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8 months ago
  1. \begin{enumerate}
  2. \item using \textit{variable order} $c < a < d < b$:\\
  3. \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}
  4. \begin{tabbing}
  5. $f$ \= $= (a \lor b \lor c) \land \lnot d$\\
  6. \>$ f_c $ \= $= \lnot d$ \\
  7. \>\>$ f_{ca} $ \= $= \lnot d$ \\
  8. \>\>$ f_{c \lnot a} $ \= $= \lnot d$ \\
  9. \>\>\Rightarrow a does not have an influence\\
  10. \>\>on the formula.\\
  11. \>\>These cofactors can be skipped.\\
  12. \>\>$ f_{cd} $ \= $= \bot$ \\
  13. \>\>$ f_{c \lnot d} $ \= $= \top $ \\
  14. \>$ f_{\lnot c} $ \= $= (a \lor b) \land \lnot d$ \\
  15. \>\>$ f_{\lnot ca} $ \= $= \lnot d = f_{c}$ \\
  16. \>\>$ f_{\lnot c \lnot a} $ \= $= b \land \lnot d$ \\
  17. \>\>\>$ f_{\lnot c \lnot ad} $ \= $= \bot$ \\
  18. \>\>\>$ f_{\lnot c \lnot a \lnot d} $ \= $= b$ \\
  19. \>\>\>\>$ f_{\lnot c \lnot a \lnot db} $ \= $= \top$ \\
  20. \>\>\>\>$ f_{\lnot c \lnot a \lnot db} $ \= $= \bot$ \\
  21. \end{tabbing}
  22. \end{minipage}
  23. \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}
  24. \begin{center}
  25. \begin{forest}
  26. for tree={circle, draw, no edge,
  27. minimum size=2em,
  28. inner sep=0pt,
  29. s sep=6mm,
  30. l sep=6mm}
  31. [$f$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (c.north);}
  32. [,phantom]
  33. [$c$, name=c, tikz={\draw [line] () to (d1.north); \draw [dot=.5] () to (a.north);}
  34. [$f_{c}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (d1.north west);}]
  35. [,phantom]
  36. [$a$, name=a, tikz={\draw [line,bend left=30] () to (d1.north); \draw [dot=.5] () to (d2.north);}
  37. [$d$, name=d1, tikz={\draw [line] () to (-2,-5); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (-1,-5);}]
  38. [,phantom]
  39. [$d$, name=d2, tikz={\draw [line] () to (0.6,-5); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (b.north);}
  40. [,phantom]
  41. [$b$, name=b, tikz={\draw [line] () to (1.3,-6.3); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (2.3,-6.3);}]
  42. ]
  43. [$f_{\lnot c \lnot a \lnot d}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [line] () to (b.north east);}]
  44. ]
  45. [$f_{\lnot c \lnot a}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (d2.north east);}]
  46. ]
  47. [$f_{\lnot c}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (a.north east);}]
  48. ]
  49. \end{forest}
  50. \end{center}
  51. \end{minipage}
  52. \item
  53. using \textit{variable order} $d < a < b < c$:\\
  54. \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}
  55. \begin{tabbing}
  56. $f$ \= $= (a \lor b \lor c) \land \lnot d$\\
  57. \>$ f_d $ \= $= \bot$ \\
  58. \>$ f_{\lnot d} $ \= $= a \lor b \lor c$ \\
  59. \>\>$ f_{\lnot da} $ \= $= \top$ \\
  60. \>\>$ f_{\lnot d \lnot a} $ \= $= b \lor c$ \\
  61. \>\>\>$ f_{\lnot d \lnot ab} $ \= $= \top$ \\
  62. \>\>\>$ f_{\lnot d \lnot a \lnot b} $ \= $= c$ \\
  63. \>\>\>\>$ f_{\lnot d \lnot a \lnot bc} $ \= $= \top$ \\
  64. \>\>\>\>$ f_{\lnot d \lnot a \lnot b \lnot c} $ \= $= \bot$ \\
  65. \end{tabbing}
  66. \end{minipage}
  67. \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}
  68. \begin{center}
  69. \begin{forest}
  70. for tree={circle, draw, no edge,
  71. minimum size=2em,
  72. inner sep=0pt,
  73. s sep=6mm,
  74. l sep=6mm}
  75. [$f$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [fulldot=.5] () to (d.north);}
  76. [,phantom]
  77. [$d$, name=d, tikz={\draw [line] () to (-0.5,-2.3); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (a.north);}
  78. [,phantom]
  79. [,phantom]
  80. [$a$, name=a, tikz={\draw [line] () to (0,-3.6); \draw [dot=.5] () to (b.north);}
  81. [,phantom]
  82. [,phantom]
  83. [$b$, name=b, tikz={\draw [line] () to (0.5,-4.9); \draw [dot=.5] () to (c.north);}
  84. [,phantom]
  85. [,phantom]
  86. [$c$, name=c, tikz={\draw [line] () to (1.3,-6.2); \draw [fulldot=.5] () to (2.3,-6.2);}
  87. ]
  88. [,phantom]
  89. ]
  90. [$f_{\lnot d \lnot a \lnot b}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [line] () to (c.north east);}]
  91. ]
  92. [$f_{\lnot d \lnot a}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [line] () to (b.north east);}]
  93. ]
  94. [$f_{\lnot d}$, rectangle, draw, tikz={\draw [line] () to (a.north east);}]
  95. ]
  96. \end{forest}
  97. \end{center}
  98. \end{minipage}
  99. \end{enumerate}