\begin{enumerate} \item $x \land y \land z$ \\ $x \ldots $ the construction side takes a long time \\ $y \ldots $ the construction side is noisy \\ $z \ldots $ the construction side blocks the sun \\ \item $\lnot a \imp \forall x \exists y \big(K(x) \land P(x,y) \imp V(y) \land \lnot W(y)\big)$ \\ $a \ldots $ there is school \\ $K(x) \ldots x$ is a kid \\ $P(x,y) \ldots y$ is parent of $x$\\ $V(x) \ldots x $ takes vacation \\ $W(x) \ldots x $ goes to work \\ $\mathcal{A} = \text{$people$}$ \\ \item $\forall x \big(S(x) \imp E(x) \big)$ \\ $S(x) \ldots x$ is a student \\ $E(x) \ldots x$ takes the exam \\ $\mathcal{A} = \text{People}$ \end{enumerate}