tests/test_alias_initialization.cpp -- test cases and example of different trampoline initialization modes
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>, Jason Rhinelander <jason@imaginary.ca>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
test_initializer alias_initialization([](py::module &m) { // don't invoke Python dispatch classes by default when instantiating C++ classes that were not
// extended on the Python side
struct A { virtual ~A() {} virtual void f() { py::print("A.f()"); } };
struct PyA : A { PyA() { py::print("PyA.PyA()"); } ~PyA() { py::print("PyA.~PyA()"); }
void f() override { py::print("PyA.f()"); PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(void, A, f); } };
auto call_f = [](A *a) { a->f(); };
py::class_<A, PyA>(m, "A") .def(py::init<>()) .def("f", &A::f);
m.def("call_f", call_f);
// ... unless we explicitly request it, as in this example:
struct A2 { virtual ~A2() {} virtual void f() { py::print("A2.f()"); } };
struct PyA2 : A2 { PyA2() { py::print("PyA2.PyA2()"); } ~PyA2() { py::print("PyA2.~PyA2()"); } void f() override { py::print("PyA2.f()"); PYBIND11_OVERLOAD(void, A2, f); } };
py::class_<A2, PyA2>(m, "A2") .def(py::init_alias<>()) .def("f", &A2::f);
m.def("call_f", [](A2 *a2) { a2->f(); });