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308 lines
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This is a template engine for C++.
Variables: {$variable_name}
Loops: {% for person in people %}Name: {$}{% endfor %}
If: {% for == "Bob" %}Full name: Robert{% endif %}
Author: Ryan Ginstrom
MIT License
wstring text = L"{% if item %}{$item}{% endif %}\n"
L"{% if thing %}{$thing}{% endif %}" ;
cpptempl::data_map data ;
data[L"item"] = cpptempl::make_data(L"aaa") ;
data[L"thing"] = cpptempl::make_data(L"bbb") ;
wstring result = cpptempl::parse(text, data) ;
Handy Functions
make_data() : Feed it a string, data_map, or data_list to create a data entry.
data_map person ;
person[L"name"] = make_data(L"Bob") ;
person[L"occupation"] = make_data(L"Plumber") ;
data_map data ;
data[L"person"] = make_data(person) ;
wstring result = parse(templ_text, data) ;
#pragma once
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // 'std::copy': Function call with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators'
#pragma warning( disable : 4512 ) // 'std::copy': Function call with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators'
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include "windows.h"
#include "winnls.h" // unicode-multibyte conversion
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace cpptempl
using std::wstring ;
// various typedefs
class data_ptr;
typedef std::vector<data_ptr> data_list ;
class data_map {
data_ptr& operator [](const std::wstring& key);
data_ptr& operator [](const std::string& key);
bool empty();
bool has(const wstring& key);
boost::unordered_map<wstring, data_ptr> data;
// data classes
class Data ;
class DataValue ;
class DataList ;
class DataMap ;
class data_ptr {
data_ptr() {}
template<typename T> data_ptr(const T& data) {
this->operator =(data);
data_ptr(DataValue* data) : ptr(data) {}
data_ptr(DataList* data) : ptr(data) {}
data_ptr(DataMap* data) : ptr(data) {}
data_ptr(const data_ptr& data) {
ptr = data.ptr;
template<typename T> void operator = (const T& data);
void push_back(const data_ptr& data);
virtual ~data_ptr() {}
Data* operator ->() {
return ptr.get();
boost::shared_ptr<Data> ptr;
template<> inline void data_ptr::operator = (const data_ptr& data);
template<> void data_ptr::operator = (const std::string& data);
template<> void data_ptr::operator = (const std::wstring& data);
template<> void data_ptr::operator = (const data_map& data);
template<typename T>
void data_ptr::operator = (const T& data) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
std::wstring data_str = boost::lexical_cast<std::wstring>(data);
this->operator =(data_str);
// convenience functions for recoding utf8 string to wstring and back
inline std::wstring utf8_to_wide(const std::string& text) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
return boost::locale::conv::to_utf<wchar_t>(text, "UTF-8");
// Calculate the required length of the buffer
const size_t len_needed = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, text.c_str(), (UINT)(text.length()) , NULL, 0 );
boost::scoped_array<wchar_t> buff(new wchar_t[len_needed+1]) ;
const size_t num_copied = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, text.c_str(), text.size(), buff.get(), len_needed+1) ;
return std::wstring(buff.get(), num_copied) ;
inline std::string wide_to_utf8(const std::wstring& text) {
#ifndef _MSC_VER
return boost::locale::conv::from_utf<>(text, "UTF-8");
const size_t len_needed = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, text.c_str(), (UINT)(text.length()) , NULL, 0, NULL, NULL) ;
boost::scoped_array<char> buff(new char[len_needed+1]) ;
const size_t num_copied = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, text.c_str(), (UINT)(text.length()) , buff.get(), len_needed+1, NULL, NULL) ;
return std::string(buff.get(), num_copied) ;
// token classes
class Token ;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Token> token_ptr ;
typedef std::vector<token_ptr> token_vector ;
// Custom exception class for library errors
class TemplateException : public std::exception
TemplateException(std::string reason) : m_reason(reason){}
~TemplateException() throw() {}
const char* what() throw() {
return m_reason.c_str();
std::string m_reason;
// Data types used in templates
class Data
virtual bool empty() = 0 ;
virtual wstring getvalue();
virtual data_list& getlist();
virtual data_map& getmap() ;
class DataValue : public Data
wstring m_value ;
DataValue(wstring value) : m_value(value){}
wstring getvalue();
bool empty();
class DataList : public Data
data_list m_items ;
DataList(const data_list &items) : m_items(items){}
data_list& getlist() ;
bool empty();
class DataMap : public Data
data_map m_items ;
DataMap(const data_map &items) : m_items(items){}
data_map& getmap();
bool empty();
// convenience functions for making data objects
inline data_ptr make_data(wstring val)
return data_ptr(new DataValue(val)) ;
inline data_ptr make_data(data_list &val)
return data_ptr(new DataList(val)) ;
inline data_ptr make_data(data_map &val)
return data_ptr(new DataMap(val)) ;
// get a data value from a data map
// e.g. => data["foo"]["bar"]
data_ptr parse_val(wstring key, data_map &data) ;
typedef enum
} TokenType;
// Template tokens
// base class for all token types
class Token
virtual TokenType gettype() = 0 ;
virtual void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data) = 0 ;
virtual void set_children(token_vector &children);
virtual token_vector & get_children();
// normal text
class TokenText : public Token
wstring m_text ;
TokenText(wstring text) : m_text(text){}
TokenType gettype();
void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data);
// variable
class TokenVar : public Token
wstring m_key ;
TokenVar(wstring key) : m_key(key){}
TokenType gettype();
void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data);
// for block
class TokenFor : public Token
wstring m_key ;
wstring m_val ;
token_vector m_children ;
TokenFor(wstring expr);
TokenType gettype();
void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data);
void set_children(token_vector &children);
token_vector &get_children();
// if block
class TokenIf : public Token
wstring m_expr ;
token_vector m_children ;
TokenIf(wstring expr) : m_expr(expr){}
TokenType gettype();
void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data);
bool is_true(wstring expr, data_map &data);
void set_children(token_vector &children);
token_vector &get_children();
// end of block
class TokenEnd : public Token // end of control block
wstring m_type ;
TokenEnd(wstring text) : m_type(text){}
TokenType gettype();
void gettext(std::wostream &stream, data_map &data);
wstring gettext(token_ptr token, data_map &data) ;
void parse_tree(token_vector &tokens, token_vector &tree, TokenType until=TOKEN_TYPE_NONE) ;
token_vector & tokenize(wstring text, token_vector &tokens) ;
// The big daddy. Pass in the template and data,
// and get out a completed doc.
void parse(std::wostream &stream, wstring templ_text, data_map &data) ;
wstring parse(wstring templ_text, data_map &data);
std::string parse(std::string templ_text, data_map &data);