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completed documentation and added some testcases

hannah 5 years ago
committed by Matthias Volk
  1. 11
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  3. 4


@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Loading GSPNs
.. seealso:: ` <link to github:>`_
.. seealso:: ` <link: /examples/gspns/>`_
Generalized stochastic Petri nets can be given in either in the PNPRO format or in the PNML format.
Generalized stochastic Petri nets can be given either in the PNPRO format or in the PNML format.
We start by loading a GSPN stored in the PNML format::
>>> import stormpy
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ After loading, we can display some properties of the GSPN::
Building GSPNs
todo .. seealso:: ` <link to github:>`_
todo .. seealso:: ` <link: /examples/gspns/>`_
In the following, we describe how to construct GSPNs via the GSPNBuilder.
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Additionally, we define the position of the transition by setting its layout inf
>>> it_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(1.5, 2.0)
>>> builder.set_transition_layout_info(it_1, it_layout)
Add timed transition and set its layout information::
We add a timed transition and set its layout information::
>>> tt_1 = builder.add_timed_transition(0, 0.4, "tt_1")
>>> tt_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(12.5, 2.0)
@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ Next, we add two places to the GSPN and set their layouts::
>>> p2_layout = stormpy.gspn.LayoutInfo(18.5, 2.0)
>>> builder.set_place_layout_info(place_2, p2_layout)
Places and transitions can be linked by output, inhibition or input arcs::
Places and transitions can be linked by output, inhibition or input arcs.
We add the arcs of our GSPN as follows::
>>> builder.add_output_arc(it_1, place_1)
>>> builder.add_inhibition_arc(place_1, it_1)


@ -40,21 +40,62 @@ void define_gspn(py::module& m) {
.def("set_name", &GSPNBuilder::setGspnName, "Set name of GSPN", "name"_a)
.def("add_place", &GSPNBuilder::addPlace, "Add a place to the GSPN", py::arg("capacity") = 1, py::arg("initialTokens") = 0, py::arg("name") = "")
.def("set_place_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setPlaceLayoutInfo, "Set place layout information", py::arg("place_id"), py::arg("layout_info"))
.def("set_place_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setPlaceLayoutInfo, py::arg("place_id"), py::arg("layout_info"), R"doc(
Set place layout information.
.def("add_immediate_transition", &GSPNBuilder::addImmediateTransition, "Add an immediate transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a = 0, "weight"_a = 0, "name"_a = "")
:param uint64_t id: The ID of the place.
:param stormpy.LayoutInfo layout_info: The layout information.
.def("add_immediate_transition", &GSPNBuilder::addImmediateTransition, "Add an immediate transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a = 0, "weight"_a = 0, "name"_a = "")
.def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, double const& , std::string const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "Add a timed transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "name"_a = "")
.def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, double const& , boost::optional<uint64_t> const&, std::string const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "Add a timed transition to the GSPN", "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "numServers"_a, "name"_a = "")
.def("set_transition_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setTransitionLayoutInfo, "Set transition layout information", "transitionId"_a, "layoutInfo"_a)
.def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a , "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
.def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast<std::string const&, std::string const&, uint64_t>(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
.def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add an new input arc from a place to an transition")
.def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast<std::string const&, std::string const&, uint64_t>(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new input arc from a place to an transition")
.def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, "Add a new output arc from a place to an transition")
.def("add_timed_transition", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, double const& , boost::optional<uint64_t> const&, std::string const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addTimedTransition), "priority"_a, "rate"_a, "numServers"_a, "name"_a = "")
.def("set_transition_layout_info", &GSPNBuilder::setTransitionLayoutInfo, "transitionId"_a, "layoutInfo"_a, R"doc(
Set transition layout information.
:param uint64_t id: The ID of the transition.
:param stormpy.LayoutInfo layout_info: The layout information.
.def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a , "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
Add a new input arc from a place to a transition
:param from: The ID or name of the place from which the arc is originating.
:type from: uint_64_t or str
:param uint_64_t to: The ID or name of the transition to which the arc goes to.
:type from: uint_64_t or str
:param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
.def("add_input_arc", py::overload_cast<std::string const&, std::string const&, uint64_t>(&GSPNBuilder::addInputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
.def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
Add an new inhibition arc from a place to a transition.
:param from: The ID or name of the place from which the arc is originating.
:type from: uint_64_t or str
:param to: The ID or name of the transition to which the arc goes to.
:type to: uint_64_t or str
:param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
.def("add_inhibition_arc", py::overload_cast<std::string const&, std::string const&, uint64_t>(&GSPNBuilder::addInhibitionArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
.def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast<uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&, uint_fast64_t const&>(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
Add an new output arc from a transition to a place.
:param from: The ID or name of the transition from which the arc is originating.
:type from: uint_64_t or str
:param to: The ID or name of the place to which the arc goes to.
:type to: uint_64_t or str
:param uint64_t multiplicity: The multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
.def("add_output_arc", py::overload_cast<std::string const&, std::string const&, uint64_t>(&GSPNBuilder::addOutputArc), "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a)
.def("add_normal_arc", &GSPNBuilder::addNormalArc, "Add normal arc from a named element to a named element", "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1)
.def("add_normal_arc", &GSPNBuilder::addNormalArc, "from"_a, "to"_a, "multiplicity"_a = 1, R"doc(
Add an arc from a named element to a named element.
Can be both input or output arc, but not an inhibition arc.
Convenience function for textual format parsers.
:param str from: Source element in the GSPN from where this arc starts.
:param str to: Target element in the GSPN where this arc ends.
:param uint64_t multiplicity: Multiplicity of the arc, default = 1.
.def("build_gspn", &GSPNBuilder::buildGspn, "Construct GSPN", "exprManager"_a = nullptr, "constantsSubstitution"_a = std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression>())
@ -79,16 +120,33 @@ void define_gspn(py::module& m) {
.def("get_number_of_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getNumberOfImmediateTransitions, "Get the number of immediate transitions in this GSPN")
.def("get_number_of_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getNumberOfTimedTransitions, "Get the number of timed transitions in this GSPN")
.def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, uint64_t id) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(id)); }, "id"_a, "Returns the place with the corresponding id")
.def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the place with the corresponding name")
.def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, uint64_t id) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(id)); }, "id"_a, R"doc(
Returns the place with the corresponding id.
:param uint64_t id: The ID of the place.
:rtype: stormpy.Place
.def("get_place", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Place& {return *(g.getPlace(name)); }, "name"_a)
.def("get_timed_transition", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const TimedTransition& {return *(g.getTimedTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the timed transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_immediate_transition", [](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const ImmediateTransition& {return *(g.getImmediateTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the immediate transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_transition",[](GSPN const& g, std::string const& name) -> const Transition& {return *(g.getTransition(name)); }, "name"_a, "Returns the transition with the corresponding name")
.def("get_partitions", &GSPN::getPartitions, "Get the partitions of this GSPN")
.def("get_places", &GSPN::getPlaces, "Get the places of this GSPN")
.def("get_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getTimedTransitions, "Get the timed transitions of this GSPN")
.def("get_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getImmediateTransitions, "Get the immediate transitions of this GSPN")
.def("get_places", &GSPN::getPlaces, R"doc(
Returns a vector of the places of this GSPN.
:rtype: list[stormpy.Place]
.def("get_timed_transitions", &GSPN::getTimedTransitions, R"doc(
Returns a vector of the timed transitions of this GSPN.
:rtype: list[stormpy.TimedTransition]
.def("get_immediate_transitions", &GSPN::getImmediateTransitions, R"doc(
Returns the immediate transitions of this GSPN.
:rtype: list[stormpy.ImmediateTransition]
.def("get_initial_marking", &GSPN::getInitialMarking, "Computes the initial marking of this GSPN")
.def("is_valid", &GSPN::isValid, "Perform some checks")


@ -128,6 +128,10 @@ class TestGSPNBuilder:
assert gspn.get_number_of_timed_transitions() == 2
assert gspn.get_number_of_places() == 4
assert len(gspn.get_places()) == 4
assert len(gspn.get_immediate_transitions()) == 2
assert len(gspn.get_timed_transitions()) == 2
# test places
p_0 = gspn.get_place(id_p_0)
assert p_0.get_id() == id_p_0
