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* IntermediateRepresentationAdapter.h
* Created on: 13.01.2013
* Author: Christian Dehnert
#include "src/storage/SparseMatrix.h"
#include "src/utility/Settings.h"
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
typedef std::pair<std::vector<bool>, std::vector<int_fast64_t>> StateType;
#include "log4cplus/logger.h"
#include "log4cplus/loggingmacros.h"
extern log4cplus::Logger logger;
namespace storm {
namespace adapters {
class StateHash {
std::size_t operator()(StateType* state) const {
size_t seed = 0;
for (auto it = state->first.begin(); it != state->first.end(); ++it) {
boost::hash_combine<bool>(seed, *it);
for (auto it = state->second.begin(); it != state->second.end(); ++it) {
boost::hash_combine<int_fast64_t>(seed, *it);
return seed;
class StateCompare {
bool operator()(StateType* state1, StateType* state2) const {
return *state1 == *state2;
class ExplicitModelAdapter {
ExplicitModelAdapter(std::shared_ptr<storm::ir::Program> program) : program(program), allStates(),
stateToIndexMap(), booleanVariables(), integerVariables(), booleanVariableToIndexMap(),
integerVariableToIndexMap(), numberOfTransitions(0) {
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> toSparseMatrix() {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Creating sparse matrix for probabilistic program.");
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> resultMatrix = this->buildMatrix2<T>();
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Created sparse matrix with " << resultMatrix->getRowCount() << " reachable states and " << resultMatrix->getNonZeroEntryCount() << " transitions.");
return resultMatrix;
static void setValue(StateType* state, uint_fast64_t index, bool value) {
std::get<0>(*state)[index] = value;
static void setValue(StateType* state, uint_fast64_t index, int_fast64_t value) {
std::get<1>(*state)[index] = value;
void prepareAuxiliaryDatastructures() {
uint_fast64_t numberOfIntegerVariables = 0;
uint_fast64_t numberOfBooleanVariables = 0;
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
numberOfIntegerVariables += program->getModule(i).getNumberOfIntegerVariables();
numberOfBooleanVariables += program->getModule(i).getNumberOfBooleanVariables();
uint_fast64_t nextBooleanVariableIndex = 0;
uint_fast64_t nextIntegerVariableIndex = 0;
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
storm::ir::Module const& module = program->getModule(i);
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfBooleanVariables(); ++j) {
this->booleanVariables[nextBooleanVariableIndex] = module.getBooleanVariable(j);
this->booleanVariableToIndexMap[module.getBooleanVariable(j).getName()] = nextBooleanVariableIndex;
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfIntegerVariables(); ++j) {
this->integerVariables[nextIntegerVariableIndex] = module.getIntegerVariable(j);
this->integerVariableToIndexMap[module.getIntegerVariable(j).getName()] = nextIntegerVariableIndex;
std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> getActiveCommandsByAction(StateType const * state, std::string& action) {
std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> res = std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>>(new std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>());
// Iterate over all modules.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
storm::ir::Module const& module = this->program->getModule(i);
std::shared_ptr<std::set<uint_fast64_t>> ids = module.getCommandsByAction(action);
std::list<storm::ir::Command> commands;
// Look up commands by their id. Add, if guard holds.
for (uint_fast64_t id : *ids) {
storm::ir::Command cmd = module.getCommand(id);
if (cmd.getGuard()->getValueAsBool(state)) {
// Sort the result in the vague hope that having small lists at the beginning will speed up the expanding.
// This is how lambdas may look like in C++...
res->sort([](const std::list<storm::ir::Command>& a, const std::list<storm::ir::Command>& b){ return a.size() < b.size(); });
return res;
* Apply an update to the given state and return resulting state.
* @params state Current state.
* @params update Update to be applied.
* @return Resulting state.
StateType* applyUpdate(StateType const * const state, storm::ir::Update const & update) {
StateType* newState = new StateType(*state);
for (auto assignedVariable : update.getBooleanAssignments()) {
setValue(newState, this->booleanVariableToIndexMap[assignedVariable.first], assignedVariable.second.getExpression()->getValueAsBool(state));
for (auto assignedVariable : update.getIntegerAssignments()) {
setValue(newState, this->integerVariableToIndexMap[assignedVariable.first], assignedVariable.second.getExpression()->getValueAsInt(state));
return newState;
* Create a new state and initialize with initial values.
* @return Pointer to initial state.
StateType* buildInitialState() {
// Create a fresh state which can hold as many boolean and integer variables as there are.
StateType* initialState = new StateType();
// Now initialize all fields in the value vectors of the state according to the initial
// values provided by the input program.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->booleanVariables.size(); ++i) {
bool initialValue = this->booleanVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsBool(initialState);
std::get<0>(*initialState)[i] = initialValue;
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->integerVariables.size(); ++i) {
int_fast64_t initialValue = this->integerVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsInt(initialState);
std::get<1>(*initialState)[i] = initialValue;
return initialState;
* Generates all initial states and adds them to allStates.
void generateInitialStates() {
// Create a fresh state which can hold as many boolean and integer variables as there are.
this->allStates.push_back(new StateType());
// Start with boolean variables.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->booleanVariables.size(); ++i) {
// Check if an initial value is given
if (this->booleanVariables[i].getInitialValue().get() == nullptr) {
// No initial value was given.
uint_fast64_t size = this->allStates.size();
for (uint_fast64_t pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
// Duplicate each state, one with true and one with false.
this->allStates.push_back(new StateType(*this->allStates[pos]));
std::get<0>(*this->allStates[pos])[i] = false;
std::get<0>(*this->allStates[size + pos])[i] = true;
} else {
// Initial value was given.
bool initialValue = this->booleanVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsBool(this->allStates[0]);
for (auto it : this->allStates) {
std::get<0>(*it)[i] = initialValue;
// Now process integer variables.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->integerVariables.size(); ++i) {
// Check if an initial value was given.
if (this->integerVariables[i].getInitialValue().get() == nullptr) {
// No initial value was given.
uint_fast64_t size = this->allStates.size();
int_fast64_t lower = this->integerVariables[i].getLowerBound()->getValueAsInt(this->allStates[0]);
int_fast64_t upper = this->integerVariables[i].getUpperBound()->getValueAsInt(this->allStates[0]);
// Duplicate all states for all values in variable interval.
for (int_fast64_t value = lower; value <= upper; value++) {
for (uint_fast64_t pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
// If value is lower bound, we reuse the existing state, otherwise we create a new one.
if (value > lower) this->allStates.push_back(new StateType(*this->allStates[pos]));
// Set value to current state.
std::get<1>(*this->allStates[(value - lower) * size + pos])[i] = value;
} else {
// Initial value was given.
int_fast64_t initialValue = this->integerVariables[i].getInitialValue()->getValueAsInt(this->allStates[0]);
for (auto it : this->allStates) {
std::get<1>(*it)[i] = initialValue;
* Retrieves the state id of the given state.
* If the state has not been hit yet, it will be added to allStates and given a new id.
* In this case, the pointer must not be deleted, as it is used within allStates.
* If the state is already known, the pointer is deleted and the old state id is returned.
* Hence, the given state pointer should not be used afterwards.
* @param state Pointer to state, shall not be used afterwards.
* @returns State id of given state.
uint_fast64_t getOrAddStateId(StateType * state) {
// Check, if we already know this state at all.
auto indexIt = this->stateToIndexMap.find(state);
if (indexIt == this->stateToIndexMap.end()) {
// No, add to allStates, initialize index.
stateToIndexMap[state] = allStates.size()-1;
return allStates.size()-1;
} else {
// Yes, obtain index and delete state object.
delete state;
return indexIt->second;
* Expands all unlabeled transitions for a given state and adds them to the given list of results.
* There will be an additional map for each Command that is active.
* Each such map will contain a probability distribution over the reachable states using this Command.
* @params state State to be expanded
* @params res List of
void addUnlabeledTransitions(const uint_fast64_t stateID, std::list<std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>& res) {
const StateType* state = this->allStates[stateID];
// Iterate over all modules.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
storm::ir::Module const& module = program->getModule(i);
// Iterate over all commands.
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfCommands(); ++j) {
storm::ir::Command const& command = module.getCommand(j);
// Only consider unlabeled commands.
if (command.getActionName() != "") continue;
// Omit, if command is not active.
if (!command.getGuard()->getValueAsBool(state)) continue;
// Add a new map and get pointer.
std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>* states = &res.back();
// Iterate over all updates.
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
// Obtain new state id.
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
uint_fast64_t newStateId = this->getOrAddStateId(this->applyUpdate(state, update));
// Check, if we already know this state, add up probabilities for every state.
auto stateIt = states->find(newStateId);
if (stateIt == states->end()) {
(*states)[newStateId] = update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(state);
} else {
(*states)[newStateId] += update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(state);
void addLabeledTransitions(const uint_fast64_t stateID, std::list<std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>& res) {
// Create a copy of the current state, as we will free intermediate states...
StateType* state = new StateType(*this->allStates[stateID]);
for (std::string action : this->program->getActions()) {
std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> cmds = this->getActiveCommandsByAction(state, action);
// Start with current state
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> resultStates;
resultStates[state] = 1.0;
for (std::list<storm::ir::Command> module : *cmds) {
if (resultStates.size() == 0) break;
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> newStates;
// Iterate over all commands within this module.
for (storm::ir::Command command : module) {
// Iterate over all updates of this command.
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
// Iterate over all resultStates.
for (auto it : resultStates) {
// Apply the new update and get resulting state.
StateType* newState = this->applyUpdate(it.first, update);
// Insert the new state into newStates array.
// Take care of calculation of likelihood, combine identical states.
auto s = newStates.find(newState);
if (s == newStates.end()) {
newStates[newState] = it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
} else {
newStates[newState] += it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
for (auto it: resultStates) {
delete it.first;
// Move new states to resultStates.
resultStates.insert(newStates.begin(), newStates.end());
if (resultStates.size() > 0) {
std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>* states = &res.back();
// Now add our final result states to our global result.
for (auto it : resultStates) {
uint_fast64_t newStateID = this->getOrAddStateId(it.first);
(*states)[newStateID] = it.second;
this->numberOfTransitions += states->size();
void dump(std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>& obj) {
std::cout << "Some map:" << std::endl;
for (auto it: obj) {
std::cout << "\t" << it.first << ": " << it.second << std::endl;
* Create matrix from intermediate mapping, assuming it is a dtmc model.
* @param intermediate Intermediate representation of transition mapping.
* @return result matrix.
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> buildDTMCMatrix(std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>> intermediate) {
std::cout << "Building DTMC matrix" << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> result(new storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>(allStates.size()));
uint_fast64_t numberOfTransitions = 0;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < this->allStates.size(); state++) {
std::set<uint_fast64_t> set;
for (auto choice : intermediate[state]) {
for (auto elem : choice) {
numberOfTransitions += set.size();
std::cout << "number of Transitions: " << numberOfTransitions << std::endl;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < this->allStates.size(); state++) {
if (intermediate[state].size() > 1) {
std::cout << "Warning: state " << state << " has " << intermediate[state].size() << " overlapping guards in dtmc" << std::endl;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, double> map;
for (auto choice : intermediate[state]) {
for (auto elem : choice) {
map[elem.first] += elem.second;
double factor = 1.0 / intermediate[state].size();
for (auto it : map) {
result->addNextValue(state, it.first, it.second * factor);
return result;
* Create matrix from intermediate mapping, assuming it is a mdp model.
* @param intermediate Intermediate representation of transition mapping.
* @param choices Overall number of choices for all nodes.
* @return result matrix.
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> buildMDPMatrix(std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>> intermediate, uint_fast64_t choices) {
std::cout << "Building MDP matrix" << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> result(new storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>(allStates.size(), choices));
uint_fast64_t nextRow = 0;
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < this->allStates.size(); state++) {
for (auto choice : intermediate[state]) {
for (auto it : choice) {
result->addNextValue(nextRow, it.first, it.second);
return result;
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> buildMatrix2() {
this->numberOfTransitions = 0;
uint_fast64_t choices;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, std::list<std::map<uint_fast64_t, double>>> intermediate;
for (uint_fast64_t curIndex = 0; curIndex < this->allStates.size(); curIndex++)
this->addUnlabeledTransitions(curIndex, intermediate[curIndex]);
this->addLabeledTransitions(curIndex, intermediate[curIndex]);
choices += intermediate[curIndex].size();
if (intermediate[curIndex].size() == 0) {
// This is a deadlock state.
if (storm::settings::instance()->isSet("fix-deadlocks")) {
intermediate[curIndex].back()[curIndex] = 1;
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state.";
switch (this->program->getModelType()) {
case storm::ir::Program::DTMC:
case storm::ir::Program::CTMC:
return this->buildDTMCMatrix<T>(intermediate);
case storm::ir::Program::MDP:
case storm::ir::Program::CTMDP:
return this->buildMDPMatrix<T>(intermediate, choices);
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: We can't handle this model type.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: We can't handle this model type.";
return std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>>(nullptr);
void computeReachableStateSpace() {
// Prepare some internal data structures, such as mappings from variables to indices and so on.
// Build initial state.
StateType* initialState = this->buildInitialState();
// Now set up the environment for a breadth-first search starting from the initial state.
uint_fast64_t nextIndex = 1;
std::queue<StateType*> stateQueue;
this->stateToIndexMap[initialState] = 0;
this->numberOfTransitions = 0;
while (!stateQueue.empty()) {
// Get first state in queue.
StateType* currentState = stateQueue.front();
// Remember whether the state has at least one transition such that transitions can be
// inserted upon detection of a deadlock state.
bool hasTransition = false;
// First expand all transitions for commands labelled with some
// action. For every module, we determine all commands with this
// action whose guard holds. Then, we add a transition for each
// combination of all updates of those commands.
for (std::string action : this->program->getActions()) {
// Get list of all commands.
// This list contains a list for every module that has commands labelled by action.
// Each such list contains all commands whose guards are fulfilled.
// If no guard is fulfilled (i.e. there is no way to perform this action), the list will be empty!
std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> cmds = this->getActiveCommandsByAction(currentState, action);
// Start with current state.
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> resultStates;
resultStates[currentState] = 1;
std::queue<StateType*> deleteQueue;
// Iterate over all modules (represented by the list of commands with the current action).
// We will now combine every state in resultStates with every additional update in the next module.
// The final result will be this map after we are done with all modules.
for (std::list<storm::ir::Command> module : *cmds) {
// If no states are left, we are done.
// This happens, if there is a module where commands existed, but no guard was fulfilled.
if (resultStates.size() == 0) break;
// Put all new states in this new map.
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> newStates;
// Iterate over all commands within this module.
for (storm::ir::Command command : module) {
// Iterate over all updates of this command.
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
// Iterate over all resultStates.
for (auto it : resultStates) {
// Apply the new update and get resulting state.
StateType* newState = this->applyUpdate(it.first, update);
// Insert the new state into newStates array.
// Take care of calculation of likelihood, combine identical states.
auto s = newStates.find(newState);
if (s == newStates.end()) {
newStates[newState] = it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
} else {
newStates[newState] += it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
// No matter what happened, we must delete the states of the previous iteration.
// Move new states to resultStates.
resultStates.insert(newStates.begin(), newStates.end());
// Delete old result states.
while (!deleteQueue.empty()) {
if (deleteQueue.front() != currentState) {
delete deleteQueue.front();
// Now add our final result states to our global result.
for (auto it : resultStates) {
hasTransition = true;
auto s = stateToIndexMap.find(it.first);
if (s == stateToIndexMap.end()) {
// Add state to list of all reachable states.
// Give a unique index to the newly found state.
stateToIndexMap[it.first] = nextIndex;
} else {
// Delete states we already had.
while (!deleteQueue.empty()) {
delete deleteQueue.front();
this->numberOfTransitions += resultStates.size();
// Now, expand all transitions for commands not labelled with
// some action. Those commands each build a transition for
// themselves.
// Iterate over all modules.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
storm::ir::Module const& module = program->getModule(i);
// Iterate over all commands.
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfCommands(); ++j) {
storm::ir::Command const& command = module.getCommand(j);
if (command.getActionName() != "") continue;
// Check if this command is enabled in the current state.
if (command.getGuard()->getValueAsBool(currentState)) {
hasTransition = true;
// Remember what states are targeted by an update of the current command
// in order to be able to sum those probabilities and not increase the
// transition count.
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> stateToProbabilityMap;
// Keep a queue of states to delete after the current command. When one
// command is processed and states are encountered which were already found
// before, we can only delete them after the command has been processed,
// because the stateToProbabilityMap will contain illegal values otherwise.
std::queue<StateType*> statesToDelete;
// Now iterate over all updates to see where the updates take the current
// state.
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
// Now copy the current state and only overwrite the entries in the
// vectors if there is an assignment to that variable in the current
// update.
StateType* newState = this->applyUpdate(currentState, update);
// If we have already found the target state of the update, we must not
// increase the transition count.
auto probIt = stateToProbabilityMap.find(newState);
if (probIt != stateToProbabilityMap.end()) {
stateToProbabilityMap[newState] += update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(currentState);
} else {
stateToProbabilityMap[newState] = update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(currentState);
// Depending on whether the state was found previously, we mark it for
// deletion or add it to the reachable state space and mark it for
// further exploration.
auto it = stateToIndexMap.find(newState);
if (it != stateToIndexMap.end()) {
// Queue the state object for deletion as we have already seen that
// state.
} else {
// Add state to the queue of states that are still to be explored.
// Add state to list of all reachable states.
// Give a unique index to the newly found state.
stateToIndexMap[newState] = nextIndex;
// Now delete all states queued for deletion.
while (!statesToDelete.empty()) {
delete statesToDelete.front();
// If the state is a deadlock state, and the corresponding flag is set, we tolerate that
// and increase the number of transitions by one, because a self-loop is going to be
// inserted in the next step. If the flag is not set, an exception is thrown.
if (!hasTransition) {
if (storm::settings::instance()->isSet("fix-deadlocks")) {
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state.");
throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Error while creating sparse matrix from probabilistic program: found deadlock state.";
template<class T>
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> buildMatrix() {
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> resultMatrix(new storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>(allStates.size()));
// Keep track of the running index to insert values into correct matrix row.
uint_fast64_t currentIndex = 0;
// Determine the matrix content for every row (i.e. reachable state).
for (StateType* currentState : allStates) {
bool hasTransition = false;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, double> stateIndexToProbabilityMap;
for (std::string action : this->program->getActions()) {
std::unique_ptr<std::list<std::list<storm::ir::Command>>> cmds = this->getActiveCommandsByAction(currentState, action);
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> resultStates;
resultStates[currentState] = 1;
std::queue<StateType*> deleteQueue;
for (std::list<storm::ir::Command> module : *cmds) {
std::unordered_map<StateType*, double, StateHash, StateCompare> newStates;
for (storm::ir::Command command : module) {
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
for (auto it : resultStates) {
StateType* newState = this->applyUpdate(it.first, update);
auto s = newStates.find(newState);
if (s == newStates.end()) {
newStates[newState] = it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
} else {
newStates[newState] += it.second * update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(it.first);
resultStates.insert(newStates.begin(), newStates.end());
while (!deleteQueue.empty()) {
if (deleteQueue.front() != currentState) {
delete deleteQueue.front();
for (auto it : resultStates) {
hasTransition = true;
uint_fast64_t targetIndex = stateToIndexMap[it.first];
auto s = stateIndexToProbabilityMap.find(targetIndex);
if (s == stateIndexToProbabilityMap.end()) {
stateIndexToProbabilityMap[targetIndex] = it.second;
} else {
stateIndexToProbabilityMap[targetIndex] += it.second;
delete it.first;
for (auto targetIndex : stateIndexToProbabilityMap) {
resultMatrix->addNextValue(currentIndex, targetIndex.first, targetIndex.second);
// Iterate over all modules.
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < program->getNumberOfModules(); ++i) {
storm::ir::Module const& module = program->getModule(i);
// Iterate over all commands.
for (uint_fast64_t j = 0; j < module.getNumberOfCommands(); ++j) {
storm::ir::Command const& command = module.getCommand(j);
if (command.getActionName() != "") continue;
// Check if this command is enabled in the current state.
if (command.getGuard()->getValueAsBool(currentState)) {
hasTransition = true;
std::map<uint_fast64_t, double> stateIndexToProbabilityMap;
for (uint_fast64_t k = 0; k < command.getNumberOfUpdates(); ++k) {
storm::ir::Update const& update = command.getUpdate(k);
StateType* newState = this->applyUpdate(currentState, update);
uint_fast64_t targetIndex = (*stateToIndexMap.find(newState)).second;
delete newState;
auto probIt = stateIndexToProbabilityMap.find(targetIndex);
if (probIt != stateIndexToProbabilityMap.end()) {
stateIndexToProbabilityMap[targetIndex] += update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(currentState);
} else {
stateIndexToProbabilityMap[targetIndex] = update.getLikelihoodExpression()->getValueAsDouble(currentState);
// Now insert the actual values into the matrix.
for (auto targetIndex : stateIndexToProbabilityMap) {
resultMatrix->addNextValue(currentIndex, targetIndex.first, targetIndex.second);
// If the state is a deadlock state, a self-loop is inserted. Note that we do not have
// to check whether --fix-deadlocks is set, because if this was not the case an
// exception would have been thrown earlier.
if (!hasTransition) {
resultMatrix->addNextValue(currentIndex, currentIndex, 1);
// Finalize matrix and return it.
return resultMatrix;
void clearReachableStateSpace() {
for (auto it : allStates) {
delete it;
std::shared_ptr<storm::ir::Program> program;
std::vector<StateType*> allStates;
std::unordered_map<StateType*, uint_fast64_t, StateHash, StateCompare> stateToIndexMap;
std::vector<storm::ir::BooleanVariable> booleanVariables;
std::vector<storm::ir::IntegerVariable> integerVariables;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> booleanVariableToIndexMap;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> integerVariableToIndexMap;
uint_fast64_t numberOfTransitions;
} // namespace adapters
} // namespace storm