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#include <unordered_map>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include "src/storage/dd/Dd.h"
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h"
// Include the C++-interface of CUDD.
#include "cuddObj.hh"
namespace storm {
namespace dd {
// Forward-declare the DdManager class.
template<DdType Type> class DdManager;
class Dd<CUDD> {
// Declare the DdManager class as friend so it can access the internals of a DD.
friend class DdManager<CUDD>;
// Instantiate all copy/move constructors/assignments with the default implementation.
Dd() = default;
Dd(Dd<CUDD> const& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<CUDD> const& other) = default;
#ifndef WINDOWS
Dd(Dd<CUDD>&& other) = default;
Dd& operator=(Dd<CUDD>&& other) = default;
* Retrieves whether the two DDs represent the same function.
* @param other The DD that is to be compared with the current one.
bool operator==(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Adds the two DDs.
* @param other The DD to add to the current one.
* @return The result of the addition.
Dd<CUDD> operator+(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Adds the given DD to the current one.
* @param other The DD to add to the current one.
* @return A reference to the current DD after the operation.
Dd<CUDD>& operator+=(Dd<CUDD> const& other);
* Multiplies the two DDs.
* @param other The DD to multiply with the current one.
* @return The result of the multiplication.
Dd<CUDD> operator*(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Multiplies the given DD with the current one and assigns the result to the current DD.
* @param other The DD to multiply with the current one.
* @return A reference to the current DD after the operation.
Dd<CUDD>& operator*=(Dd<CUDD> const& other);
* Subtracts the given DD from the current one.
* @param other The DD to subtract from the current one.
* @return The result of the subtraction.
Dd<CUDD> operator-(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Subtracts the given DD from the current one and assigns the result to the current DD.
* @param other The DD to subtract from the current one.
* @return A reference to the current DD after the operation.
Dd<CUDD>& operator-=(Dd<CUDD> const& other);
* Divides the current DD by the given one.
* @param other The DD by which to divide the current one.
* @return The result of the division.
Dd<CUDD> operator/(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Divides the current DD by the given one and assigns the result to the current DD.
* @param other The DD by which to divide the current one.
* @return A reference to the current DD after the operation.
Dd<CUDD>& operator/=(Dd<CUDD> const& other);
* Subtracts the DD from the constant zero function.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> minus() const;
* Retrieves the logical complement of the current DD. The result will map all encodings with a value
* unequal to zero to false and all others to true.
* @return The logical complement of the current DD.
Dd<CUDD> operator~() const;
* Logically complements the current DD. The result will map all encodings with a value
* unequal to zero to false and all others to true.
* @return A reference to the current DD after the operation.
Dd<CUDD>& complement();
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one that have an identical function values.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> equals(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one that have distinct function values.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> notEquals(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one whose function value in the first DD are less
* than the one in the given DD.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> less(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one whose function value in the first DD are less or
* equal than the one in the given DD.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> lessOrEqual(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one whose function value in the first DD are greater
* than the one in the given DD.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> greater(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Retrieves the function that maps all evaluations to one whose function value in the first DD are greater
* or equal than the one in the given DD.
* @param other The DD with which to perform the operation.
* @return The resulting function represented as a DD.
Dd<CUDD> greaterOrEqual(Dd<CUDD> const& other) const;
* Existentially abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariableNames The names of all meta variables from which to abstract.
void existsAbstract(std::set<std::string> const& metaVariableNames);
* Sum-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariableNames The names of all meta variables from which to abstract.
void sumAbstract(std::set<std::string> const& metaVariableNames);
* Min-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariableNames The names of all meta variables from which to abstract.
void minAbstract(std::set<std::string> const& metaVariableNames);
* Max-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* @param metaVariableNames The names of all meta variables from which to abstract.
void maxAbstract(std::set<std::string> const& metaVariableNames);
* Swaps the given pairs of meta variables in the DD. The pairs of meta variables must be guaranteed to have
* the same number of underlying DD variables.
* @param metaVariablePairs A vector of meta variable pairs that are to be swapped for one another.
void swapVariables(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> const& metaVariablePairs);
* Multiplies the current DD (representing a matrix) with the given matrix by summing over the given meta
* variables.
* @param otherMatrix The matrix with which to multiply.
* @param summationMetaVariableNames The names of the meta variables over which to sum during the matrix-
* matrix multiplication.
* @return A DD representing the result of the matrix-matrix multiplication.
Dd<CUDD> multiplyMatrix(Dd<CUDD> const& otherMatrix, std::set<std::string> const& summationMetaVariableNames);
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount() const;
* Retrieves the number of leaves of the DD.
* @return The number of leaves of the DD.
uint_fast64_t getLeafCount() const;
* Retrieves the number of nodes necessary to represent the DD.
* @return The number of nodes in this DD.
uint_fast64_t getNodeCount() const;
* Retrieves the lowest function value of any encoding.
* @return The lowest function value of any encoding.
double getMin() const;
* Retrieves the highest function value of any encoding.
* @return The highest function value of any encoding.
double getMax() const;
* Sets the function values of all encodings that have the given value of the meta variable to the given
* target value.
* @param metaVariableName The name of the meta variable that has to be equal to the given value.
* @param variableValue The value that the meta variable is supposed to have. This must be within the range
* of the meta variable.
* @param targetValue The new function value of the modified encodings.
void setValue(std::string const& metaVariableName, int_fast64_t variableValue, double targetValue);
* Sets the function values of all encodings that have the given values of the two meta variables to the
* given target value.
* @param metaVariableName1 The name of the first meta variable that has to be equal to the first given
* value.
* @param variableValue1 The value that the first meta variable is supposed to have. This must be within the
* range of the meta variable.
* @param metaVariableName2 The name of the first meta variable that has to be equal to the second given
* value.
* @param variableValue2 The value that the second meta variable is supposed to have. This must be within
* the range of the meta variable.
* @param targetValue The new function value of the modified encodings.
void setValue(std::string const& metaVariableName1, int_fast64_t variableValue1, std::string const& metaVariableName2, int_fast64_t variableValue2, double targetValue);
* Sets the function values of all encodings that have the given values of the given meta variables to the
* given target value.
* @param metaVariableNameToValueMap A mapping of meta variable names to the values they are supposed to
* have. All values must be within the range of the respective meta variable.
* @param targetValue The new function value of the modified encodings.
void setValue(std::unordered_map<std::string, int_fast64_t> const& metaVariableNameToValueMap, double targetValue);
* Retrieves whether this DD represents the constant one function.
* @return True if this DD represents the constant one function.
bool isOne() const;
* Retrieves whether this DD represents the constant zero function.
* @return True if this DD represents the constant zero function.
bool isZero() const;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variable is contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariableName The name of the meta variable for which to query membership.
* @return True iff the meta variable is contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariable(std::string const& metaVariableName) const;
* Retrieves whether the given meta variables are all contained in the DD.
* @param metaVariableNames The names of the meta variable for which to query membership.
* @return True iff all meta variables are contained in the DD.
bool containsMetaVariables(std::set<std::string> metaVariableNames) const;
* Retrieves the set of all names of meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of names of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<std::string> const& getContainedMetaVariableNames() const;
* Retrieves the set of all names of meta variables contained in the DD.
* @return The set of names of all meta variables contained in the DD.
std::set<std::string>& getContainedMetaVariableNames();
* Exports the DD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the DD is to be exported.
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename) const;
* Retrieves the manager that is responsible for this DD.
* A pointer to the manager that is responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<CUDD>> getDdManager() const;
* Retrieves the CUDD ADD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD ADD object assoicated with this DD.
ADD getCuddAdd();
* Retrieves the CUDD ADD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD ADD object assoicated with this DD.
ADD const& getCuddAdd() const;
* Adds the given meta variable name to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariableName The name of the meta variable to add.
void addContainedMetaVariable(std::string const& metaVariableName);
* Removes the given meta variable name to the set of meta variables that are contained in this DD.
* @param metaVariableName The name of the meta variable to remove.
void removeContainedMetaVariable(std::string const& metaVariableName);
* Creates a DD that encapsulates the given CUDD ADD.
* @param ddManager The manager responsible for this DD.
* @param cuddAdd The CUDD ADD to store.
* @param
Dd(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<CUDD>> ddManager, ADD cuddAdd, std::set<std::string> const& containedMetaVariableNames);
// A pointer to the manager responsible for this DD.
std::shared_ptr<DdManager<CUDD>> ddManager;
// The ADD created by CUDD.
ADD cuddAdd;
// The names of all meta variables that appear in this DD.
std::set<std::string> containedMetaVariableNames;