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Copyright 2005-2014 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#ifndef __TBB_parallel_invoke_H
#define __TBB_parallel_invoke_H
#include "task.h"
namespace tbb {
/** Dummy to avoid cluttering the bulk of the header with enormous amount of ifdefs. **/
struct task_group_context {};
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
// Simple task object, executing user method
template<typename function>
class function_invoker : public task{
function_invoker(const function& _function) : my_function(_function) {}
const function &my_function;
task* execute()
return NULL;
// The class spawns two or three child tasks
template <size_t N, typename function1, typename function2, typename function3>
class spawner : public task {
const function1& my_func1;
const function2& my_func2;
const function3& my_func3;
bool is_recycled;
task* execute (){
return NULL;
__TBB_ASSERT(N==2 || N==3, "Number of arguments passed to spawner is wrong");
internal::function_invoker<function2>* invoker2 = new (allocate_child()) internal::function_invoker<function2>(my_func2);
__TBB_ASSERT(invoker2, "Child task allocation failed");
size_t n = N; // To prevent compiler warnings
if (n>2) {
internal::function_invoker<function3>* invoker3 = new (allocate_child()) internal::function_invoker<function3>(my_func3);
__TBB_ASSERT(invoker3, "Child task allocation failed");
is_recycled = true;
return NULL;
} // execute
spawner(const function1& _func1, const function2& _func2, const function3& _func3) : my_func1(_func1), my_func2(_func2), my_func3(_func3), is_recycled(false) {}
// Creates and spawns child tasks
class parallel_invoke_helper : public empty_task {
// Dummy functor class
class parallel_invoke_noop {
void operator() () const {}
// Creates a helper object with user-defined number of children expected
parallel_invoke_helper(int number_of_children)
set_ref_count(number_of_children + 1);
// Adds child task and spawns it
template <typename function>
void add_child (const function &_func)
internal::function_invoker<function>* invoker = new (allocate_child()) internal::function_invoker<function>(_func);
__TBB_ASSERT(invoker, "Child task allocation failed");
// Adds a task with multiple child tasks and spawns it
// two arguments
template <typename function1, typename function2>
void add_children (const function1& _func1, const function2& _func2)
// The third argument is dummy, it is ignored actually.
parallel_invoke_noop noop;
internal::spawner<2, function1, function2, parallel_invoke_noop>& sub_root = *new(allocate_child())internal::spawner<2, function1, function2, parallel_invoke_noop>(_func1, _func2, noop);
// three arguments
template <typename function1, typename function2, typename function3>
void add_children (const function1& _func1, const function2& _func2, const function3& _func3)
internal::spawner<3, function1, function2, function3>& sub_root = *new(allocate_child())internal::spawner<3, function1, function2, function3>(_func1, _func2, _func3);
// Waits for all child tasks
template <typename F0>
void run_and_finish(const F0& f0)
internal::function_invoker<F0>* invoker = new (allocate_child()) internal::function_invoker<F0>(f0);
__TBB_ASSERT(invoker, "Child task allocation failed");
// The class destroys root if exception occurred as well as in normal case
class parallel_invoke_cleaner: internal::no_copy {
parallel_invoke_cleaner(int number_of_children, tbb::task_group_context& context)
: root(*new(task::allocate_root(context)) internal::parallel_invoke_helper(number_of_children))
parallel_invoke_cleaner(int number_of_children, tbb::task_group_context&)
: root(*new(task::allocate_root()) internal::parallel_invoke_helper(number_of_children))
#endif /* !__TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
/** \name parallel_invoke
//! Executes a list of tasks in parallel and waits for all tasks to complete.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
// parallel_invoke with user-defined context
// two arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1 >
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, tbb::task_group_context& context) {
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(2, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
// three arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2 >
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, tbb::task_group_context& context) {
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(3, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
// four arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(4, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
// five arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4 >
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(3, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f4, f3);
root.add_children(f2, f1);
// six arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4, typename F5>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4, const F5& f5,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(3, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f5, f4, f3);
root.add_children(f2, f1);
// seven arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4, typename F5, typename F6>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(3, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f6, f5, f4);
root.add_children(f3, f2, f1);
// eight arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(4, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f7, f6, f5);
root.add_children(f4, f3);
root.add_children(f2, f1);
// nine arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7, typename F8>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7, const F8& f8,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(4, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f8, f7, f6);
root.add_children(f5, f4, f3);
root.add_children(f2, f1);
// ten arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7, typename F8, typename F9>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7, const F8& f8, const F9& f9,
tbb::task_group_context& context)
internal::parallel_invoke_cleaner cleaner(4, context);
internal::parallel_invoke_helper& root = cleaner.root;
root.add_children(f9, f8, f7);
root.add_children(f6, f5, f4);
root.add_children(f3, f2, f1);
// two arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1) {
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1>(f0, f1, context);
// three arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2) {
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2>(f0, f1, f2, context);
// four arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3 >
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3) {
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3>(f0, f1, f2, f3, context);
// five arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4) {
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, context);
// six arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4, typename F5>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4, const F5& f5) {
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, context);
// seven arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4, typename F5, typename F6>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6)
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, context);
// eigth arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7)
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, context);
// nine arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7, typename F8>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7, const F8& f8)
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, context);
// ten arguments
template<typename F0, typename F1, typename F2, typename F3, typename F4,
typename F5, typename F6, typename F7, typename F8, typename F9>
void parallel_invoke(const F0& f0, const F1& f1, const F2& f2, const F3& f3, const F4& f4,
const F5& f5, const F6& f6, const F7& f7, const F8& f8, const F9& f9)
task_group_context context;
parallel_invoke<F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9>(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, context);
} // namespace
#endif /* __TBB_parallel_invoke_H */