The StdInParse sample parses an XML file from standard input and prints out
the number of
elements in the file. To run StdInParse, enter the following:
The following parameters may be set from the command line
 |  |  |
StdInParse [options] < <XML file>
This program demonstrates streaming XML data from standard
input. It then uses the SAX Parser, and prints the
number of elements, attributes, spaces and characters found
in the input, using SAX API.
-v=xxx Validation scheme [always | never | auto*].
-n Enable namespace processing. Defaults to off.
-s Enable schema processing. Defaults to off.
-f Enable full schema constraint checking. Defaults to off.
-? Show this help.
* = Default if not provided explicitly.
|  |
 |  |  |
-v=always will force validation
-v=never will not use any validation
-v=auto will validate if a DOCTYPE declaration or a schema declaration is present in the XML document
Make sure that you run StdInParse in the samples/data directory.
Here is a sample output from StdInParse:
 |  |  |
 | cd xerces-c-3.1.2/samples/data
StdInParse -v=always < personal.xml
stdin: 10 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) |  |
 |  |  |
Running StdInParse with the validating parser gives a different result because
ignorable white-space is counted separately from regular characters.
 |  |  |
 | StdInParse -v=never < personal.xml
stdin: 10 ms (37 elems, 12 attrs, 0 spaces, 268 chars) |  |
 |  |  |
Note that the sum of spaces and characters in both versions is the same.
 | The time reported by the program may be different depending on your
processor speed. |