# Toastify
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Toastify is a lightweight, vanilla JS toast notification library.
## Demo
[Click here](https://apvarun.github.io/toastify-js/)
## Features
* Multiple stacked notifications * Customizable * No blocking of execution thread
### Customization options
* Notification Text * Duration * Toast background color * Close icon display * Display position * Offset position
## Installation
#### Toastify now supports installation via NPM
* Run the below command to add toastify-js to your exisitng or new project.
``` npm install --save toastify-js ```
``` yarn add toastify-js -S ```
* Import toastify-js into your module to start using it.
``` import Toastify from 'toastify-js' ```
You can use the default CSS from Toastify as below and later override it or choose to write your own CSS.
``` import "toastify-js/src/toastify.css" ```
#### Adding ToastifyJs to HTML page using the traditional method
To start using **Toastify**, add the following CSS on to your page.
```html <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/toastify-js/src/toastify.min.css"> ```
And the script at the bottom of the page
```html <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/toastify-js"></script> ```
> Files are delivered via the CDN service provided by [jsdeliver](https://www.jsdelivr.com/)
## Documentation
```javascript Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: "https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js", newWindow: true, close: true, gravity: "top", // `top` or `bottom` position: "left", // `left`, `center` or `right` stopOnFocus: true, // Prevents dismissing of toast on hover style: { background: "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)", }, onClick: function(){} // Callback after click }).showToast(); ```
> Toast messages will be centered on devices with screen width less than 360px.
* See the [changelog](https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
### Add own custom classes
If you want to use custom classes on the toast for customizing (like info or warning for example), you can do that as follows:
```javascript Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", className: "info", style: { background: "linear-gradient(to right, #00b09b, #96c93d)", } }).showToast(); ```
Multiple classes also can be assigned as a string, with spaces between class names.
### Add some offset
If you want to add offset to the toast, you can do that as follows:
```javascript Toastify({ text: "This is a toast with offset", offset: { x: 50, // horizontal axis - can be a number or a string indicating unity. eg: '2em' y: 10 // vertical axis - can be a number or a string indicating unity. eg: '2em' }, }).showToast(); ```
Toast will be pushed 50px from right in x axis and 10px from top in y axis.
If `position` is equals to `left`, it will be pushed from left. If `gravity` is equals to `bottom`, it will be pushed from bottom.
## API
| Option Key | type | Usage | Defaults | |-----------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------| | text | string | Message to be displayed in the toast | "Hi there!" | | node | ELEMENT_NODE | Provide a node to be mounted inside the toast. `node` takes higher precedence over `text` | | | duration | number | Duration for which the toast should be displayed.<br>-1 for permanent toast | 3000 | | selector | string \| ELEMENT_NODE | ShadowRoot | CSS Selector or Element Node on which the toast should be added | body | | destination | URL string | URL to which the browser should be navigated on click of the toast | | | newWindow | boolean | Decides whether the `destination` should be opened in a new window or not | false | | close | boolean | To show the close icon or not | false | | gravity | "top" or "bottom" | To show the toast from top or bottom | "top" | | position | "left" or "right" | To show the toast on left or right | "right" | | backgroundColor | CSS background value | To be deprecated, use `style.background` option instead. Sets the background color of the toast | | | avatar | URL string | Image/icon to be shown before text | | | className | string | Ability to provide custom class name for further customization | | | stopOnFocus | boolean | To stop timer when hovered over the toast (Only if duration is set) | true | | callback | Function | Invoked when the toast is dismissed | | | onClick | Function | Invoked when the toast is clicked | | | offset | Object | Ability to add some offset to axis | | | escapeMarkup | boolean | Toggle the default behavior of escaping HTML markup | true | | style | object | Use the HTML DOM Style properties to add any style directly to toast | | | ariaLive | string | Announce the toast to screen readers, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Live_Regions for options | "polite" | | oldestFirst | boolean | Set the order in which toasts are stacked in page | true |
> Deprecated properties: `backgroundColor` - use `style.background` option instead
## Browsers support
| ![][ie]<br />IE / Edge | ![][firefox]<br />Firefox | ![][chrome]<br />Chrome | ![][safari]<br />Safari | ![][opera]<br />Opera | | ---------------------- | ------------------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- | | IE10, IE11, Edge | last 10 versions | last 10 versions | last 10 versions | last 10 versions |
## Contributors
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## License
MIT © [Varun A P](https://github.com/apvarun)
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