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#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expression.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/Constant.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/Formula.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/Label.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/Module.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/RewardModel.h"
#include "src/storage/prism/InitialConstruct.h"
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h"
namespace storm {
namespace prism {
class Program : public LocatedInformation {
* An enum for the different model types.
enum class ModelType {UNDEFINED, DTMC, CTMC, MDP, CTMDP, MA};
* Creates a program with the given model type, undefined constants, global variables, modules, reward
* models, labels and initial states.
* @param modelType The type of the program.
* @param constants The constants of the program.
* @param globalBooleanVariables The global boolean variables of the program.
* @param globalIntegerVariables The global integer variables of the program.
* @param formulas The formulas defined in the program.
* @param modules The modules of the program.
* @param fixInitialConstruct A flag that indicates whether the given initial construct is to be ignored and
* replaced by a new one created from the initial values of the variables.
* @param initialConstruct The initial construct of the program. If the initial construct specifies "false"
* as the initial condition, the default values of the variables are used to construct a legal initial
* condition.
* @param rewardModels The reward models of the program.
* @param labels The labels defined for this program.
* @param filename The filename in which the program is defined.
* @param lineNumber The line number in which the program is defined.
* @param checkValidity If set to true, the program is checked for validity.
Program(ModelType modelType, std::vector<Constant> const& constants, std::vector<BooleanVariable> const& globalBooleanVariables, std::vector<IntegerVariable> const& globalIntegerVariables, std::vector<Formula> const& formulas, std::vector<Module> const& modules, std::vector<RewardModel> const& rewardModels, bool fixInitialConstruct, storm::prism::InitialConstruct const& initialConstruct, std::vector<Label> const& labels, std::string const& filename = "", uint_fast64_t lineNumber = 0, bool checkValidity = true);
// Provide default implementations for constructors and assignments.
Program() = default;
Program(Program const& other) = default;
Program& operator=(Program const& other) = default;
#ifndef WINDOWS
Program(Program&& other) = default;
Program& operator=(Program&& other) = default;
* Retrieves the model type of the model.
* @return The type of the model.
ModelType getModelType() const;
* Retrieves whether there are undefined constants of any type in the program.
* @return True iff there are undefined constants of any type in the program.
bool hasUndefinedConstants() const;
* Retrieves whether the given constant exists in the program.
* @param constantName The name of the constant to search.
* @return True iff the constant exists in the program.
bool hasConstant(std::string const& constantName) const;
* Retrieves the constant with the given name if it exists.
* @param constantName The name of the constant to retrieve.
* @return The constant with the given name if it exists.
Constant const& getConstant(std::string const& constantName) const;
* Retrieves all constants defined in the program.
* @return The constants defined in the program.
std::vector<Constant> const& getConstants() const;
* Retrieves the number of all constants defined in the program.
* @return The number of constants defined in the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfConstants() const;
* Retrieves the global boolean variables of the program.
* @return The global boolean variables of the program.
std::vector<BooleanVariable> const& getGlobalBooleanVariables() const;
* Retrieves a the global boolean variable with the given name.
* @param variableName The name of the global boolean variable to retrieve.
* @return The global boolean variable with the given name.
BooleanVariable const& getGlobalBooleanVariable(std::string const& variableName) const;
* Retrieves the global integer variables of the program.
* @return The global integer variables of the program.
std::vector<IntegerVariable> const& getGlobalIntegerVariables() const;
* Retrieves a the global integer variable with the given name.
* @param variableName The name of the global integer variable to retrieve.
* @return The global integer variable with the given name.
IntegerVariable const& getGlobalIntegerVariable(std::string const& variableName) const;
* Retrieves the number of global boolean variables of the program.
* @return The number of global boolean variables of the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfGlobalBooleanVariables() const;
* Retrieves the number of global integer variables of the program.
* @return The number of global integer variables of the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfGlobalIntegerVariables() const;
* Retrieves the formulas defined in the program.
* @return The formulas defined in the program.
std::vector<Formula> const& getFormulas() const;
* Retrieves the number of formulas in the program.
* @return The number of formulas in the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfFormulas() const;
* Retrieves the number of modules in the program.
* @return The number of modules in the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfModules() const;
* Retrieves the module with the given index.
* @param index The index of the module to retrieve.
* @return The module with the given index.
Module const& getModule(uint_fast64_t index) const;
* Retrieves the module with the given name.
* @param moduleName The name of the module to retrieve.
* @return The module with the given name.
Module const& getModule(std::string const& moduleName) const;
* Retrieves all modules of the program.
* @return All modules of the program.
std::vector<Module> const& getModules() const;
* Retrieves the initial construct of the program.
* @return The initial construct of the program.
storm::prism::InitialConstruct const& getInitialConstruct() const;
* Retrieves the set of actions present in the program.
* @return The set of actions present in the program.
std::set<std::string> const& getActions() const;
* Retrieves the indices of all modules within this program that contain commands that are labelled with the
* given action.
* @param action The name of the action the modules are supposed to possess.
* @return A set of indices of all matching modules.
std::set<uint_fast64_t> const& getModuleIndicesByAction(std::string const& action) const;
* Retrieves the index of the module in which the given variable name was declared.
* @param variableName The name of the variable to search.
* @return The index of the module in which the given variable name was declared.
uint_fast64_t getModuleIndexByVariable(std::string const& variableName) const;
* Retrieves whether the program has reward models.
* @return True iff the program has at least one reward model.
bool hasRewardModel() const;
* Retrieves the reward models of the program.
* @return The reward models of the program.
std::vector<RewardModel> const& getRewardModels() const;
* Retrieves the number of reward models in the program.
* @return The number of reward models in the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfRewardModels() const;
* Retrieves the reward model with the given name.
* @param rewardModelName The name of the reward model to return.
* @return The reward model with the given name.
RewardModel const& getRewardModel(std::string const& rewardModelName) const;
* Retrieves the reward model with the given index.
* @param index The index of the reward model to return.
* @return The reward model with the given index.
RewardModel const& getRewardModel(uint_fast64_t index) const;
* Retrieves all labels that are defined by the probabilitic program.
* @return A set of labels that are defined in the program.
std::vector<Label> const& getLabels() const;
* Retrieves the number of labels in the program.
* @return The number of labels in the program.
std::size_t getNumberOfLabels() const;
* Creates a new program that drops all commands whose indices are not in the given set.
* @param indexSet The set of indices for which to keep the commands.
Program restrictCommands(boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t> const& indexSet) const;
* Defines the undefined constants according to the given map and returns the resulting program.
* @param constantDefinitions A mapping from undefined constant names to the expressions they are supposed
* to be replaced with.
* @return The program after all undefined constants in the given map have been replaced with their
* definitions.
Program defineUndefinedConstants(std::map<std::string, storm::expressions::Expression> const& constantDefinitions) const;
* Substitutes all constants appearing in the expressions of the program by their defining expressions. For
* this to work, all constants need to be defined prior to calling this.
* @return The resulting program that only contains expressions over variables of the program.
Program substituteConstants() const;
* Checks the validity of the program. If the program is not valid, an exception is thrown with a message
* that indicates the source of the problem.
void checkValidity() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, Program const& program);
// Creates the internal mappings.
void createMappings();
// The type of the model.
ModelType modelType;
// The undefined constants of the program.
std::vector<Constant> constants;
// A mapping from constant names to their corresponding indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> constantToIndexMap;
// The global boolean variables.
std::vector<BooleanVariable> globalBooleanVariables;
// A mapping from global boolean variable names to their corresponding indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> globalBooleanVariableToIndexMap;
// The global integer variables.
std::vector<IntegerVariable> globalIntegerVariables;
// A mapping from global integer variable names to their corresponding indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> globalIntegerVariableToIndexMap;
// The formulas defined in the program.
std::vector<Formula> formulas;
// A mapping of formula names to their corresponding indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> formulaToIndexMap;
// The modules associated with the program.
std::vector<Module> modules;
// A mapping of module names to their indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> moduleToIndexMap;
// The reward models associated with the program.
std::vector<RewardModel> rewardModels;
// A mapping of reward models to their indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> rewardModelToIndexMap;
// The initial construct of the program.
storm::prism::InitialConstruct initialConstruct;
// The labels that are defined for this model.
std::vector<Label> labels;
// A mapping from label names to their corresponding indices.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> labelToIndexMap;
// The set of actions present in this program.
std::set<std::string> actions;
// A map of actions to the set of modules containing commands labelled with this action.
std::map<std::string, std::set<uint_fast64_t>> actionsToModuleIndexMap;
// A mapping from variable names to the modules in which they were declared.
std::map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> variableToModuleIndexMap;
} // namespace prism
} // namespace storm