diff --git a/doc/source/doc/gspns.rst b/doc/source/doc/gspns.rst
index 740db79..e02769e 100644
--- a/doc/source/doc/gspns.rst
+++ b/doc/source/doc/gspns.rst
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Loading GSPNs
- .. seealso:: `01-gspn.py `_
+ .. seealso:: `01-gspn.py `_
-Generalized stochastic Petri nets can be given in either in the PNPRO format or in the PNML format.
+Generalized stochastic Petri nets can be given either in the PNPRO format or in the PNML format.
We start by loading a GSPN stored in the PNML format::
>>> import stormpy
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ After loading, we can display some properties of the GSPN::
Building GSPNs
- todo .. seealso:: `02-gspn.py `_
+ todo .. seealso:: `02-gspn.py `_
In the following, we describe how to construct GSPNs via the GSPNBuilder.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Additionally, we define the position of the transition by setting its layout inf
>>> it_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(1.5, 2.0)
>>> builder.set_transition_layout_info(it_1, it_layout)
-Add timed transition and set its layout information::
+We add a timed transition and set its layout information::
>>> tt_1 = builder.add_timed_transition(0, 0.4, "tt_1")
>>> tt_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(12.5, 2.0)
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ Next, we add two places to the GSPN and set their layouts::
>>> p2_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(18.5, 2.0)
>>> builder.set_place_layout_info(place_2, p2_layout)
-Places and transitions can be linked by output, inhibition or input arcs::
+Places and transitions can be linked by output, inhibition or input arcs.
+We add the arcs of our GSPN as follows::
>>> builder.add_output_arc(it_1, place_1)
>>> builder.add_inhibition_arc(place_1, it_1)
diff --git a/src/gspn/gspn.cpp b/src/gspn/gspn.cpp
index 176ca22..378a626 100644
--- a/src/gspn/gspn.cpp
+++ b/src/gspn/gspn.cpp
@@ -40,21 +40,62 @@ void define_gspn(py::module& m) {
.def("set_name", &GSPNBuilder::setGspnName, "Set name of GSPN", "name"_a)
.def("add_place", &GSPNBuilder::addPlace, "Add a place to the GSPN", py::arg("capacity") = 1, py::arg("initialTokens") = 0, py::arg("name") = "")
- .def("set_place_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setPlaceLayoutInfo, "Set place layout information", py::arg("place_id"), py::arg("layout_info"))
+ .def("set_place_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setPlaceLayoutInfo, py::arg("place_id"), py::arg("layout_info"), R"doc(
+ Set place layout information.
- .def("add_immediate_transition", &GSPNBuilder::addImmediateTransition, "Add an immediate transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a = 0, "weight"_a = 0, "name"_a = "")
+ :param uint64_t id: The ID of the place.
+ :param stormpy.LayoutInfo layout_info: The layout information.
+ )doc")
+ .def("add_immediate_transition", &GSPNBuilder::addImmediateTransition, "Add an immediate transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a = 0, "weight"_a = 0, "name"_a = "")
.def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "Add a timed transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "name"_a = "")
- .def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast const&, std::string const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "Add a timed transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "numServers"_a, "name"_a = "")
- .def("set_transition_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setTransitionLayoutInfo, "Set transition layout information", "transitionId"_a, "layoutInfo"_a)
- .def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a , "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
- .def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
- .def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add an new input arc from a place to an transition")
- .def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
- .def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new output arc from a place to an transition")
+ .def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast const&, std::string const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "numServers"_a, "name"_a = "")
+ .def("set_transition_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setTransitionLayoutInfo, "transitionId"_a, "layoutInfo"_a, R"doc(
+ Set transition layout information.
+ :param uint64_t id: The ID of the transition.
+ :param stormpy.LayoutInfo layout_info: The layout information.
+ )doc")
+ .def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a , "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
+ Add a new input arc from a place to a transition
+ :param from: The ID or name of the place from which the arc is originating.
+ :type from: uint_64_t or str
+ :param uint_64_t to: The ID or name of the transition to which the arc goes to.
+ :type from: uint_64_t or str
+ :param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
+ )doc")
+ .def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
+ .def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
+ Add an new inhibition arc from a place to a transition.
+ :param from: The ID or name of the place from which the arc is originating.
+ :type from: uint_64_t or str
+ :param to: The ID or name of the transition to which the arc goes to.
+ :type to: uint_64_t or str
+ :param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
+ )doc")
+ .def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
+ .def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
+ Add an new output arc from a transition to a place.
+ :param from: The ID or name of the transition from which the arc is originating.
+ :type from: uint_64_t or str
+ :param to: The ID or name of the place to which the arc goes to.
+ :type to: uint_64_t or str
+ :param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
+ )doc")
.def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a)
- .def("add_normal_arc", &GSPNBuilder::addNormalArc, "Add normal arc from a named element to a named element", "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
+ .def("add_normal_arc", &GSPNBuilder::addNormalArc, "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
+ Add an arc from a named element to a named element.
+ Can be both input or output arc, but not an inhibition arc.
+ Convenience function for textual format parsers.
+ :param str from: Source element in the GSPN from where this arc starts.
+ :param str to: Target element in the GSPN where this arc ends.
+ :param uint64_t multiplicity: Multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
+ )doc")
.def("build_gspn", &GSPNBuilder::buildGspn, "Construct GSPN", "exprManager"_a = nullptr, "constantsSubstitution"_a = std::map())
@@ -79,16 +120,33 @@ void define_gspn(py::module& m) {
.def("get_number_of_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getNumberOfImmediateTransitions, "Get the number of immediate transitions in this GSPN")
.def("get_number_of_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getNumberOfTimedTransitions, "Get the number of timed transitions in this GSPN")
- .def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, uint64_t id) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(id)); }, "id"_a, "Returns the place with the corresponding id")
- .def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the place with the corresponding name")
+ .def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, uint64_t id) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(id)); }, "id"_a, R"doc(
+ Returns the place with the corresponding id.
+ :param uint64_t id: The ID of the place.
+ :rtype: stormpy.Place
+ )doc")
+ .def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(name)); }, "name"_a)
.def("get_timed_transition", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const TimedTransition& {return *(g.getTimedTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the timed transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_immediate_transition", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const ImmediateTransition& {return *(g.getImmediateTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the immediate transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_transition",[](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Transition& {return *(g.getTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_partitions", &GSPN::getPartitions, "Get the partitions of this GSPN")
- .def("get_places", &GSPN::getPlaces, "Get the places of this GSPN")
- .def("get_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getTimedTransitions, "Get the timed transitions of this GSPN")
- .def("get_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getImmediateTransitions, "Get the immediate transitions of this GSPN")
+ .def("get_places", &GSPN::getPlaces, R"doc(
+ Returns a vector of the places of this GSPN.
+ :rtype: list[stormpy.Place]
+ )doc")
+ .def("get_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getTimedTransitions, R"doc(
+ Returns a vector of the timed transitions of this GSPN.
+ :rtype: list[stormpy.TimedTransition]
+ )doc")
+ .def("get_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getImmediateTransitions, R"doc(
+ Returns the immediate transitions of this GSPN.
+ :rtype: list[stormpy.ImmediateTransition]
+ )doc")
.def("get_initial_marking", &GSPN::getInitialMarking, "Computes the initial marking of this GSPN")
.def("is_valid", &GSPN::isValid, "Perform some checks")
diff --git a/tests/gspn/test_gspn.py b/tests/gspn/test_gspn.py
index c18a9a1..cd797b6 100644
--- a/tests/gspn/test_gspn.py
+++ b/tests/gspn/test_gspn.py
@@ -128,6 +128,10 @@ class TestGSPNBuilder:
assert gspn.get_number_of_timed_transitions() == 2
assert gspn.get_number_of_places() == 4
+ assert len(gspn.get_places()) == 4
+ assert len(gspn.get_immediate_transitions()) == 2
+ assert len(gspn.get_timed_transitions()) == 2
# test places
p_0 = gspn.get_place(id_p_0)
assert p_0.get_id() == id_p_0