\item \self Look a the following statements and tick all formulas that conform to a \textit{DNF} and all sentences, that describe a \textit{DNF} correctly. \begin{itemize} \item[$\square$] $a \lor b$ \item[$\square$] A DNF is a conjunction of clauses. \item[$\square$] $(a \lor b) \land (\lnot b \lor \lnot a \lor c) \land \lnot c$ \item[$\square$] $(a \land b) \lor (\lnot b \land \lnot a \land c) \lor \lnot c$ \item[$\square$] A DNF is a conjunction of disjunctions of literals. \item[$\square$] $b$ \item[$\square$] $a \land b \land \lnot c$ \item[$\square$] $(\lnot a \land b) \land (\lnot a \land c)$ \item[$\square$] A DNF is a disjunction of cubes. \item[$\square$] $\lnot (a \land \lnot b) \land c$ \item[$\square$] A DNF is a disjunction of conjunctions of literals. \item[$\square$] $a \land \lnot b$ \end{itemize}