#!/bin/bash . util/util.sh TOGGLEFILE=util/toggle.tex CHAPTERFILE=util/chapter.tex ALLCHAPTERFILE=util/allchapter.tex FILENAMEPREFIX=questionnaire SINK=/dev/null VALID_ARGS="abdh" BURST=0 DEBUG=0 ANNOTATE=0 printUsage() { printf "A shell wrapper for this questionnaire using latexmk.\n" printf "Currently this wrapper supports compiling of the whole script and a burst mode,\nas well as three different s: 'blank', solution, spacing and all which will compile all three in one run.\n\n" printf "Usage: ./compile \n" printf "Flags:\n" printf " -b Compile in burst mode, i.e. each chapter into a individual file.\n" printf " -d Print LuaLaTeX output to terminal.\n" printf " -a Annotate all questions and solutions with their base filename.\n" printf " -h Print this help message and exit.\n" } while getopts $VALID_ARGS op do case ${op} in b) BURST=1 ;; d) DEBUG=1 ;; a) ANNOTATE=1 ;; h) printUsage info "Exiting..." exit ;; esac done set_chapter() { printf "$1\n" > $CHAPTERFILE } do_annotate() { echo "\\annotatetrue" >> $TOGGLEFILE } rename() { filename="$FILENAMEPREFIX" while [ $# -gt 0 ] do filename="${filename}_$1" shift done cp main.pdf $filename.pdf } compile_file() { local mode=$1 local chapter=$2 if [ $mode = "solution" ] then echo "\solutiontrue" > $TOGGLEFILE [ $ANNOTATE -eq 1 ] && do_annotate [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && info "Compiling questionnaire with solutions." || info "Compiling chapter $chapter with solutions." [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && make pdf || make pdf >> $SINK 2>&1 rename "with_solutions" $chapter elif [ $mode = "spacing" ] then echo "\spacingtrue" > $TOGGLEFILE [ $ANNOTATE -eq 1 ] && do_annotate [ "$#" -eq 1 ] && info "Compiling questionnaire with space for your solutions." || info "Compiling chapter $chapter with space for your solutions." [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && make pdf || make pdf >> $SINK 2>&1 rename "with_spacing" $chapter fi } compile_simple_file() { [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && info "Compiling whole questionnaire." || info "Compiling chapter $1 from the questionnaire." echo "" > $TOGGLEFILE [ $ANNOTATE -eq 1 ] && do_annotate [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ] && make all || make all >> $SINK 2>&1 rename $1 } compile_wrapper() { [ $BURST -eq 1 ] && local chapter=$1 && shift option_processed=0 for arg in "$@" do [ $arg = "solution" ] && compile_file solution $chapter && option_processed=1 [ $arg = "spacing" ] && compile_file spacing $chapter && option_processed=1 [ $arg = "normal" ] && compile_simple_file $chapter && option_processed=1 [ $arg = "all" ] && compile_simple_file $chapter && compile_file spacing $chapter && compile_file solution $chapter && option_processed=1 done [ $option_processed -eq 0 ] && compile_simple_file $chapter } compile_chapter() { #for chapter in smtzthree proplogic satsolver ndpred predlogic ndpred smt bdd eqchecking symbenc temporal for chapter in bdd temporal do set_chapter "\\chapter${chapter}true" compile_wrapper "$chapter" "$@" done } compile_complete() { cp $ALLCHAPTERFILE $CHAPTERFILE compile_wrapper "$@" } main() { if [ $BURST -eq 1 ] then rm -f main.pdf compile_chapter "$@" else compile_complete "$@" fi } main "$@" ls -altr *pdf