tests/test_inheritance.cpp -- inheritance, automatic upcasting for polymorphic types
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
class Pet { public: Pet(const std::string &name, const std::string &species) : m_name(name), m_species(species) {} std::string name() const { return m_name; } std::string species() const { return m_species; } private: std::string m_name; std::string m_species; };
class Dog : public Pet { public: Dog(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "dog") {} std::string bark() const { return "Woof!"; } };
class Rabbit : public Pet { public: Rabbit(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "parrot") {} };
class Hamster : public Pet { public: Hamster(const std::string &name) : Pet(name, "rodent") {} };
class Chimera : public Pet { Chimera() : Pet("Kimmy", "chimera") {} };
std::string pet_name_species(const Pet &pet) { return pet.name() + " is a " + pet.species(); }
std::string dog_bark(const Dog &dog) { return dog.bark(); }
struct BaseClass { virtual ~BaseClass() {} }; struct DerivedClass1 : BaseClass { }; struct DerivedClass2 : BaseClass { };
struct MismatchBase1 { }; struct MismatchDerived1 : MismatchBase1 { };
struct MismatchBase2 { }; struct MismatchDerived2 : MismatchBase2 { };
test_initializer inheritance([](py::module &m) { py::class_<Pet> pet_class(m, "Pet"); pet_class .def(py::init<std::string, std::string>()) .def("name", &Pet::name) .def("species", &Pet::species);
/* One way of declaring a subclass relationship: reference parent's class_ object */ py::class_<Dog>(m, "Dog", pet_class) .def(py::init<std::string>());
/* Another way of declaring a subclass relationship: reference parent's C++ type */ py::class_<Rabbit, Pet>(m, "Rabbit") .def(py::init<std::string>());
/* And another: list parent in class template arguments */ py::class_<Hamster, Pet>(m, "Hamster") .def(py::init<std::string>());
py::class_<Chimera, Pet>(m, "Chimera");
m.def("pet_name_species", pet_name_species); m.def("dog_bark", dog_bark);
py::class_<BaseClass>(m, "BaseClass").def(py::init<>()); py::class_<DerivedClass1>(m, "DerivedClass1").def(py::init<>()); py::class_<DerivedClass2>(m, "DerivedClass2").def(py::init<>());
m.def("return_class_1", []() -> BaseClass* { return new DerivedClass1(); }); m.def("return_class_2", []() -> BaseClass* { return new DerivedClass2(); }); m.def("return_class_n", [](int n) -> BaseClass* { if (n == 1) return new DerivedClass1(); if (n == 2) return new DerivedClass2(); return new BaseClass(); }); m.def("return_none", []() -> BaseClass* { return nullptr; });
m.def("test_isinstance", [](py::list l) { struct Unregistered { }; // checks missing type_info code path
return py::make_tuple( py::isinstance<py::tuple>(l[0]), py::isinstance<py::dict>(l[1]), py::isinstance<Pet>(l[2]), py::isinstance<Pet>(l[3]), py::isinstance<Dog>(l[4]), py::isinstance<Rabbit>(l[5]), py::isinstance<Unregistered>(l[6]) ); });
m.def("test_mismatched_holder_type_1", []() { auto m = py::module::import("__main__"); py::class_<MismatchBase1, std::shared_ptr<MismatchBase1>>(m, "MismatchBase1"); py::class_<MismatchDerived1, MismatchBase1>(m, "MismatchDerived1"); }); m.def("test_mismatched_holder_type_2", []() { auto m = py::module::import("__main__"); py::class_<MismatchBase2>(m, "MismatchBase2"); py::class_<MismatchDerived2, std::shared_ptr<MismatchDerived2>, MismatchBase2>(m, "MismatchDerived2"); }); });