnot d, \lnot e$|$\lnot d, \lnot e$|\done|\done} \dpllClause{7}{$a, c$}{\done|\done|\done|\done} \dpllClause{8}{$c$}{$c$|\done|\done|\done} \dpllBCP{$c$|$\lnot d$|$\lnot e$| - } \dpllPL{ - | - | - | - } \dpllDeci{ - | - | - |SAT} \end{dplltabular} }