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8 months ago
  1. \item \self Consider the following conflict graph with the following set of clauses:
  2. \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=1.5cm,
  3. thick,base node/.style={circle,draw,minimum size=20pt}, real node/.style={double,circle,draw,minimum size=20pt}]
  4. \node[base node] (1) {$\lnot a$};
  5. \node[base node] (2) [right of=1]{$\lnot b$};
  6. \node[base node] (4) [right of=2] {$\lnot c$};
  7. \node[base node] (5) [right of=4] {$\lnot e$};
  8. \node[base node] (6) [above right of=5] {$d$};
  9. \node[base node] (3) [below right of=5] {$\lnot d$};
  10. \node[base node] (7) [below right of=6] {$\bot$};
  11. \path[]
  12. (1) edge [] node {$3$} (2)
  13. edge [bend right] node {$4$} (3)
  14. (2) edge [] node {$5$} (4)
  15. edge [bend left=35] node {$1$} (6)
  16. (4) edge [] node {$2$} (5)
  17. edge [bend left=20] node {$1$} (6)
  18. (5) edge [] node {$4$} (3)
  19. (3) edge [] node {} (7)
  20. (6) edge [] node {} (7);
  21. \end{tikzpicture}
  22. \begin{dpllCNFInput}
  23. \item $\{b, c, d\}$
  24. \item $\{c, \lnot e\}$
  25. \item $\{a, \lnot b\}$
  26. \item $\{a, \lnot d, e\}$
  27. \item $\{b, \lnot c\}$
  28. \end{dpllCNFInput}
  29. State the learned clause by making a resolution proof according to the given conflict graph and given clauses.