sjunges ac1efc7efd minor fix of a superfluous cmake include 9 years ago
README glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
sudoku.sql glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
sudoku_mysql.mod glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
sudoku_odbc.mod glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
transp.sql glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
transp_mysql.mod glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago
transp_odbc.mod glpk 4.57 for the winners 9 years ago


This subdirectory contains files which demonstrate using data tables
in MathProg models for MySQL and iODBC.

Script is used to load the data from the *.sql files to
a MySQL database. Change the username, if necessary.