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5 months ago
  1. The main idea of eager encoding is that the input formula is translated into a
  2. propositional formula with all relevant theory-specific information encoded into
  3. the formula.
  4. Given a formula $\varphi$, algorithms based on eager encoding operate in three steps:
  5. \begin{enumerate}
  6. \item Replace any unique $\mathcal{T}$-atom in the original formula $\varphi$ with
  7. a fresh Boolean variable to get a Boolean formula $\hat{\varphi}$.
  8. \item Generate a Boolean formula $\varphi_{cons}$ that constrains the values of the introduced
  9. Boolean variables to preserve the information of the theory.
  10. \item Invoke a SAT solver on the Boolean formula $\varphi_{prop} \coloneqq \hat{\varphi} \wedge \varphi_{cons}$
  11. that corresponds to an equisatisfiable propositional formula to $\varphi$.
  12. \end{enumerate}