// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/5/LICENSE
(function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env
mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { "use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("xquery", function() {
// The keywords object is set to the result of this self executing
// function. Each keyword is a property of the keywords object whose
// value is {type: atype, style: astyle}
var keywords = function(){ // convenience functions used to build keywords object
function kw(type) {return {type: type, style: "keyword"};} var operator = kw("operator") , atom = {type: "atom", style: "atom"} , punctuation = {type: "punctuation", style: null} , qualifier = {type: "axis_specifier", style: "qualifier"};
// kwObj is what is return from this function at the end
var kwObj = { ',': punctuation };
// a list of 'basic' keywords. For each add a property to kwObj with the value of
// {type: basic[i], style: "keyword"} e.g. 'after' --> {type: "after", style: "keyword"}
var basic = ['after', 'all', 'allowing', 'ancestor', 'ancestor-or-self', 'any', 'array', 'as', 'ascending', 'at', 'attribute', 'base-uri', 'before', 'boundary-space', 'by', 'case', 'cast', 'castable', 'catch', 'child', 'collation', 'comment', 'construction', 'contains', 'content', 'context', 'copy', 'copy-namespaces', 'count', 'decimal-format', 'declare', 'default', 'delete', 'descendant', 'descendant-or-self', 'descending', 'diacritics', 'different', 'distance', 'document', 'document-node', 'element', 'else', 'empty', 'empty-sequence', 'encoding', 'end', 'entire', 'every', 'exactly', 'except', 'external', 'first', 'following', 'following-sibling', 'for', 'from', 'ftand', 'ftnot', 'ft-option', 'ftor', 'function', 'fuzzy', 'greatest', 'group', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'inherit', 'insensitive', 'insert', 'instance', 'intersect', 'into', 'invoke', 'is', 'item', 'language', 'last', 'lax', 'least', 'let', 'levels', 'lowercase', 'map', 'modify', 'module', 'most', 'namespace', 'next', 'no', 'node', 'nodes', 'no-inherit', 'no-preserve', 'not', 'occurs', 'of', 'only', 'option', 'order', 'ordered', 'ordering', 'paragraph', 'paragraphs', 'parent', 'phrase', 'preceding', 'preceding-sibling', 'preserve', 'previous', 'processing-instruction', 'relationship', 'rename', 'replace', 'return', 'revalidation', 'same', 'satisfies', 'schema', 'schema-attribute', 'schema-element', 'score', 'self', 'sensitive', 'sentence', 'sentences', 'sequence', 'skip', 'sliding', 'some', 'stable', 'start', 'stemming', 'stop', 'strict', 'strip', 'switch', 'text', 'then', 'thesaurus', 'times', 'to', 'transform', 'treat', 'try', 'tumbling', 'type', 'typeswitch', 'union', 'unordered', 'update', 'updating', 'uppercase', 'using', 'validate', 'value', 'variable', 'version', 'weight', 'when', 'where', 'wildcards', 'window', 'with', 'without', 'word', 'words', 'xquery']; for(var i=0, l=basic.length; i < l; i++) { kwObj[basic[i]] = kw(basic[i]);};
// a list of types. For each add a property to kwObj with the value of
// {type: "atom", style: "atom"}
var types = ['xs:anyAtomicType', 'xs:anySimpleType', 'xs:anyType', 'xs:anyURI', 'xs:base64Binary', 'xs:boolean', 'xs:byte', 'xs:date', 'xs:dateTime', 'xs:dateTimeStamp', 'xs:dayTimeDuration', 'xs:decimal', 'xs:double', 'xs:duration', 'xs:ENTITIES', 'xs:ENTITY', 'xs:float', 'xs:gDay', 'xs:gMonth', 'xs:gMonthDay', 'xs:gYear', 'xs:gYearMonth', 'xs:hexBinary', 'xs:ID', 'xs:IDREF', 'xs:IDREFS', 'xs:int', 'xs:integer', 'xs:item', 'xs:java', 'xs:language', 'xs:long', 'xs:Name', 'xs:NCName', 'xs:negativeInteger', 'xs:NMTOKEN', 'xs:NMTOKENS', 'xs:nonNegativeInteger', 'xs:nonPositiveInteger', 'xs:normalizedString', 'xs:NOTATION', 'xs:numeric', 'xs:positiveInteger', 'xs:precisionDecimal', 'xs:QName', 'xs:short', 'xs:string', 'xs:time', 'xs:token', 'xs:unsignedByte', 'xs:unsignedInt', 'xs:unsignedLong', 'xs:unsignedShort', 'xs:untyped', 'xs:untypedAtomic', 'xs:yearMonthDuration']; for(var i=0, l=types.length; i < l; i++) { kwObj[types[i]] = atom;};
// each operator will add a property to kwObj with value of {type: "operator", style: "keyword"}
var operators = ['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', ':=', '=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '.', '|', '?', 'and', 'or', 'div', 'idiv', 'mod', '*', '/', '+', '-']; for(var i=0, l=operators.length; i < l; i++) { kwObj[operators[i]] = operator;};
// each axis_specifiers will add a property to kwObj with value of {type: "axis_specifier", style: "qualifier"}
var axis_specifiers = ["self::", "attribute::", "child::", "descendant::", "descendant-or-self::", "parent::", "ancestor::", "ancestor-or-self::", "following::", "preceding::", "following-sibling::", "preceding-sibling::"]; for(var i=0, l=axis_specifiers.length; i < l; i++) { kwObj[axis_specifiers[i]] = qualifier; };
return kwObj; }();
function chain(stream, state, f) { state.tokenize = f; return f(stream, state); }
// the primary mode tokenizer
function tokenBase(stream, state) { var ch = stream.next(), mightBeFunction = false, isEQName = isEQNameAhead(stream);
// an XML tag (if not in some sub, chained tokenizer)
if (ch == "<") { if(stream.match("!--", true)) return chain(stream, state, tokenXMLComment);
if(stream.match("![CDATA", false)) { state.tokenize = tokenCDATA; return "tag"; }
if(stream.match("?", false)) { return chain(stream, state, tokenPreProcessing); }
var isclose = stream.eat("/"); stream.eatSpace(); var tagName = "", c; while ((c = stream.eat(/[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/?]/))) tagName += c;
return chain(stream, state, tokenTag(tagName, isclose)); } // start code block
else if(ch == "{") { pushStateStack(state, { type: "codeblock"}); return null; } // end code block
else if(ch == "}") { popStateStack(state); return null; } // if we're in an XML block
else if(isInXmlBlock(state)) { if(ch == ">") return "tag"; else if(ch == "/" && stream.eat(">")) { popStateStack(state); return "tag"; } else return "variable"; } // if a number
else if (/\d/.test(ch)) { stream.match(/^\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:E[+\-]?\d+)?/); return "atom"; } // comment start
else if (ch === "(" && stream.eat(":")) { pushStateStack(state, { type: "comment"}); return chain(stream, state, tokenComment); } // quoted string
else if (!isEQName && (ch === '"' || ch === "'")) return chain(stream, state, tokenString(ch)); // variable
else if(ch === "$") { return chain(stream, state, tokenVariable); } // assignment
else if(ch ===":" && stream.eat("=")) { return "keyword"; } // open paren
else if(ch === "(") { pushStateStack(state, { type: "paren"}); return null; } // close paren
else if(ch === ")") { popStateStack(state); return null; } // open paren
else if(ch === "[") { pushStateStack(state, { type: "bracket"}); return null; } // close paren
else if(ch === "]") { popStateStack(state); return null; } else { var known = keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(ch) && keywords[ch];
// if there's a EQName ahead, consume the rest of the string portion, it's likely a function
if(isEQName && ch === '\"') while(stream.next() !== '"'){} if(isEQName && ch === '\'') while(stream.next() !== '\''){}
// gobble up a word if the character is not known
if(!known) stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_-]/);
// gobble a colon in the case that is a lib func type call fn:doc
var foundColon = stream.eat(":");
// if there's not a second colon, gobble another word. Otherwise, it's probably an axis specifier
// which should get matched as a keyword
if(!stream.eat(":") && foundColon) { stream.eatWhile(/[\w\$_-]/); } // if the next non whitespace character is an open paren, this is probably a function (if not a keyword of other sort)
if(stream.match(/^[ \t]*\(/, false)) { mightBeFunction = true; } // is the word a keyword?
var word = stream.current(); known = keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word) && keywords[word];
// if we think it's a function call but not yet known,
// set style to variable for now for lack of something better
if(mightBeFunction && !known) known = {type: "function_call", style: "variable def"};
// if the previous word was element, attribute, axis specifier, this word should be the name of that
if(isInXmlConstructor(state)) { popStateStack(state); return "variable"; } // as previously checked, if the word is element,attribute, axis specifier, call it an "xmlconstructor" and
// push the stack so we know to look for it on the next word
if(word == "element" || word == "attribute" || known.type == "axis_specifier") pushStateStack(state, {type: "xmlconstructor"});
// if the word is known, return the details of that else just call this a generic 'word'
return known ? known.style : "variable"; } }
// handle comments, including nested
function tokenComment(stream, state) { var maybeEnd = false, maybeNested = false, nestedCount = 0, ch; while (ch = stream.next()) { if (ch == ")" && maybeEnd) { if(nestedCount > 0) nestedCount--; else { popStateStack(state); break; } } else if(ch == ":" && maybeNested) { nestedCount++; } maybeEnd = (ch == ":"); maybeNested = (ch == "("); }
return "comment"; }
// tokenizer for string literals
// optionally pass a tokenizer function to set state.tokenize back to when finished
function tokenString(quote, f) { return function(stream, state) { var ch;
if(isInString(state) && stream.current() == quote) { popStateStack(state); if(f) state.tokenize = f; return "string"; }
pushStateStack(state, { type: "string", name: quote, tokenize: tokenString(quote, f) });
// if we're in a string and in an XML block, allow an embedded code block
if(stream.match("{", false) && isInXmlAttributeBlock(state)) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "string"; }
while (ch = stream.next()) { if (ch == quote) { popStateStack(state); if(f) state.tokenize = f; break; } else { // if we're in a string and in an XML block, allow an embedded code block in an attribute
if(stream.match("{", false) && isInXmlAttributeBlock(state)) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "string"; }
} }
return "string"; }; }
// tokenizer for variables
function tokenVariable(stream, state) { var isVariableChar = /[\w\$_-]/;
// a variable may start with a quoted EQName so if the next character is quote, consume to the next quote
if(stream.eat("\"")) { while(stream.next() !== '\"'){}; stream.eat(":"); } else { stream.eatWhile(isVariableChar); if(!stream.match(":=", false)) stream.eat(":"); } stream.eatWhile(isVariableChar); state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "variable"; }
// tokenizer for XML tags
function tokenTag(name, isclose) { return function(stream, state) { stream.eatSpace(); if(isclose && stream.eat(">")) { popStateStack(state); state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "tag"; } // self closing tag without attributes?
if(!stream.eat("/")) pushStateStack(state, { type: "tag", name: name, tokenize: tokenBase}); if(!stream.eat(">")) { state.tokenize = tokenAttribute; return "tag"; } else { state.tokenize = tokenBase; } return "tag"; }; }
// tokenizer for XML attributes
function tokenAttribute(stream, state) { var ch = stream.next();
if(ch == "/" && stream.eat(">")) { if(isInXmlAttributeBlock(state)) popStateStack(state); if(isInXmlBlock(state)) popStateStack(state); return "tag"; } if(ch == ">") { if(isInXmlAttributeBlock(state)) popStateStack(state); return "tag"; } if(ch == "=") return null; // quoted string
if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") return chain(stream, state, tokenString(ch, tokenAttribute));
if(!isInXmlAttributeBlock(state)) pushStateStack(state, { type: "attribute", tokenize: tokenAttribute});
stream.eat(/[a-zA-Z_:]/); stream.eatWhile(/[-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]/); stream.eatSpace();
// the case where the attribute has not value and the tag was closed
if(stream.match(">", false) || stream.match("/", false)) { popStateStack(state); state.tokenize = tokenBase; }
return "attribute"; }
// handle comments, including nested
function tokenXMLComment(stream, state) { var ch; while (ch = stream.next()) { if (ch == "-" && stream.match("->", true)) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "comment"; } } }
// handle CDATA
function tokenCDATA(stream, state) { var ch; while (ch = stream.next()) { if (ch == "]" && stream.match("]", true)) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "comment"; } } }
// handle preprocessing instructions
function tokenPreProcessing(stream, state) { var ch; while (ch = stream.next()) { if (ch == "?" && stream.match(">", true)) { state.tokenize = tokenBase; return "comment meta"; } } }
// functions to test the current context of the state
function isInXmlBlock(state) { return isIn(state, "tag"); } function isInXmlAttributeBlock(state) { return isIn(state, "attribute"); } function isInXmlConstructor(state) { return isIn(state, "xmlconstructor"); } function isInString(state) { return isIn(state, "string"); }
function isEQNameAhead(stream) { // assume we've already eaten a quote (")
if(stream.current() === '"') return stream.match(/^[^\"]+\"\:/, false); else if(stream.current() === '\'') return stream.match(/^[^\"]+\'\:/, false); else return false; }
function isIn(state, type) { return (state.stack.length && state.stack[state.stack.length - 1].type == type); }
function pushStateStack(state, newState) { state.stack.push(newState); }
function popStateStack(state) { state.stack.pop(); var reinstateTokenize = state.stack.length && state.stack[state.stack.length-1].tokenize; state.tokenize = reinstateTokenize || tokenBase; }
// the interface for the mode API
return { startState: function() { return { tokenize: tokenBase, cc: [], stack: [] }; },
token: function(stream, state) { if (stream.eatSpace()) return null; var style = state.tokenize(stream, state); return style; },
blockCommentStart: "(:", blockCommentEnd: ":)"
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/xquery", "xquery");