/* * Copyright 2011-2015 Formal Methods and Tools, University of Twente * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SYLVAN_OBJ_H #define SYLVAN_OBJ_H #include #include #include "lace.h" #include "sylvan.h" namespace sylvan { class BddMap; class Mtbdd; class Bdd { friend class Sylvan; friend class BddMap; friend class Mtbdd; public: Bdd() { bdd = sylvan_false; sylvan_protect(&bdd); } Bdd(const BDD from) : bdd(from) { sylvan_protect(&bdd); } Bdd(const Bdd &from) : bdd(from.bdd) { sylvan_protect(&bdd); } Bdd(const uint32_t var) { bdd = sylvan_ithvar(var); sylvan_protect(&bdd); } ~Bdd() { sylvan_unprotect(&bdd); } /** * @brief Creates a Bdd representing just the variable index in its positive form * The variable index must be a 0<=index<=2^23 (we use 24 bits internally) */ static Bdd bddVar(uint32_t index); /** * @brief Returns the Bdd representing "True" */ static Bdd bddOne(); /** * @brief Returns the Bdd representing "False" */ static Bdd bddZero(); /** * @brief Returns the Bdd representing a cube of variables, according to the given values. * @param variables the variables that will be in the cube in their positive or negative form * @param values a character array describing how the variables will appear in the result * The length of string must be equal to the number of variables in the cube. * For every ith char in string, if it is 0, the corresponding variable will appear in its negative form, * if it is 1, it will appear in its positive form, and if it is 2, it will appear as "any", thus it will * be skipped. */ static Bdd bddCube(const Bdd &variables, unsigned char *values); /** * @brief Returns the Bdd representing a cube of variables, according to the given values. * @param variables the variables that will be in the cube in their positive or negative form * @param string a character array describing how the variables will appear in the result * The length of string must be equal to the number of variables in the cube. * For every ith char in string, if it is 0, the corresponding variable will appear in its negative form, * if it is 1, it will appear in its positive form, and if it is 2, it will appear as "any", thus it will * be skipped. */ static Bdd bddCube(const Bdd &variables, std::vector values); int operator==(const Bdd& other) const; int operator!=(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator=(const Bdd& right); int operator<=(const Bdd& other) const; int operator>=(const Bdd& other) const; int operator<(const Bdd& other) const; int operator>(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator!() const; Bdd operator~() const; Bdd operator*(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator*=(const Bdd& other); Bdd operator&(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator&=(const Bdd& other); Bdd operator+(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator+=(const Bdd& other); Bdd operator|(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator|=(const Bdd& other); Bdd operator^(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator^=(const Bdd& other); Bdd operator-(const Bdd& other) const; Bdd operator-=(const Bdd& other); /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Bdd is bddOne() or bddZero() */ int isConstant() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Bdd is bddOne() or bddZero() */ int isTerminal() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Bdd is bddOne() */ int isOne() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Bdd is bddZero() */ int isZero() const; /** * @brief Returns the top variable index of this Bdd (the variable in the root node) */ uint32_t TopVar() const; /** * @brief Follows the high edge ("then") of the root node of this Bdd */ Bdd Then() const; /** * @brief Follows the low edge ("else") of the root node of this Bdd */ Bdd Else() const; /** * @brief Computes \exists cube: f \and g */ Bdd AndAbstract(const Bdd& g, const Bdd& cube) const; /** * @brief Computes \exists cube: f */ Bdd ExistAbstract(const Bdd& cube) const; /** * @brief Computes \forall cube: f */ Bdd UnivAbstract(const Bdd& cube) const; /** * @brief Computes if f then g else h */ Bdd Ite(const Bdd& g, const Bdd& h) const; /** * @brief Computes f \and g */ Bdd And(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes f \or g */ Bdd Or(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes \not (f \and g) */ Bdd Nand(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes \not (f \or g) */ Bdd Nor(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes f \xor g */ Bdd Xor(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes \not (f \xor g), i.e. f \equiv g */ Bdd Xnor(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Returns whether all elements in f are also in g */ int Leq(const Bdd& g) const; /** * @brief Computes the reverse application of a transition relation to this set. * @param relation the transition relation to apply * @param cube the variables that are in the transition relation * This function assumes that s,t are interleaved with s odd and t even. * Other variables in the relation are ignored (by existential quantification) * Set cube to "false" (illegal cube) to assume all encountered variables are in s,t * * Use this function to concatenate two relations --> --> * or to take the 'previous' of a set --> S */ Bdd RelPrev(const Bdd& relation, const Bdd& cube) const; /** * @brief Computes the application of a transition relation to this set. * @param relation the transition relation to apply * @param cube the variables that are in the transition relation * This function assumes that s,t are interleaved with s odd and t even. * Other variables in the relation are ignored (by existential quantification) * Set cube to "false" (illegal cube) to assume all encountered variables are in s,t * * Use this function to take the 'next' of a set S --> */ Bdd RelNext(const Bdd& relation, const Bdd& cube) const; /** * @brief Computes the transitive closure by traversing the BDD recursively. * See Y. Matsunaga, P. C. McGeer, R. K. Brayton * On Computing the Transitive Closre of a State Transition Relation * 30th ACM Design Automation Conference, 1993. */ Bdd Closure() const; /** * @brief Computes the constrain f @ c */ Bdd Constrain(const Bdd &c) const; /** * @brief Computes the BDD restrict according to Coudert and Madre's algorithm (ICCAD90). */ Bdd Restrict(const Bdd &c) const; /** * @brief Functional composition. Whenever a variable v in the map m is found in the BDD, * it is substituted by the associated function. * You can also use this function to implement variable reordering. */ Bdd Compose(const BddMap &m) const; /** * @brief Substitute all variables in the array from by the corresponding variables in to. */ Bdd Permute(const std::vector& from, const std::vector& to) const; /** * @brief Computes the support of a Bdd. */ Bdd Support() const; /** * @brief Gets the BDD of this Bdd (for C functions) */ BDD GetBDD() const; /** * @brief Writes .dot file of this Bdd. Not thread-safe! */ void PrintDot(FILE *out) const; /** * @brief Gets a SHA2 hash that describes the structure of this Bdd. * @param string a character array of at least 65 characters (includes zero-termination) * This hash is 64 characters long and is independent of the memory locations of BDD nodes. */ void GetShaHash(char *string) const; std::string GetShaHash() const; /** * @brief Computes the number of satisfying variable assignments, using variables in cube. */ double SatCount(const Bdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Gets one satisfying assignment according to the variables. * @param variables The set of variables to be assigned, must include the support of the Bdd. */ void PickOneCube(const Bdd &variables, uint8_t *string) const; /** * @brief Gets one satisfying assignment according to the variables. * @param variables The set of variables to be assigned, must include the support of the Bdd. * Returns an empty vector when either this Bdd equals bddZero() or the cube is empty. */ std::vector PickOneCube(const Bdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Gets a cube that satisfies this Bdd. */ Bdd PickOneCube() const; /** * @brief Faster version of: *this + Sylvan::bddCube(variables, values); */ Bdd UnionCube(const Bdd &variables, uint8_t *values) const; /** * @brief Faster version of: *this + Sylvan::bddCube(variables, values); */ Bdd UnionCube(const Bdd &variables, std::vector values) const; /** * @brief Generate a cube representing a set of variables */ static Bdd VectorCube(const std::vector variables); /** * @brief Generate a cube representing a set of variables * @param variables An sorted set of variable indices */ static Bdd VariablesCube(const std::vector variables); /** * @brief Gets the number of nodes in this Bdd. Not thread-safe! */ size_t NodeCount() const; Mtbdd toDoubleMtbdd() const; private: BDD bdd; }; class BddMap { friend class Bdd; BDD bdd; BddMap(const BDD from) : bdd(from) { sylvan_protect(&bdd); } BddMap(const Bdd &from) : bdd(from.bdd) { sylvan_protect(&bdd); } public: BddMap() : bdd(sylvan_map_empty()) { sylvan_protect(&bdd); } ~BddMap() { sylvan_unprotect(&bdd); } BddMap(uint32_t key_variable, const Bdd value); BddMap operator+(const Bdd& other) const; BddMap operator+=(const Bdd& other); BddMap operator-(const Bdd& other) const; BddMap operator-=(const Bdd& other); /** * @brief Adds a key-value pair to the map */ void put(uint32_t key, Bdd value); /** * @brief Removes a key-value pair from the map */ void removeKey(uint32_t key); /** * @brief Returns the number of key-value pairs in this map */ size_t size() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero when this map is empty */ int isEmpty() const; }; class MtbddMap; class Mtbdd { friend class Sylvan; friend class MtbddMap; public: Mtbdd() { mtbdd = sylvan_false; mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } Mtbdd(const MTBDD from) : mtbdd(from) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } Mtbdd(const Mtbdd &from) : mtbdd(from.mtbdd) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } Mtbdd(const Bdd &from) : mtbdd(from.bdd) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } ~Mtbdd() { mtbdd_unprotect(&mtbdd); } /** * @brief Creates a Mtbdd leaf representing the uint64 value */ static Mtbdd uint64Terminal(uint64_t value); /** * @brief Creates a Mtbdd leaf representing the floating-point value */ static Mtbdd doubleTerminal(double value); /** * @brief Creates a Mtbdd leaf representing the fraction value / * Internally, Sylvan uses 32-bit values and reports overflows to stderr. */ static Mtbdd fractionTerminal(uint64_t nominator, uint64_t denominator); /** * @brief Creates a Mtbdd leaf of type holding value * This is useful for custom Mtbdd types. */ static Mtbdd terminal(uint32_t type, uint64_t value); /** * @brief Creates a Boolean Mtbdd representing jsut the variable index in its positive form * The variable index must be 0<=index<=2^23 (Sylvan uses 24 bits internally) */ static Mtbdd mtbddVar(uint32_t variable); /** * @brief Returns the Boolean Mtbdd representing "True" */ static Mtbdd mtbddOne(); /** * @brief Returns the Boolean Mtbdd representing "False" */ static Mtbdd mtbddZero(); /** * @brief Returns the Mtbdd representing a cube of variables, according to the given values. * @param variables the variables that will be in the cube in their positive or negative form * @param values a character array describing how the variables will appear in the result * @param terminal the leaf of the cube * The length of string must be equal to the number of variables in the cube. * For every ith char in string, if it is 0, the corresponding variable will appear in its negative form, * if it is 1, it will appear in its positive form, and if it is 2, it will appear as "any", thus it will * be skipped. */ static Mtbdd mtbddCube(const Mtbdd &variables, unsigned char *values, const Mtbdd &terminal); /** * @brief Returns the Mtbdd representing a cube of variables, according to the given values. * @param variables the variables that will be in the cube in their positive or negative form * @param values a character array describing how the variables will appear in the result * @param terminal the leaf of the cube * The length of string must be equal to the number of variables in the cube. * For every ith char in string, if it is 0, the corresponding variable will appear in its negative form, * if it is 1, it will appear in its positive form, and if it is 2, it will appear as "any", thus it will * be skipped. */ static Mtbdd mtbddCube(const Mtbdd &variables, std::vector values, const Mtbdd &terminal); int operator==(const Mtbdd& other) const; int operator!=(const Mtbdd& other) const; Mtbdd operator=(const Mtbdd& right); Mtbdd operator!() const; Mtbdd operator~() const; Mtbdd operator*(const Mtbdd& other) const; Mtbdd operator*=(const Mtbdd& other); Mtbdd operator+(const Mtbdd& other) const; Mtbdd operator+=(const Mtbdd& other); Mtbdd operator-(const Mtbdd& other) const; Mtbdd operator-=(const Mtbdd& other); // not implemented (compared to Bdd): <=, >=, <, >, &, &=, |, |=, ^, ^= /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Mtbdd is a leaf */ int isTerminal() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Mtbdd is a leaf */ int isLeaf() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Mtbdd is mtbddOne() */ int isOne() const; /** * @brief Returns non-zero if this Mtbdd is mtbddZero() */ int isZero() const; /** * @brief Returns the top variable index of this Mtbdd (the variable in the root node) */ uint32_t TopVar() const; /** * @brief Follows the high edge ("then") of the root node of this Mtbdd */ Mtbdd Then() const; /** * @brief Follows the low edge ("else") of the root node of this Mtbdd */ Mtbdd Else() const; /** * @brief Returns the negation of the MTBDD * For Boolean, this means "not", for floating-point and fractions, this means "negative" */ Mtbdd Negate() const; /** * @brief Applies the binary operation */ Mtbdd Apply(const Mtbdd &other, mtbdd_apply_op op) const; /** * @brief Applies the unary operation with parameter */ Mtbdd UApply(mtbdd_uapply_op op, size_t param) const; /** * @brief Computers the abstraction on variables using operator . * See also: AbstractPlus, AbstractTimes, AbstractMin, AbstractMax */ Mtbdd Abstract(const Mtbdd &variables, mtbdd_abstract_op op) const; /** * @brief Computes if f then g else h * This Mtbdd must be a Boolean Mtbdd */ Mtbdd Ite(const Mtbdd &g, const Mtbdd &h) const; /** * @brief Computes f + g */ Mtbdd Plus(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes f - g */ Mtbdd Minus(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes f * g */ Mtbdd Times(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes f / g */ Mtbdd Divide(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes min(f, g) */ Mtbdd Min(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes max(f, g) */ Mtbdd Max(const Mtbdd &other) const; /** * @brief Computes abstraction by summation (existential quantification) */ Mtbdd AbstractPlus(const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Computes abstraction by multiplication (universal quantification) */ Mtbdd AbstractTimes(const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Computes abstraction by minimum */ Mtbdd AbstractMin(const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Computes abstraction by maximum */ Mtbdd AbstractMax(const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Computes abstraction by summation of f \times g */ Mtbdd AndExists(const Mtbdd &other, const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Convert floating-point/fraction Mtbdd to a Boolean Mtbdd, leaf >= value ? true : false */ Mtbdd MtbddThreshold(double value) const; /** * @brief Convert floating-point/fraction Mtbdd to a Boolean Mtbdd, leaf > value ? true : false */ Mtbdd MtbddStrictThreshold(double value) const; /** * @brief Convert floating-point/fraction Mtbdd to a Boolean Mtbdd, leaf >= value ? true : false * Same as MtbddThreshold (Bdd = Boolean Mtbdd) */ Bdd BddThreshold(double value) const; /** * @brief Convert floating-point/fraction Mtbdd to a Boolean Mtbdd, leaf > value ? true : false * Same as MtbddStrictThreshold (Bdd = Boolean Mtbdd) */ Bdd BddStrictThreshold(double value) const; Bdd NotZero() const; Bdd Equals(const Mtbdd& other) const; Bdd Less(const Mtbdd& other) const; Bdd LessOrEqual(const Mtbdd& other) const; double getDoubleMax() const; double getDoubleMin() const; /** * @brief Computes the support of a Mtbdd. */ Mtbdd Support() const; /** * @brief Gets the MTBDD of this Mtbdd (for C functions) */ MTBDD GetMTBDD() const; /** * @brief Functional composition. Whenever a variable v in the map m is found in the MTBDD, * it is substituted by the associated function (which should be a Boolean MTBDD) * You can also use this function to implement variable reordering. */ Mtbdd Compose(MtbddMap &m) const; /** * @brief Compute the number of satisfying variable assignments, using variables in cube. */ double SatCount(const Mtbdd &variables) const; /** * @brief Gets the number of nodes in this Bdd. Not thread-safe! */ size_t NodeCount() const; private: MTBDD mtbdd; }; class MtbddMap { friend class Mtbdd; MTBDD mtbdd; MtbddMap(MTBDD from) : mtbdd(from) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } MtbddMap(Mtbdd &from) : mtbdd(from.mtbdd) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } public: MtbddMap() : mtbdd(mtbdd_map_empty()) { mtbdd_protect(&mtbdd); } ~MtbddMap() { mtbdd_unprotect(&mtbdd); } MtbddMap(uint32_t key_variable, Mtbdd value); MtbddMap operator+(const Mtbdd& other) const; MtbddMap operator+=(const Mtbdd& other); MtbddMap operator-(const Mtbdd& other) const; MtbddMap operator-=(const Mtbdd& other); /** * @brief Adds a key-value pair to the map */ void put(uint32_t key, Mtbdd value); /** * @brief Removes a key-value pair from the map */ void removeKey(uint32_t key); /** * @brief Returns the number of key-value pairs in this map */ size_t size(); /** * @brief Returns non-zero when this map is empty */ int isEmpty(); }; class Sylvan { public: /** * @brief Initializes the Sylvan framework, call this only once in your program. * @param initialTableSize The initial size of the nodes table. Must be a power of two. * @param maxTableSize The maximum size of the nodes table. Must be a power of two. * @param initialCacheSize The initial size of the operation cache. Must be a power of two. * @param maxCacheSize The maximum size of the operation cache. Must be a power of two. */ static void initPackage(size_t initialTableSize, size_t maxTableSize, size_t initialCacheSize, size_t maxCacheSize); /** * @brief Initializes the BDD module of the Sylvan framework. * @param granularity determins operation cache behavior; for higher values (2+) it will use the operation cache less often. * Values of 3-7 may result in better performance, since occasionally not using the operation cache is fine in practice. * A granularity of 1 means that every BDD operation will be cached at every variable level. */ static void initBdd(int granularity); /** * @brief Initializes the MTBDD module of the Sylvan framework. */ static void initMtbdd(); /** * @brief Frees all memory in use by Sylvan. * Warning: if you have any Bdd objects which are not bddZero() or bddOne() after this, your program may crash! */ static void quitPackage(); }; } #endif