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SparseMatrixBuilder class

hannah 5 years ago
committed by Matthias Volk
  1. 37


@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "src/helpers.h"
template<typename ValueType> using SparseMatrix = storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>;
template<typename ValueType> using SparseMatrixBuilder = storm::storage::SparseMatrixBuilder<ValueType>;
template<typename ValueType> using entry_index = typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>::index_type;
template<typename ValueType> using MatrixEntry = storm::storage::MatrixEntry<entry_index<ValueType>, ValueType>;
using RationalFunction = storm::RationalFunction;
@ -30,6 +31,42 @@ void define_sparse_matrix(py::module& m) {
.def_property_readonly("column", &MatrixEntry<RationalFunction>::getColumn, "Column")
// SparseMatrixBuilder
py::class_<SparseMatrixBuilder<double>>(m, "SparseMatrixBuilder", "Builder of sparse matrix")
.def(py::init<double , double , double , bool , bool , double>(), "rows"_a = 0, "columns"_a = 0, "entries"_a = 0, "forceDimensions"_a = true, "hasCustomRowGrouping"_a = false, "rowGroups"_a = 0)
.def("add_next_value", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::addNextValue, R"dox(
Sets the matrix entry at the given row and column to the given value. After all entries have been added,
a call to finalize(false) is mandatory.
Note: this is a linear setter. That is, it must be called consecutively for each entry, row by row and
column by column. As multiple entries per column are admitted, consecutive calls to this method are
admitted to mention the same row-column-pair. If rows are skipped entirely, the corresponding rows are
treated as empty. If these constraints are not met, an exception is thrown.
:param double row: The row in which the matrix entry is to be set
:param double column: The column in which the matrix entry is to be set
:param double const& value: The value that is to be set at the specified row and column
)dox", py::arg("row"), py::arg("column"), py::arg("value"))
.def("new_row_group", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::newRowGroup, py::arg("starting_row"), "Start a new row group in the matrix")
.def("build", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::build, py::arg("overriddenRowCount") = 0, py::arg("overriddenColumnCount") = 0, py::arg("overriddenRowGroupCount") = 0, "Finalize the sparse matrix")
.def("get_last_row", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::getLastRow, "Get the most recently used row")
.def("get_current_row_group_count", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::getCurrentRowGroupCount, "Get the current row group count")
.def("get_last_column", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::getLastColumn, "the most recently used column")
.def("replace_columns", &SparseMatrixBuilder<double>::replaceColumns, R"dox(
Replaces all columns with id >= offset according to replacements.
Every state with id offset+i is replaced by the id in replacements[i]. Afterwards the columns are sorted.
:param std::vector<double> const& replacements: replacements Mapping indicating the replacements from offset+i -> value of i
:param double offset: Offset to add to each id in vector index.
)dox", py::arg("replacements"), py::arg("offset"))
// todo py::class_<SparseMatrixBuilder<RationalFunction>>(m, "SparseMatrixBuilder", "Builder of parametric sparse matrix")
// SparseMatrix
py::class_<SparseMatrix<double>>(m, "SparseMatrix", "Sparse matrix")
.def("__iter__", [](SparseMatrix<double>& matrix) {
