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74 lines
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import stormpy
import stormpy.logic
from helpers.helper import get_example_path
class TestFormulas:
def test_probability_formula(self):
formula_str = "P=? [F \"one\"]"
properties = stormpy.parse_properties(formula_str)
formula = properties[0].raw_formula
assert type(formula) == stormpy.logic.ProbabilityOperator
assert len(properties) == 1
assert str(formula) == formula_str
def test_reward_formula(self):
formula_str = "R=? [F \"one\"]"
properties = stormpy.parse_properties(formula_str)
formula = properties[0].raw_formula
assert type(formula) == stormpy.logic.RewardOperator
assert len(properties) == 1
assert str(formula) == "R[exp]=? [F \"one\"]"
def test_formula_list(self):
formulas = []
prop = "=? [F \"one\"]"
forms = stormpy.parse_properties("P" + prop)
forms = stormpy.parse_properties("R" + prop)
assert len(formulas) == 2
assert str(formulas[0]) == "P" + prop
assert str(formulas[1]) == "R[exp]" + prop
def test_jani_formula(self):
_, properties = stormpy.parse_jani_model(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.jani"))
assert len(properties) == 2
prop = properties[0]
assert isinstance(prop, stormpy.Property)
assert prop.name == "Probability to throw a six"
prop = properties[1]
assert isinstance(prop, stormpy.Property)
assert prop.name == "Expected number of coin flips"
def test_bounds(self):
prop = "P=? [F \"one\"]"
formula = stormpy.parse_properties(prop)[0].raw_formula
assert not formula.has_bound
prop = "P<0.4 [F \"one\"]"
formula = stormpy.parse_properties(prop)[0].raw_formula
assert formula.has_bound
assert formula.threshold == stormpy.Rational("0.4")
assert formula.comparison_type == stormpy.logic.ComparisonType.LESS
def test_set_bounds(self):
prop = "P<0.4 [F \"one\"]"
formula = stormpy.parse_properties(prop)[0].raw_formula
expression_manager = stormpy.ExpressionManager()
rational = stormpy.Rational("0.2")
expression = expression_manager.create_rational(rational)
formula.set_bound(stormpy.logic.ComparisonType.GEQ, expression)
assert formula.threshold == stormpy.Rational("0.2")
assert formula.comparison_type == stormpy.logic.ComparisonType.GEQ
assert str(formula) == "P>=1/5 [F \"one\"]"
def test_subformula(self):
prop = "P=? [F \"one\"]"
formula = stormpy.parse_properties(prop)[0].raw_formula
assert type(formula) == stormpy.logic.ProbabilityOperator
pathform = formula.subformula
assert type(pathform) == stormpy.logic.EventuallyFormula
labelform = pathform.subformula
assert type(labelform) == stormpy.logic.AtomicLabelFormula
prop = stormpy.core.Property("label-formula", labelform)
assert prop.raw_formula == labelform