import os
testfile_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "files")
def _path(folder, file): """
Internal method for simpler listing of examples. :param folder: Folder. :param file: Example file. :return: Complete path to example file. """
return os.path.join(testfile_dir, folder, file)
prism_dtmc_die = _path("dtmc", "die.pm") """Knuth Yao Die Example""" prism_pdtmc_die = _path("pdtmc", "parametric_die.pm") """Knuth Yao Die -- 2 unfair coins Example""" prism_dtmc_brp = _path("dtmc", "brp-16-2.pm") """Bounded Retransmission Protocol""" prism_ma_simple = _path("ma", "simple.ma") """Prism file for a simple Markov automaton""" drn_ctmc_dft = _path("ctmc", "dft.drn") """DRN format for a CTMC from a DFT""" drn_pdtmc_die = _path("pdtmc", "die.drn") """DRN format for a pDTMC for the KY-Die""" jani_dtmc_die = _path("dtmc", "die.jani") """Jani Version of Knuth Yao Die Example""" prism_pdtmc_brp = _path("pdtmc", "brp16_2.pm") """Bounded retransmission protocol with parameters""" prism_mdp_coin_2_2 = _path("mdp", "coin2-2.nm") """Prism example for coin MDP""" prism_pmdp_coin_two_dice = _path("pmdp", "two_dice.nm") """Prism example for parametric two dice""" prism_mdp_maze = _path("mdp", "maze_2.nm") """Prism example for the maze MDP""" drn_pomdp_maze = _path("pomdp", "maze.drn") """DRN example for the maze POMDP""" prism_pomdp_maze = _path("pomdp", "maze_2.prism") """Prism example for the maze POMDP""" prism_par_pomdp_maze = _path("pomdp", "maze_2_par.prism") """Prism example for the parametric POMDP""" dft_galileo_hecs = _path("dft", "hecs.dft") """DFT example for HECS (Galileo format)""" dft_json_and = _path("dft", "and.json") """DFT example for AND gate (JSON format)""" gspn_pnpro_simple = _path("gspn", "gspn_simple.pnpro") """GSPN example (PNPRO format)""" gspn_pnml_simple = _path("gspn", "gspn_simple.pnml") """GSPN example (PNML format)"""