\item Use the DPLL algorithm with conflict-driven clause learning to determine whether or not the set of clauses given is satisfiable. Decide variables in alphabetical order starting with the \textit{negative} phase. For conflicts, draw conflict graphs after the end of the table, and add the learned clause to the table.\\ If the set of clauses resulted in \texttt{SAT}, give a satisfying model. If the set of clauses resulted in \texttt{UNSAT}, give a resolution proof that shows that the conjunction of the clauses from the table is unsatisfiable. \begin{dpllCNFInput} \item $\{b, d\}$ \item $\{\lnot d, e\}$ \item $\{a, d\}$ \item $\{\lnot b, c\}$ \item $\{\lnot c, d\}$ \item $\{\lnot c, e\}$ \item $\{\lnot d, \lnot e\}$ \end{dpllCNFInput}