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8 months ago
  1. \begin{cofactors}
  2. $f$ \= $= ((\lnot a \lor b) \land (a \lor b))$\\
  3. \>$f_{b}$ \= $= \true$\\
  4. \>$f_{\lnot b}$ \= $= \false$\\
  5. \end{cofactors}
  6. The final ROBDD:
  7. \begin{center}
  8. \scalebox{0.75}{
  9. \begin{tikzpicture}[>=latex,line join=bevel,]
  10. \pgfsetlinewidth{1bp}
  11. %%
  12. \pgfsetcolor{black}
  13. % Edge: f_E -> b0
  14. \draw [] (21.5bp,94.988bp) .. controls (21.5bp,84.921bp) and (21.5bp,69.474bp) .. (21.5bp,59.304bp);
  15. % Edge: b0 -> 0
  16. \draw [] (19.503bp,36.791bp) .. controls (16.934bp,23.663bp) and (12.77bp,2.3815bp) .. (12.513bp,1.0642bp);
  17. % Edge: b0 -> 1
  18. \draw [] (23.719bp,36.791bp) .. controls (26.573bp,23.663bp) and (31.2bp,2.3815bp) .. (31.486bp,1.0642bp);
  19. \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0};
  20. \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol}
  21. \draw (27.237bp,20.608bp) node {\Large$\bullet$};
  22. % Node: f_E
  23. \begin{scope}
  24. \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0};
  25. \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol}
  26. \draw (43.0bp,117.0bp) -- (0.0bp,117.0bp) -- (0.0bp,95.0bp) -- (43.0bp,95.0bp) -- cycle;
  27. \draw (21.5bp,106.0bp) node {$f$};
  28. \end{scope}
  29. % Node: b0
  30. \begin{scope}
  31. \definecolor{strokecol}{rgb}{0.0,0.0,0.0};
  32. \pgfsetstrokecolor{strokecol}
  33. \draw (21.5bp,48.0bp) ellipse (11.0bp and 11.0bp);
  34. \draw (21.5bp,48.0bp) node {$b$};
  35. \end{scope}
  36. %
  37. \end{tikzpicture}
  38. }
  39. \end{center}