from enum import Enum
import stormpy.core
class SimulatorObservationMode(Enum): STATE_LEVEL = 0, PROGRAM_LEVEL = 1
class SimulatorActionMode(Enum): INDEX_LEVEL = 0, GLOBAL_NAMES = 1
class Simulator: """
Base class for simulators. """
def __init__(self, seed=None): self._seed = seed self._observation_mode = SimulatorObservationMode.STATE_LEVEL self._action_mode = SimulatorActionMode.INDEX_LEVEL self._full_observe = False
def available_actions(self): """
Returns an iterable over the available actions. The action mode may be used to select how actions are referred to.
:return: """
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract Superclass")
def step(self, action=None): """
Do a step taking the passed action.
:param action: The index of the action, for deterministic actions, action may be None. :return: The observation (on state or program level). """
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract superclass")
def restart(self): """
Reset the simulator to the initial state """
raise NotImplementedError("Abstract superclass")
def is_done(self): """
Is the simulator in a sink state?
:return: Yes, if the simulator is in a sink state. """
return False
def set_observation_mode(self, mode): """
Select the observation mode, that is, how the states are represented
:param mode: STATE_LEVEL or PROGRAM_LEVEL :type mode: """
if not isinstance(mode, SimulatorObservationMode): raise RuntimeError("Observation mode must be a SimulatorObservationMode") self._observation_mode = mode
def set_action_mode(self, mode): """
Select the action mode, that is, how the actions are represented
:param mode: SimulatorActionMode.INDEX_LEVEL or SimulatorActionMode.GLOBAL_NAMES :return: """
if not isinstance(mode, SimulatorActionMode): raise RuntimeError("Action mode must be a SimulatorActionMode") self._action_mode = mode
def set_full_observability(self, value): """
Sets whether the full state space is observable. Default inherited from the model, but this method overrides the setting.
:param value: """
self._full_observe = value
class SparseSimulator(Simulator): """
Simulator on top of sparse models. """
def __init__(self, model, seed=None): super().__init__(seed) self._model = model self._engine = stormpy.core._DiscreteTimeSparseModelSimulatorDouble(model) if seed is not None: self._engine.set_seed(seed) self._state_valuations = None self.set_full_observability(self._model.model_type != stormpy.storage.ModelType.POMDP)
def available_actions(self): if self._action_mode == SimulatorActionMode.INDEX_LEVEL: return range(self.nr_available_actions()) else: assert self._action_mode == SimulatorActionMode.GLOBAL_NAMES, "Unknown type of simulator action mode" if not self._model.has_choice_labeling(): raise RuntimeError("Global names action mode requires model with choice labeling") av_actions = [] current_state = self._engine.get_current_state() for action_offset in range(self.nr_available_actions()): choice_label = self._model.choice_labeling.get_labels_of_choice(self._model.get_choice_index(current_state, action_offset)) if len(choice_label) == 0: av_actions.append(f"_act_{action_offset}") elif len(choice_label) == 1: av_actions.append(list(choice_label)[0]) else: assert False, "Unknown type of choice label, support not implemented"
return av_actions
def nr_available_actions(self): return self._model.get_nr_available_actions(self._engine.get_current_state())
def _report_state(self): if self._observation_mode == SimulatorObservationMode.STATE_LEVEL: return self._engine.get_current_state() elif self._observation_mode == SimulatorObservationMode.PROGRAM_LEVEL: return self._state_valuations.get_json(self._engine.get_current_state()) assert False, "The observation mode is unexpected"
def _report_observation(self): """
:return: """
#TODO this should be ensured earlier assert self._model.model_type == stormpy.storage.ModelType.POMDP if self._observation_mode == SimulatorObservationMode.STATE_LEVEL: return self._model.get_observation(self._engine.get_current_state()) elif self._observation_mode == SimulatorObservationMode.PROGRAM_LEVEL: raise NotImplementedError("Program level observations are not implemented in storm") assert False, "The observation mode is unexpected"
def _report_result(self): if self._full_observe: return self._report_state() else: return self._report_observation()
def step(self, action=None): if action is None: if self._model.is_nondeterministic_model and self.nr_available_actions() > 1: raise RuntimeError("Must specify an action in nondeterministic models.") check = self._engine.step(0) assert check elif type(action) == int and self._action_mode == SimulatorActionMode.INDEX_LEVEL: if action >= self.nr_available_actions(): raise RuntimeError(f"Only {self.nr_available_actions()} actions available") check = self._engine.step(action) assert check elif self._action_mode == SimulatorActionMode.GLOBAL_NAMES: action_index = None av_actions = self.available_actions() for offset, label in enumerate(av_actions): if action == label: action_index = offset break if action_index is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not find action: {action}") check = self._engine.step(action_index) assert check else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type of action {action}") return self._report_result()
def restart(self): self._engine.reset_to_initial_state() return self._report_result()
def is_done(self): return self._model.is_sink_state(self._engine.get_current_state())
def set_observation_mode(self, mode): super().set_observation_mode(mode) if self._observation_mode == SimulatorObservationMode.PROGRAM_LEVEL: if not self._model.has_state_valuations(): raise RuntimeError("Program level observations require model with state valuations") self._state_valuations = self._model.state_valuations
def create_simulator(model, seed = None): """
Factory method for creating a simulator.
:param model: Some form of model :param seed: A seed for reproducibility. If None (default), the seed is internally generated. :return: A simulator that can simulate on top of this model """
if isinstance(model, stormpy.storage._ModelBase): if model.is_sparse_model: return SparseSimulator(model, seed) else: raise NotImplementedError("Currently, we only support simulators for sparse models.")