Pantheios - Project Map


Directory Purpose
bin Contains all the (test and example) programs built using the makefiles provided with the distribution
build Contains all the compiler/architecture-specific makefiles used for building Pantheios
doc Contains the auto-generated documentation
examples Contains a number of examples, illustrating the different aspects and uses of Pantheios
include Contains all the header files defining the Pantheios Core, Application Layer, stock Back-end, stock Front-end and Utility components
lib Contains all the libraries built using the makefiles provided with the distribution
projects Contains project and workspace files for accessing Pantheios via Integrated Development Environment(s) (IDEs)
scripts Contains scripts with which you may regenerated function template suites of the Pantheios Application Layer according to your specific requirements
src Contains all the source files (.c and .cpp) from which the Pantheios libraries are built
test Contains unit, component, performance and scratch test projects and their source, which are used to verify the correctness of the library