\item \ifassignmentsheet \points{4} \fi Consider the following natural deduction proof for the sequent $$\forall x \; (P(x)\imp Q(x)), \quad \exists x \; P(x) \quad \ent \quad \forall x Q(x).$$ Is the proof correct? If not, explain the error in the proof and either show how to correctly prove the sequent, or give a counterexample that proves the sequent invalid. \setlength\subproofhorizspace{1.1em} \begin{logicproof}{2} \forall x \; (P(x)\imp Q(x)) & prem.\\ \exists x \; P(x) & prem.\\ \begin{subproof} \llap{$x_0\enspace \;$} &\\ \begin{subproof} P(x_0) & ass.\\ P(x_0) \imp Q(x_0) & $\forall \mathrm{e}$ 1\\ Q(x_0) & $\imp \mathrm{e}$, 4,5 \end{subproof} \forall x \; Q(x) & $\forall \mathrm{i}$ 4-6 \end{subproof} \forall x \; Q(x) & $\exists \mathrm{e}$ 2,3-7 \end{logicproof}