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import gymnasium as gym
import minigrid
from ray.tune import register_env
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig
from ray.rllib.algorithms.dqn.dqn import DQNConfig
from ray.tune.logger import pretty_print
from ray.rllib.models import ModelCatalog
from ray.rllib.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm
from torch_action_mask_model import TorchActionMaskModel
from wrappers import OneHotShieldingWrapper, MiniGridShieldingWrapper
from helpers import parse_arguments, create_log_dir, ShieldingConfig
from shieldhandlers import MiniGridShieldHandler, create_shield_query
from callbacks import MyCallbacks
from ray.tune.logger import TBXLogger
import imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def shielding_env_creater(config):
name = config.get("name", "MiniGrid-LavaSlipperyS12-v2")
framestack = config.get("framestack", 4)
args = config.get("args", None)
args.grid_path = F"{args.grid_path}_{config.worker_index}.txt"
args.prism_path = F"{args.prism_path}_{config.worker_index}.prism"
shield_creator = MiniGridShieldHandler(args.grid_path, args.grid_to_prism_binary_path, args.prism_path, args.formula)
env = gym.make(name)
env = MiniGridShieldingWrapper(env, shield_creator=shield_creator, shield_query_creator=create_shield_query)
# env = minigrid.wrappers.ImgObsWrapper(env)
# env = ImgObsWrapper(env)
env = OneHotShieldingWrapper(env,
config.vector_index if hasattr(config, "vector_index") else 0,
return env
def register_minigrid_shielding_env(args):
env_name = "mini-grid-shielding"
register_env(env_name, shielding_env_creater)
import argparse
args = parse_arguments(argparse)
# Use the Algorithm's `from_checkpoint` utility to get a new algo instance
# that has the exact same state as the old one, from which the checkpoint was
# created in the first place:
path_to_checkpoint = '/home/tknoll/Documents/Projects/log_results/PPO-shielding:full-evaluations:10-steps:20000-env:MiniGrid-LavaSlipperyS12-v2/PPO/PPO_mini-grid-shielding_8cd74_00000_0_2023-09-13_14-10-38/checkpoint_000005'
algo = Algorithm.from_checkpoint(path_to_checkpoint)
# Continue training.
name = "MiniGrid-LavaSlipperyS12-v2"
shield_creator = MiniGridShieldHandler(F"./{args.grid_path}_1.txt", args.grid_to_prism_binary_path, F"./{args.prism_path}_1.prism", args.formula)
env = gym.make(name)
env = MiniGridShieldingWrapper(env, shield_creator=shield_creator, shield_query_creator=create_shield_query)
# env = minigrid.wrappers.ImgObsWrapper(env)
# env = ImgObsWrapper(env)
env = OneHotShieldingWrapper(env,
episode_reward = 0
terminated = truncated = False
obs, info = env.reset()
i = 0
filenames = []
while not terminated and not truncated:
action = algo.compute_single_action(obs)
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
episode_reward += reward
filename = F"./frames/{i}.jpg"
img = env.get_frame()
plt.imsave(filename, img)
i = i + 1
import imageio
images = []
for filename in filenames:
imageio.mimsave('./movie.gif', images)