\begin{minipage}{.65\textwidth} \begin{enumerate} \item Use the BDD shown in the figure on the right to check if the formula it represents evaluates to \texttt{true} or \texttt{false} with the following variable assignments. \begin{enumerate} \item $\mathcal{M}_1: ~ p = \top, r = \bot, q = \top, s=\bot$ \item $\mathcal{M}_2: ~ p = \bot, r = \bot, q = \bot, s=\top$ \end{enumerate} \item Find the formula $f$ that is represented by the BDD. \end{enumerate} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{.3\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{forest} for tree={circle, draw, no edge, minimum size=2em, inner sep=0pt, s sep=6mm, l sep=6mm} [$f$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (p.north);} [$p$, name=p, tikz={\draw [line] () to (r1.north); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (r2.north);} [$r$, name=r1, tikz={\draw [line] () to (254:3.8); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (q1.north west);}] [$r$, name=r2, tikz={\draw [line] () to (q1.north east); \draw [dot=.5] () to (q2.north west);} [$q$, name=q1, tikz={\draw [line] () to (s.north); \draw[fulldot=.5] () to (277:5);} [$s$, name=s, tikz={\draw [line] () to (260:6.3); \draw[fulldot=.5] () to (268:6.2);}] [,phantom] ] [$q$, name=q2, tikz={\draw [line] () to (280:5.03); \draw[fulldot=.5] () to (290:5.23);}] ] ] ] \end{forest} \end{center} \end{minipage}