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#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <iostream>
#include "src/storage/expressions/Variable.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/Expression.h"
#include "src/utility/OsDetection.h"
namespace storm {
namespace expressions {
// Forward-declare manager class for iterator class.
class ExpressionManager;
class VariableIterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Type> const> {
enum class VariableSelection { OnlyRegularVariables, OnlyAuxiliaryVariables, AllVariables };
VariableIterator(ExpressionManager const& manager, std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator nameIndexIterator, std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator nameIndexIteratorEnd, VariableSelection const& selection);
VariableIterator(VariableIterator const& other) = default;
VariableIterator& operator=(VariableIterator const& other) = default;
// Define the basic input iterator operations.
bool operator==(VariableIterator const& other);
bool operator!=(VariableIterator const& other);
value_type& operator*();
VariableIterator& operator++(int);
VariableIterator& operator++();
* Moves the current element to the next selected element or the end iterator if there is no such element.
* @param atLeastOneStep A flag indicating whether at least one step should be made.
void moveUntilNextSelectedElement(bool atLeastOneStep = true);
// The manager responsible for the variable to iterate over.
ExpressionManager const& manager;
// The underlying iterator that ranges over all names and the corresponding indices.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator nameIndexIterator;
// The iterator indicating the end of the underlying iterator range.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t>::const_iterator nameIndexIteratorEnd;
// A field indicating which variables we are supposed to iterate over.
VariableSelection selection;
// The current element that is shown to the outside upon dereferencing.
std::pair<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Type> currentElement;
* This class is responsible for managing a set of typed variables and all expressions using these variables.
class ExpressionManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ExpressionManager> {
friend class VariableIterator;
typedef VariableIterator const_iterator;
* Creates a new manager that is unaware of any variables.
// Explicitly delete copy construction/assignment, since the manager is supposed to be stored as a pointer
// of some sort. This is because the expression classes store a reference to the manager and it must
// therefore be guaranteed that they do not become invalid, because the manager has been copied.
ExpressionManager(ExpressionManager const& other) = delete;
ExpressionManager& operator=(ExpressionManager const& other) = delete;
#ifndef WINDOWS
// Create default instantiations for the move construction/assignment.
ExpressionManager(ExpressionManager&& other) = default;
ExpressionManager& operator=(ExpressionManager&& other) = default;
* Creates an expression that characterizes the given boolean literal.
* @param value The value of the boolean literal.
* @return The resulting expression.
Expression boolean(bool value) const;
* Creates an expression that characterizes the given integer literal.
* @param value The value of the integer literal.
* @return The resulting expression.
Expression integer(int_fast64_t value) const;
* Creates an expression that characterizes the given rational literal.
* @param value The value of the rational literal.
* @return The resulting expression.
Expression rational(double value) const;
* Compares the two expression managers for equality, which holds iff they are the very same object.
bool operator==(ExpressionManager const& other) const;
* Retrieves the boolean type.
* @return The boolean type.
Type const& getBooleanType() const;
* Retrieves the unbounded integer type.
* @return The unbounded integer type.
Type const& getIntegerType() const;
* Retrieves the bit vector type of the given width.
* @param width The bit width of the bounded type.
* @return The bounded integer type.
Type const& getBitVectorType(std::size_t width) const;
* Retrieves the rational type.
* @return The rational type.
Type const& getRationalType() const;
* Declares a variable with a name that must not yet exist and its corresponding type. Note that the name
* must not start with two underscores since these variables are reserved for internal use only.
* @param name The name of the variable.
* @param variableType The type of the variable.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The newly declared variable.
Variable declareVariable(std::string const& name, storm::expressions::Type const& variableType, bool auxiliary = false);
* Declares a new boolean variable with a name that must not yet exist and its corresponding type. Note that
* the name must not start with two underscores since these variables are reserved for internal use only.
* @param name The name of the variable.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The newly declared variable.
Variable declareBooleanVariable(std::string const& name, bool auxiliary = false);
* Declares a new integer variable with a name that must not yet exist and its corresponding type. Note that
* the name must not start with two underscores since these variables are reserved for internal use only.
* @param name The name of the variable.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The newly declared variable.
Variable declareIntegerVariable(std::string const& name, bool auxiliary = false);
* Declares a new bit vector variable with a name that must not yet exist and the bounded type of the
* given bit width. Note that the name must not start with two underscores since these variables are
* reserved for internal use only.
* @param name The name of the variable.
* @param width The bit width of the bit vector type.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The newly declared variable.
Variable declareBitVectorVariable(std::string const& name, std::size_t width, bool auxiliary = false);
* Declares a new rational variable with a name that must not yet exist and its corresponding type. Note that
* the name must not start with two underscores since these variables are reserved for internal use only.
* @param name The name of the variable.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The newly declared variable.
Variable declareRationalVariable(std::string const& name, bool auxiliary = false);
* Declares a variable with the given name if it does not yet exist.
* @param name The name of the variable to declare.
* @param variableType The type of the variable to declare.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareOrGetVariable(std::string const& name, storm::expressions::Type const& variableType, bool auxiliary = false);
* Retrieves the expression that represents the variable with the given name.
* @param name The name of the variable to retrieve.
Variable getVariable(std::string const& name) const;
* Retrieves whether a variable with the given name is known to the manager.
* @param name The name of the variable whose membership to query.
* @return True iff a variable with the given name is known to the manager.
bool hasVariable(std::string const& name) const;
* Retrieves an expression that represents the variable with the given name.
* @param name The name of the variable
* @return An expression that represents the variable with the given name.
Expression getVariableExpression(std::string const& name) const;
* Declares a variable with the given type whose name is guaranteed to be unique and not yet in use.
* @param variableType The type of the variable to declare.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @param prefix The prefix which should be used.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareFreshVariable(storm::expressions::Type const& variableType, bool auxiliary = false, std::string const& prefix = "x");
* Declares a variable with rational type whose name is guaranteed to be unique and not yet in use.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @param prefix The prefix which should be used.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareFreshRationalVariable(bool auxiliary = false, std::string const& prefix = "x");
* Declares a variable with Boolean type whose name is guaranteed to be unique and not yet in use.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @param prefix The prefix which should be used.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareFreshBooleanVariable(bool auxiliary = false, std::string const& prefix = "x");
* Declares a variable with integer type whose name is guaranteed to be unique and not yet in use.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the new variable should be tagged as an auxiliary variable.
* @param prefix The prefix which should be used.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareFreshIntegerVariable(bool auxiliary = false, std::string const& prefix = "x");
* Retrieves the number of variables.
* @return The number of variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfVariables() const;
* Retrieves the number of boolean variables.
* @return The number of boolean variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfBooleanVariables() const;
* Retrieves the number of integer variables.
* @return The number of integer variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfIntegerVariables() const;
* Retrieves the number of bit vector variables.
* @return The number of bit vector variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfBitVectorVariables() const;
* Retrieves the number of rational variables.
* @return The number of rational variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfRationalVariables() const;
* Retrieves the name of the variable with the given index.
* @param index The index of the variable whose name to retrieve.
* @return The name of the variable.
std::string const& getVariableName(uint_fast64_t index) const;
* Retrieves the type of the variable with the given index.
* @param index The index of the variable whose name to retrieve.
* @return The type of the variable.
Type const& getVariableType(uint_fast64_t index) const;
* Retrieves the offset of the variable with the given index within the group of equally typed variables.
* @param index The index of the variable.
* @return The offset of the variable.
uint_fast64_t getOffset(uint_fast64_t index) const;
* Retrieves an iterator to all variables managed by this manager.
* @return An iterator to all variables managed by this manager.
const_iterator begin() const;
* Retrieves an iterator that points beyond the last variable managed by this manager.
* @return An iterator that points beyond the last variable managed by this manager.
const_iterator end() const;
* Retrieves a shared pointer to the expression manager.
* @return A shared pointer to the expression manager.
std::shared_ptr<ExpressionManager> getSharedPointer();
* Retrieves a shared pointer to the expression manager.
* @return A shared pointer to the expression manager.
std::shared_ptr<ExpressionManager const> getSharedPointer() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, ExpressionManager const& manager);
* Checks whether the given variable name is valid.
* @param name The name to check.
* @return True iff the variable name is valid.
static bool isValidVariableName(std::string const& name);
* Retrieves whether a variable with the given name exists.
* @param name The name of the variable to check for.
* @return True iff a variable with this name exists.
bool variableExists(std::string const& name) const;
* Declares a variable with the given name if it does not yet exist.
* @param name The name of the variable to declare.
* @param variableType The type of the variable to declare.
* @param auxiliary A flag indicating whether the variable is an auxiliary one.
* @param checkName If set to true, the variable's name is checked that prevents internal variables from
* being declared from the outside.
* @return The variable.
Variable declareOrGetVariable(std::string const& name, storm::expressions::Type const& variableType, bool auxiliary, bool checkName);
* Retrieves the number of variables with the given type. Note that this considers bounded integer variables
* to be of the same type, no matter which bit width they have.
* @param variableType The type for which to query the number of variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfVariables(storm::expressions::Type const& variableType) const;
* Retrieves the number of auxiliary variables with the given type. Note that this considers bounded integer
* variables to be of the same type, no matter which bit width they have.
* @param variableType The type for which to query the number of auxiliary variables.
uint_fast64_t getNumberOfAuxiliaryVariables(storm::expressions::Type const& variableType) const;
// A mapping from all variable names (auxiliary + normal) to their indices.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint_fast64_t> nameToIndexMapping;
// A mapping from all variable indices to their names.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::string> indexToNameMapping;
// A mapping from all variable indices to their types.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, Type> indexToTypeMapping;
// The number of declared variables.
uint_fast64_t numberOfVariables;
// Store counts for variables.
uint_fast64_t numberOfBooleanVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfIntegerVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfBitVectorVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfRationalVariables;
// The number of declared auxiliary variables.
uint_fast64_t numberOfAuxiliaryVariables;
// Store counts for auxiliary variables.
uint_fast64_t numberOfAuxiliaryBooleanVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfAuxiliaryIntegerVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfAuxiliaryBitVectorVariables;
uint_fast64_t numberOfAuxiliaryRationalVariables;
// A counter used to create fresh variables.
uint_fast64_t freshVariableCounter;
// The types managed by this manager.
mutable std::unordered_set<Type> types;
// A mask that can be used to query whether a variable is an auxiliary variable.
static const uint64_t auxiliaryMask = (1ull << 50);
// A mask that can be used to project a variable index to its offset (with the group of equally typed variables).
static const uint64_t offsetMask = (1ull << 50) - 1;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, ExpressionManager const& manager);