/**CFile*********************************************************************** FileName [cuddBddIte.c] PackageName [cudd] Synopsis [BDD ITE function and satellites.] Description [External procedures included in this module:
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
DdNode * h,
unsigned int limit)
DdNode *res;
unsigned int saveLimit = dd->maxLive;
dd->maxLive = (dd->keys - dd->dead) + (dd->keysZ - dd->deadZ) + limit;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,f,g,h);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
dd->maxLive = saveLimit;
} /* end of Cudd_bddIteLimit */
Synopsis [Implements ITEconstant(f,g,h).]
Description [Implements ITEconstant(f,g,h). Returns a pointer to the
resulting BDD (which may or may not be constant) or DD_NON_CONSTANT.
No new nodes are created.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_bddIntersect Cudd_bddLeq Cudd_addIteConstant]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
DdNode * h)
DdNode *r, *Fv, *Fnv, *Gv, *Gnv, *H, *Hv, *Hnv, *t, *e;
DdNode *one = DD_ONE(dd);
DdNode *zero = Cudd_Not(one);
int comple;
unsigned int topf, topg, toph, v;
/* Trivial cases. */
if (f == one) /* ITE(1,G,H) => G */
if (f == zero) /* ITE(0,G,H) => H */
/* f now not a constant. */
bddVarToConst(f, &g, &h, one); /* possibly convert g or h */
/* to constants */
if (g == h) /* ITE(F,G,G) => G */
if (Cudd_IsConstant(g) && Cudd_IsConstant(h))
return(DD_NON_CONSTANT); /* ITE(F,1,0) or ITE(F,0,1) */
if (g == Cudd_Not(h))
/* if F != G and F != G' */
comple = bddVarToCanonical(dd, &f, &g, &h, &topf, &topg, &toph);
/* Cache lookup. */
r = cuddConstantLookup(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h);
if (r != NULL) {
return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple && r != DD_NON_CONSTANT));
v = ddMin(topg, toph);
/* ITE(F,G,H) = (v,G,H) (non constant) if F = (v,1,0), v < top(G,H). */
if (topf < v && cuddT(f) == one && cuddE(f) == zero) {
/* Compute cofactors. */
if (topf <= v) {
v = ddMin(topf, v); /* v = top_var(F,G,H) */
Fv = cuddT(f); Fnv = cuddE(f);
} else {
Fv = Fnv = f;
if (topg == v) {
Gv = cuddT(g); Gnv = cuddE(g);
} else {
Gv = Gnv = g;
if (toph == v) {
H = Cudd_Regular(h);
Hv = cuddT(H); Hnv = cuddE(H);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(h)) {
Hv = Cudd_Not(Hv);
Hnv = Cudd_Not(Hnv);
} else {
Hv = Hnv = h;
/* Recursion. */
t = Cudd_bddIteConstant(dd, Fv, Gv, Hv);
if (t == DD_NON_CONSTANT || !Cudd_IsConstant(t)) {
cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, DD_NON_CONSTANT);
e = Cudd_bddIteConstant(dd, Fnv, Gnv, Hnv);
if (e == DD_NON_CONSTANT || !Cudd_IsConstant(e) || t != e) {
cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, DD_NON_CONSTANT);
cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_CONSTANT_TAG, f, g, h, t);
} /* end of Cudd_bddIteConstant */
Synopsis [Returns a function included in the intersection of f and g.]
Description [Computes a function included in the intersection of f and
g. (That is, a witness that the intersection is not empty.)
Cudd_bddIntersect tries to build as few new nodes as possible. If the
only result of interest is whether f and g intersect,
Cudd_bddLeq should be used instead.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddLeq Cudd_bddIteConstant]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd /* manager */,
DdNode * f /* first operand */,
DdNode * g /* second operand */)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,f,g);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
} /* end of Cudd_bddIntersect */
Synopsis [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAndAbstract Cudd_bddIntersect
Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
} /* end of Cudd_bddAnd */
Synopsis [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns
NULL if too many nodes are required.]
Description [Computes the conjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up or more new nodes than limit
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddAnd]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
unsigned int limit)
DdNode *res;
unsigned int saveLimit = dd->maxLive;
dd->maxLive = (dd->keys - dd->dead) + (dd->keysZ - dd->deadZ) + limit;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
dd->maxLive = saveLimit;
} /* end of Cudd_bddAndLimit */
Synopsis [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor
Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(g));
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
res = Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL);
} /* end of Cudd_bddOr */
Synopsis [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns
NULL if too many nodes are required.]
Description [Computes the disjunction of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up or more new nodes than limit
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddOr]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
unsigned int limit)
DdNode *res;
unsigned int saveLimit = dd->maxLive;
dd->maxLive = (dd->keys - dd->dead) + (dd->keysZ - dd->deadZ) + limit;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(g));
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
dd->maxLive = saveLimit;
res = Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL);
} /* end of Cudd_bddOrLimit */
Synopsis [Computes the NAND of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the NAND of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNor
Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
res = Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL);
} /* end of Cudd_bddNand */
Synopsis [Computes the NOR of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr Cudd_bddNand
Cudd_bddXor Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(g));
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
} /* end of Cudd_bddNor */
Synopsis [Computes the exclusive OR of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the exclusive OR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr
Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,g);
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
} /* end of Cudd_bddXor */
Synopsis [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g.]
Description [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIte Cudd_addApply Cudd_bddAnd Cudd_bddOr
Cudd_bddNand Cudd_bddNor Cudd_bddXor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,Cudd_Not(g));
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
} /* end of Cudd_bddXnor */
Synopsis [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns
NULL if too many nodes are required.]
Description [Computes the exclusive NOR of two BDDs f and g. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD if successful; NULL if the intermediate
result blows up or more new nodes than limit
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddXnor]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
unsigned int limit)
DdNode *res;
unsigned int saveLimit = dd->maxLive;
dd->maxLive = (dd->keys - dd->dead) + (dd->keysZ - dd->deadZ) + limit;
do {
dd->reordered = 0;
res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,Cudd_Not(g));
} while (dd->reordered == 1);
dd->maxLive = saveLimit;
} /* end of Cudd_bddXnorLimit */
Synopsis [Determines whether f is less than or equal to g.]
Description [Returns 1 if f is less than or equal to g; 0 otherwise.
No new nodes are created.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIteConstant Cudd_addEvalConst]
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *one, *zero, *tmp, *F, *fv, *fvn, *gv, *gvn;
unsigned int topf, topg, res;
/* Terminal cases and normalization. */
if (f == g) return(1);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
/* Special case: if f is regular and g is complemented,
** f(1,...,1) = 1 > 0 = g(1,...,1).
if (!Cudd_IsComplement(f)) return(0);
/* Both are complemented: Swap and complement because
** f <= g <=> g' <= f' and we want the second argument to be regular.
tmp = g;
g = Cudd_Not(f);
f = Cudd_Not(tmp);
} else if (Cudd_IsComplement(f) && g < f) {
tmp = g;
g = Cudd_Not(f);
f = Cudd_Not(tmp);
/* Now g is regular and, if f is not regular, f < g. */
one = DD_ONE(dd);
if (g == one) return(1); /* no need to test against zero */
if (f == one) return(0); /* since at this point g != one */
if (Cudd_Not(f) == g) return(0); /* because neither is constant */
zero = Cudd_Not(one);
if (f == zero) return(1);
/* Here neither f nor g is constant. */
/* Check cache. */
tmp = cuddCacheLookup2(dd,(DD_CTFP)Cudd_bddLeq,f,g);
if (tmp != NULL) {
return(tmp == one);
/* Compute cofactors. */
F = Cudd_Regular(f);
topf = dd->perm[F->index];
topg = dd->perm[g->index];
if (topf <= topg) {
fv = cuddT(F); fvn = cuddE(F);
if (f != F) {
fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
fvn = Cudd_Not(fvn);
} else {
fv = fvn = f;
if (topg <= topf) {
gv = cuddT(g); gvn = cuddE(g);
} else {
gv = gvn = g;
/* Recursive calls. Since we want to maximize the probability of
** the special case f(1,...,1) > g(1,...,1), we consider the negative
** cofactors first. Indeed, the complementation parity of the positive
** cofactors is the same as the one of the parent functions.
res = Cudd_bddLeq(dd,fvn,gvn) && Cudd_bddLeq(dd,fv,gv);
/* Store result in cache and return. */
cuddCacheInsert2(dd,(DD_CTFP)Cudd_bddLeq,f,g,(res ? one : zero));
} /* end of Cudd_bddLeq */
/* Definition of internal functions */
Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIte.]
Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIte. Returns a
pointer to the resulting BDD. NULL if the intermediate result blows
up or if reordering occurs.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso []
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g,
DdNode * h)
DdNode *one, *zero, *res;
DdNode *r, *Fv, *Fnv, *Gv, *Gnv, *H, *Hv, *Hnv, *t, *e;
unsigned int topf, topg, toph, v;
int index;
int comple;
/* Terminal cases. */
/* One variable cases. */
if (f == (one = DD_ONE(dd))) /* ITE(1,G,H) = G */
if (f == (zero = Cudd_Not(one))) /* ITE(0,G,H) = H */
/* From now on, f is known not to be a constant. */
if (g == one || f == g) { /* ITE(F,F,H) = ITE(F,1,H) = F + H */
if (h == zero) { /* ITE(F,1,0) = F */
} else {
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),Cudd_Not(h));
return(Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL));
} else if (g == zero || f == Cudd_Not(g)) { /* ITE(F,!F,H) = ITE(F,0,H) = !F * H */
if (h == one) { /* ITE(F,0,1) = !F */
} else {
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,Cudd_Not(f),h);
if (h == zero || f == h) { /* ITE(F,G,F) = ITE(F,G,0) = F * G */
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,g);
} else if (h == one || f == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!F) = ITE(F,G,1) = !F + G */
res = cuddBddAndRecur(dd,f,Cudd_Not(g));
return(Cudd_NotCond(res,res != NULL));
/* Check remaining one variable case. */
if (g == h) { /* ITE(F,G,G) = G */
} else if (g == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!G) = F <-> G */
res = cuddBddXorRecur(dd,f,h);
/* From here, there are no constants. */
comple = bddVarToCanonicalSimple(dd, &f, &g, &h, &topf, &topg, &toph);
/* f & g are now regular pointers */
v = ddMin(topg, toph);
/* A shortcut: ITE(F,G,H) = (v,G,H) if F = (v,1,0), v < top(G,H). */
if (topf < v && cuddT(f) == one && cuddE(f) == zero) {
r = cuddUniqueInter(dd, (int) f->index, g, h);
return(Cudd_NotCond(r,comple && r != NULL));
/* Check cache. */
r = cuddCacheLookup(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_TAG, f, g, h);
if (r != NULL) {
/* Compute cofactors. */
if (topf <= v) {
v = ddMin(topf, v); /* v = top_var(F,G,H) */
index = f->index;
Fv = cuddT(f); Fnv = cuddE(f);
} else {
Fv = Fnv = f;
if (topg == v) {
index = g->index;
Gv = cuddT(g); Gnv = cuddE(g);
} else {
Gv = Gnv = g;
if (toph == v) {
H = Cudd_Regular(h);
index = H->index;
Hv = cuddT(H); Hnv = cuddE(H);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(h)) {
Hv = Cudd_Not(Hv);
Hnv = Cudd_Not(Hnv);
} else {
Hv = Hnv = h;
/* Recursive step. */
t = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,Fv,Gv,Hv);
if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
e = cuddBddIteRecur(dd,Fnv,Gnv,Hnv);
if (e == NULL) {
r = (t == e) ? t : cuddUniqueInter(dd,index,t,e);
if (r == NULL) {
cuddCacheInsert(dd, DD_BDD_ITE_TAG, f, g, h, r);
} /* end of cuddBddIteRecur */
Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddIntersect.]
Description []
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddIntersect]
DdNode *
DdManager * dd,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *res;
DdNode *F, *G, *t, *e;
DdNode *fv, *fnv, *gv, *gnv;
DdNode *one, *zero;
unsigned int index, topf, topg;
one = DD_ONE(dd);
zero = Cudd_Not(one);
/* Terminal cases. */
if (f == zero || g == zero || f == Cudd_Not(g)) return(zero);
if (f == g || g == one) return(f);
if (f == one) return(g);
/* At this point f and g are not constant. */
if (f > g) { DdNode *tmp = f; f = g; g = tmp; }
res = cuddCacheLookup2(dd,Cudd_bddIntersect,f,g);
if (res != NULL) return(res);
/* Find splitting variable. Here we can skip the use of cuddI,
** because the operands are known to be non-constant.
F = Cudd_Regular(f);
topf = dd->perm[F->index];
G = Cudd_Regular(g);
topg = dd->perm[G->index];
/* Compute cofactors. */
if (topf <= topg) {
index = F->index;
fv = cuddT(F);
fnv = cuddE(F);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
fnv = Cudd_Not(fnv);
} else {
index = G->index;
fv = fnv = f;
if (topg <= topf) {
gv = cuddT(G);
gnv = cuddE(G);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
} else {
gv = gnv = g;
/* Compute partial results. */
t = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,fv,gv);
if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
if (t != zero) {
e = zero;
} else {
e = cuddBddIntersectRecur(dd,fnv,gnv);
if (e == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
if (t == e) { /* both equal zero */
res = t;
} else if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
res = cuddUniqueInter(dd,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
if (res == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, e);
res = Cudd_Not(res);
} else {
res = cuddUniqueInter(dd,(int)index,t,e);
if (res == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd, e);
} /* end of cuddBddIntersectRecur */
Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddAnd.]
Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddAnd by taking
the conjunction of two BDDs. Returns a pointer to the result is
successful; NULL otherwise.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddAnd]
DdNode *
DdManager * manager,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *F, *fv, *fnv, *G, *gv, *gnv;
DdNode *one, *r, *t, *e;
unsigned int topf, topg, index;
one = DD_ONE(manager);
/* Terminal cases. */
F = Cudd_Regular(f);
G = Cudd_Regular(g);
if (F == G) {
if (f == g) return(f);
else return(Cudd_Not(one));
if (F == one) {
if (f == one) return(g);
else return(f);
if (G == one) {
if (g == one) return(f);
else return(g);
/* At this point f and g are not constant. */
if (f > g) { /* Try to increase cache efficiency. */
DdNode *tmp = f;
f = g;
g = tmp;
F = Cudd_Regular(f);
G = Cudd_Regular(g);
/* Check cache. */
if (F->ref != 1 || G->ref != 1) {
r = cuddCacheLookup2(manager, Cudd_bddAnd, f, g);
if (r != NULL) return(r);
/* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
** to be non-constant.
topf = manager->perm[F->index];
topg = manager->perm[G->index];
/* Compute cofactors. */
if (topf <= topg) {
index = F->index;
fv = cuddT(F);
fnv = cuddE(F);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
fv = Cudd_Not(fv);
fnv = Cudd_Not(fnv);
} else {
index = G->index;
fv = fnv = f;
if (topg <= topf) {
gv = cuddT(G);
gnv = cuddE(G);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
} else {
gv = gnv = g;
t = cuddBddAndRecur(manager, fv, gv);
if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
e = cuddBddAndRecur(manager, fnv, gnv);
if (e == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
if (t == e) {
r = t;
} else {
if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
if (r == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
r = Cudd_Not(r);
} else {
r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,t,e);
if (r == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
if (F->ref != 1 || G->ref != 1)
cuddCacheInsert2(manager, Cudd_bddAnd, f, g, r);
} /* end of cuddBddAndRecur */
Synopsis [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddXor.]
Description [Implements the recursive step of Cudd_bddXor by taking
the exclusive OR of two BDDs. Returns a pointer to the result is
successful; NULL otherwise.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [Cudd_bddXor]
DdNode *
DdManager * manager,
DdNode * f,
DdNode * g)
DdNode *fv, *fnv, *G, *gv, *gnv;
DdNode *one, *zero, *r, *t, *e;
unsigned int topf, topg, index;
one = DD_ONE(manager);
zero = Cudd_Not(one);
/* Terminal cases. */
if (f == g) return(zero);
if (f == Cudd_Not(g)) return(one);
if (f > g) { /* Try to increase cache efficiency and simplify tests. */
DdNode *tmp = f;
f = g;
g = tmp;
if (g == zero) return(f);
if (g == one) return(Cudd_Not(f));
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) {
f = Cudd_Not(f);
g = Cudd_Not(g);
/* Now the first argument is regular. */
if (f == one) return(Cudd_Not(g));
/* At this point f and g are not constant. */
/* Check cache. */
r = cuddCacheLookup2(manager, Cudd_bddXor, f, g);
if (r != NULL) return(r);
/* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
** to be non-constant.
topf = manager->perm[f->index];
G = Cudd_Regular(g);
topg = manager->perm[G->index];
/* Compute cofactors. */
if (topf <= topg) {
index = f->index;
fv = cuddT(f);
fnv = cuddE(f);
} else {
index = G->index;
fv = fnv = f;
if (topg <= topf) {
gv = cuddT(G);
gnv = cuddE(G);
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) {
gv = Cudd_Not(gv);
gnv = Cudd_Not(gnv);
} else {
gv = gnv = g;
t = cuddBddXorRecur(manager, fv, gv);
if (t == NULL) return(NULL);
e = cuddBddXorRecur(manager, fnv, gnv);
if (e == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
if (t == e) {
r = t;
} else {
if (Cudd_IsComplement(t)) {
r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,Cudd_Not(t),Cudd_Not(e));
if (r == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
r = Cudd_Not(r);
} else {
r = cuddUniqueInter(manager,(int)index,t,e);
if (r == NULL) {
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, t);
Cudd_IterDerefBdd(manager, e);
cuddCacheInsert2(manager, Cudd_bddXor, f, g, r);
} /* end of cuddBddXorRecur */
/* Definition of static functions */
Synopsis [Replaces variables with constants if possible.]
Description [This function performs part of the transformation to
standard form by replacing variables with constants if possible.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [bddVarToCanonical bddVarToCanonicalSimple]
static void
DdNode * f,
DdNode ** gp,
DdNode ** hp,
DdNode * one)
DdNode *g = *gp;
DdNode *h = *hp;
if (f == g) { /* ITE(F,F,H) = ITE(F,1,H) = F + H */
*gp = one;
} else if (f == Cudd_Not(g)) { /* ITE(F,!F,H) = ITE(F,0,H) = !F * H */
*gp = Cudd_Not(one);
if (f == h) { /* ITE(F,G,F) = ITE(F,G,0) = F * G */
*hp = Cudd_Not(one);
} else if (f == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!F) = ITE(F,G,1) = !F + G */
*hp = one;
} /* end of bddVarToConst */
Synopsis [Picks unique member from equiv expressions.]
Description [Reduces 2 variable expressions to canonical form.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [bddVarToConst bddVarToCanonicalSimple]
static int
DdManager * dd,
DdNode ** fp,
DdNode ** gp,
DdNode ** hp,
unsigned int * topfp,
unsigned int * topgp,
unsigned int * tophp)
register DdNode *F, *G, *H, *r, *f, *g, *h;
register unsigned int topf, topg, toph;
DdNode *one = dd->one;
int comple, change;
f = *fp;
g = *gp;
h = *hp;
F = Cudd_Regular(f);
G = Cudd_Regular(g);
H = Cudd_Regular(h);
topf = cuddI(dd,F->index);
topg = cuddI(dd,G->index);
toph = cuddI(dd,H->index);
change = 0;
if (G == one) { /* ITE(F,c,H) */
if ((topf > toph) || (topf == toph && f > h)) {
r = h;
h = f;
f = r; /* ITE(F,1,H) = ITE(H,1,F) */
if (g != one) { /* g == zero */
f = Cudd_Not(f); /* ITE(F,0,H) = ITE(!H,0,!F) */
h = Cudd_Not(h);
change = 1;
} else if (H == one) { /* ITE(F,G,c) */
if ((topf > topg) || (topf == topg && f > g)) {
r = g;
g = f;
f = r; /* ITE(F,G,0) = ITE(G,F,0) */
if (h == one) {
f = Cudd_Not(f); /* ITE(F,G,1) = ITE(!G,!F,1) */
g = Cudd_Not(g);
change = 1;
} else if (g == Cudd_Not(h)) { /* ITE(F,G,!G) = ITE(G,F,!F) */
if ((topf > topg) || (topf == topg && f > g)) {
r = f;
f = g;
g = r;
h = Cudd_Not(r);
change = 1;
/* adjust pointers so that the first 2 arguments to ITE are regular */
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f) != 0) { /* ITE(!F,G,H) = ITE(F,H,G) */
f = Cudd_Not(f);
r = g;
g = h;
h = r;
change = 1;
comple = 0;
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g) != 0) { /* ITE(F,!G,H) = !ITE(F,G,!H) */
g = Cudd_Not(g);
h = Cudd_Not(h);
change = 1;
comple = 1;
if (change != 0) {
*fp = f;
*gp = g;
*hp = h;
*topfp = cuddI(dd,f->index);
*topgp = cuddI(dd,g->index);
*tophp = cuddI(dd,Cudd_Regular(h)->index);
} /* end of bddVarToCanonical */
Synopsis [Picks unique member from equiv expressions.]
Description [Makes sure the first two pointers are regular. This
mat require the complementation of the result, which is signaled by
returning 1 instead of 0. This function is simpler than the general
case because it assumes that no two arguments are the same or
complementary, and no argument is constant.]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [bddVarToConst bddVarToCanonical]
static int
DdManager * dd,
DdNode ** fp,
DdNode ** gp,
DdNode ** hp,
unsigned int * topfp,
unsigned int * topgp,
unsigned int * tophp)
register DdNode *r, *f, *g, *h;
int comple, change;
f = *fp;
g = *gp;
h = *hp;
change = 0;
/* adjust pointers so that the first 2 arguments to ITE are regular */
if (Cudd_IsComplement(f)) { /* ITE(!F,G,H) = ITE(F,H,G) */
f = Cudd_Not(f);
r = g;
g = h;
h = r;
change = 1;
comple = 0;
if (Cudd_IsComplement(g)) { /* ITE(F,!G,H) = !ITE(F,G,!H) */
g = Cudd_Not(g);
h = Cudd_Not(h);
change = 1;
comple = 1;
if (change) {
*fp = f;
*gp = g;
*hp = h;
/* Here we can skip the use of cuddI, because the operands are known
** to be non-constant.
*topfp = dd->perm[f->index];
*topgp = dd->perm[g->index];
*tophp = dd->perm[Cudd_Regular(h)->index];
} /* end of bddVarToCanonicalSimple */