dehnert 872f59fea5 Added flag to CMakeLists.txt to enable setting the name of libboost_program_options as it has an additional suffix under Mac OS. 13 years ago
doc Updated styleguides 13 years ago
resources make configure and python script executable, otherwise make fails... 13 years ago
src settings are ready to be used, put into mrmc-cpp 13 years ago
test Changed all indexing to 0-bound. From now on, the available states always start with 0 and end with the state with the highest index used. 13 years ago
.gitignore Edited static_sparse_matrix.h, replaced all calloc/malloc calls with std::new 13 years ago
CMakeLists.txt Added flag to CMakeLists.txt to enable setting the name of libboost_program_options as it has an additional suffix under Mac OS. 13 years ago
FindPantheios.cmake Fixed CMakeLists.txt for Google Test to work with VS2012 13 years ago
FindSTLSoft.cmake Added temporary Find* files for CMake 13 years ago
LICENSE Initial Import into Git 13 years ago
LICENSE-MRMC.txt Initial Import into Git 13 years ago Edited src/parser/read_lab_file.cpp, fixed String tokenization in WIN32 13 years ago