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#include <set>
#include <limits>
#include "src/storage/sparse/StateType.h"
#include "src/models/AbstractDeterministicModel.h"
#include "src/models/AbstractNondeterministicModel.h"
#include "src/utility/constants.h"
#include "src/exceptions/InvalidArgumentException.h"
namespace stormcuda {
namespace graph {
void helloWorld();
template <typename T>
storm::storage::BitVector performProbGreater0(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& backwardTransitions, storm::storage::BitVector const& phiStates, storm::storage::BitVector const& psiStates, bool useStepBound = false, uint_fast64_t maximalSteps = 0) {
// Prepare the resulting bit vector.
uint_fast64_t numberOfStates = phiStates.size();
storm::storage::BitVector statesWithProbabilityGreater0(numberOfStates);
// Add all psi states as the already satisfy the condition.
statesWithProbabilityGreater0 |= psiStates;
// Initialize the stack used for the DFS with the states.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stack(psiStates.begin(), psiStates.end());
// Initialize the stack for the step bound, if the number of steps is bounded.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> stepStack;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> remainingSteps;
if (useStepBound) {
stepStack.insert(stepStack.begin(), psiStates.getNumberOfSetBits(), maximalSteps);
for (auto state : psiStates) {
remainingSteps[state] = maximalSteps;
// Perform the actual DFS.
uint_fast64_t currentState, currentStepBound;
while (!stack.empty()) {
currentState = stack.back();
if (useStepBound) {
currentStepBound = stepStack.back();
for (typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::const_iterator entryIt = backwardTransitions.begin(currentState), entryIte = backwardTransitions.end(currentState); entryIt != entryIte; ++entryIt) {
if (phiStates[entryIt->getColumn()] && (!statesWithProbabilityGreater0.get(entryIt->getColumn()) || (useStepBound && remainingSteps[entryIt->getColumn()] < currentStepBound - 1))) {
// If we don't have a bound on the number of steps to take, just add the state to the stack.
if (!useStepBound) {
statesWithProbabilityGreater0.set(entryIt->getColumn(), true);
} else if (currentStepBound > 0) {
// If there is at least one more step to go, we need to push the state and the new number of steps.
remainingSteps[entryIt->getColumn()] = currentStepBound - 1;
statesWithProbabilityGreater0.set(entryIt->getColumn(), true);
stepStack.push_back(currentStepBound - 1);
// Return result.
return statesWithProbabilityGreater0;