#include "src/utility/storm-version.h"

namespace storm {
    namespace utility {
        // The major version of StoRM
        const unsigned StormVersion::versionMajor = @STORM_CPP_VERSION_MAJOR@;

        // The minor version of StoRM
        const unsigned StormVersion::versionMinor = @STORM_CPP_VERSION_MINOR@;

        // The patch version of StoRM
        const unsigned StormVersion::versionPatch = @STORM_CPP_VERSION_PATCH@;

        // The short hash of the git commit this build is bases on
        const std::string StormVersion::gitRevisionHash = "@STORM_CPP_VERSION_HASH@";

        // How many commits passed since the tag was last set
        const unsigned StormVersion::commitsAhead = @STORM_CPP_VERSION_COMMITS_AHEAD@;

        // 0 iff there no files were modified in the checkout, 1 else
        const unsigned StormVersion::dirty = @STORM_CPP_VERSION_DIRTY@;

        // The system which has compiled storm
        const std::string StormVersion::systemName = "@CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME@";

        // The system version which has compiled storm
        const std::string StormVersion::systemVersion = "@CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION@";

        // The build type that was used to build storm
        const std::string StormVersion::buildType = "@CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE@";
        // The compiler version that was used to build storm
        const std::string StormVersion::cxxCompiler = "@STORM_COMPILED_BY@ @CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION@";