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8 months ago
  1. \item Use the BDD shown in the figure on the right to check if the formula it represents evaluates to \texttt{true} or \texttt{false} with the
  2. following variable assignments.
  3. \begin{minipage}{.65\textwidth}
  4. \begin{enumerate}
  5. \begin{enumerate}
  6. \item $\mathcal{M}_1: ~ a = \bot, b = \top, c = \bot, d = \top$
  7. \item $\mathcal{M}_2: ~ a = \top, b = \top, c = \top, d = \top$
  8. \end{enumerate}
  9. \item Find the formula $f$ that is represented by the BDD.
  10. \end{enumerate}
  11. \end{minipage}
  12. \begin{minipage}{.3\textwidth}
  13. \begin{center}
  14. \begin{forest}
  15. for tree={circle, draw, no edge,
  16. minimum size=2em,
  17. inner sep=0pt,
  18. s sep=5mm,
  19. l sep=5mm}
  20. [$f$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (c.north);}
  21. [$c$, name=c, tikz={\draw [line] () to (d1.north); \draw [dot=.5] () to (d2.north);}
  22. [$d$, name=d1, tikz={\draw [line] () to (b1.north); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (261:3.25);}
  23. [$b$, name=b1, tikz={\draw [line] () to (242:5); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (256:4.55);}]
  24. [,phantom]
  25. ]
  26. [$d$, name=d2, tikz={\draw [line] () to (b2.north); \draw [dot=.5] () to (299:3.7);}
  27. [$b$, name=b2, tikz={\draw [line] () to (a.north); \draw [dot=.5] () to (286:4.6);}
  28. [$a$, name=a, tikz={\draw [line] () to (264:5.7); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (276:5.7);}]
  29. [,phantom]
  30. ]
  31. [,phantom]
  32. ]
  33. ]
  34. ]
  35. \end{forest}
  36. \end{center}
  37. \end{minipage}