/* glpmps.c (MPS format routines) */ /*********************************************************************** * This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit). * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, * 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied * Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights * reserved. E-mail: . * * GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GLPK. If not, see . ***********************************************************************/ #include "env.h" #include "misc.h" #include "prob.h" #define xfprintf glp_format /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_init_mpscp - initialize MPS format control parameters * * SYNOPSIS * * void glp_init_mpscp(glp_mpscp *parm); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_init_mpscp initializes control parameters, which are * used by the MPS input/output routines glp_read_mps and glp_write_mps, * with default values. * * Default values of the control parameters are stored in the glp_mpscp * structure, which the parameter parm points to. */ void glp_init_mpscp(glp_mpscp *parm) { parm->blank = '\0'; parm->obj_name = NULL; parm->tol_mps = 1e-12; return; } static void check_parm(const char *func, const glp_mpscp *parm) { /* check control parameters */ if (!(0x00 <= parm->blank && parm->blank <= 0xFF) || !(parm->blank == '\0' || isprint(parm->blank))) xerror("%s: blank = 0x%02X; invalid parameter\n", func, parm->blank); if (!(parm->obj_name == NULL || strlen(parm->obj_name) <= 255)) xerror("%s: obj_name = \"%.12s...\"; parameter too long\n", func, parm->obj_name); if (!(0.0 <= parm->tol_mps && parm->tol_mps < 1.0)) xerror("%s: tol_mps = %g; invalid parameter\n", func, parm->tol_mps); return; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_read_mps - read problem data in MPS format * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_read_mps(glp_prob *P, int fmt, const glp_mpscp *parm, * const char *fname); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_read_mps reads problem data in MPS format from a * text file. * * The parameter fmt specifies the version of MPS format: * * GLP_MPS_DECK - fixed (ancient) MPS format; * GLP_MPS_FILE - free (modern) MPS format. * * The parameter parm is a pointer to the structure glp_mpscp, which * specifies control parameters used by the routine. If parm is NULL, * the routine uses default settings. * * The character string fname specifies a name of the text file to be * read. * * Note that before reading data the current content of the problem * object is completely erased with the routine glp_erase_prob. * * RETURNS * * If the operation was successful, the routine glp_read_mps returns * zero. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns non-zero. */ struct csa { /* common storage area */ glp_prob *P; /* pointer to problem object */ int deck; /* MPS format (0 - free, 1 - fixed) */ const glp_mpscp *parm; /* pointer to control parameters */ const char *fname; /* name of input MPS file */ glp_file *fp; /* stream assigned to input MPS file */ jmp_buf jump; /* label for go to in case of error */ int recno; /* current record (card) number */ int recpos; /* current record (card) position */ int c; /* current character */ int fldno; /* current field number */ char field[255+1]; /* current field content */ int w80; /* warning 'record must not be longer than 80 chars' issued */ int wef; /* warning 'extra fields detected beyond field 6' issued */ int obj_row; /* objective row number */ void *work1, *work2, *work3; /* working arrays */ }; static void error(struct csa *csa, const char *fmt, ...) { /* print error message and terminate processing */ va_list arg; xprintf("%s:%d: ", csa->fname, csa->recno); va_start(arg, fmt); xvprintf(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); longjmp(csa->jump, 1); /* no return */ } static void warning(struct csa *csa, const char *fmt, ...) { /* print warning message and continue processing */ va_list arg; xprintf("%s:%d: warning: ", csa->fname, csa->recno); va_start(arg, fmt); xvprintf(fmt, arg); va_end(arg); return; } static void read_char(struct csa *csa) { /* read next character */ int c; if (csa->c == '\n') csa->recno++, csa->recpos = 0; csa->recpos++; read: c = glp_getc(csa->fp); if (c < 0) { if (glp_ioerr(csa->fp)) error(csa, "read error - %s\n", get_err_msg()); else if (csa->c == '\n') error(csa, "unexpected end of file\n"); else { warning(csa, "missing final end of line\n"); c = '\n'; } } else if (c == '\n') ; else if (csa->c == '\r') { c = '\r'; goto badc; } else if (csa->deck && c == '\r') { csa->c = '\r'; goto read; } else if (c == ' ') ; else if (isspace(c)) { if (csa->deck) badc: error(csa, "in fixed MPS format white-space character 0x%02" "X is not allowed\n", c); c = ' '; } else if (iscntrl(c)) error(csa, "invalid control character 0x%02X\n", c); if (csa->deck && csa->recpos == 81 && c != '\n' && csa->w80 < 1) { warning(csa, "in fixed MPS format record must not be longer th" "an 80 characters\n"); csa->w80++; } csa->c = c; return; } static int indicator(struct csa *csa, int name) { /* skip comment records and read possible indicator record */ int ret; /* reset current field number */ csa->fldno = 0; loop: /* read the very first character of the next record */ xassert(csa->c == '\n'); read_char(csa); if (csa->c == ' ' || csa->c == '\n') { /* data record */ ret = 0; } else if (csa->c == '*') { /* comment record */ while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); goto loop; } else { /* indicator record */ int len = 0; while (csa->c != ' ' && csa->c != '\n' && len < 12) { csa->field[len++] = (char)csa->c; read_char(csa); } csa->field[len] = '\0'; if (!(strcmp(csa->field, "NAME") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "ROWS") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "COLUMNS") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "RHS") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "RANGES") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "BOUNDS") == 0 || strcmp(csa->field, "ENDATA") == 0)) error(csa, "invalid indicator record\n"); if (!name) { while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); } ret = 1; } return ret; } static void read_field(struct csa *csa) { /* read next field of the current data record */ csa->fldno++; if (csa->deck) { /* fixed MPS format */ int beg, end, pos; /* determine predefined field positions */ if (csa->fldno == 1) beg = 2, end = 3; else if (csa->fldno == 2) beg = 5, end = 12; else if (csa->fldno == 3) beg = 15, end = 22; else if (csa->fldno == 4) beg = 25, end = 36; else if (csa->fldno == 5) beg = 40, end = 47; else if (csa->fldno == 6) beg = 50, end = 61; else xassert(csa != csa); /* skip blanks preceding the current field */ if (csa->c != '\n') { pos = csa->recpos; while (csa->recpos < beg) { if (csa->c == ' ') ; else if (csa->c == '\n') break; else error(csa, "in fixed MPS format positions %d-%d must " "be blank\n", pos, beg-1); read_char(csa); } } /* skip possible comment beginning in the field 3 or 5 */ if ((csa->fldno == 3 || csa->fldno == 5) && csa->c == '$') { while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); } /* read the current field */ for (pos = beg; pos <= end; pos++) { if (csa->c == '\n') break; csa->field[pos-beg] = (char)csa->c; read_char(csa); } csa->field[pos-beg] = '\0'; strtrim(csa->field); /* skip blanks following the last field */ if (csa->fldno == 6 && csa->c != '\n') { while (csa->recpos <= 72) { if (csa->c == ' ') ; else if (csa->c == '\n') break; else error(csa, "in fixed MPS format positions 62-72 must " "be blank\n"); read_char(csa); } while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); } } else { /* free MPS format */ int len; /* skip blanks preceding the current field */ while (csa->c == ' ') read_char(csa); /* skip possible comment */ if (csa->c == '$') { while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); } /* read the current field */ len = 0; while (!(csa->c == ' ' || csa->c == '\n')) { if (len == 255) error(csa, "length of field %d exceeds 255 characters\n", csa->fldno++); csa->field[len++] = (char)csa->c; read_char(csa); } csa->field[len] = '\0'; /* skip anything following the last field (any extra fields are considered to be comments) */ if (csa->fldno == 6) { while (csa->c == ' ') read_char(csa); if (csa->c != '$' && csa->c != '\n' && csa->wef < 1) { warning(csa, "some extra field(s) detected beyond field " "6; field(s) ignored\n"); csa->wef++; } while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); } } return; } static void patch_name(struct csa *csa, char *name) { /* process embedded blanks in symbolic name */ int blank = csa->parm->blank; if (blank == '\0') { /* remove emedded blanks */ strspx(name); } else { /* replace embedded blanks by specified character */ for (; *name != '\0'; name++) if (*name == ' ') *name = (char)blank; } return; } static double read_number(struct csa *csa) { /* read next field and convert it to floating-point number */ double x; char *s; /* read next field */ read_field(csa); xassert(csa->fldno == 4 || csa->fldno == 6); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing numeric value in field %d\n", csa->fldno); /* skip initial spaces of the field */ for (s = csa->field; *s == ' '; s++); /* perform conversion */ if (str2num(s, &x) != 0) error(csa, "cannot convert '%s' to floating-point number\n", s); return x; } static void skip_field(struct csa *csa) { /* read and skip next field (assumed to be blank) */ read_field(csa); if (csa->field[0] != '\0') error(csa, "field %d must be blank\n", csa->fldno); return; } static void read_name(struct csa *csa) { /* read NAME indicator record */ if (!(indicator(csa, 1) && strcmp(csa->field, "NAME") == 0)) error(csa, "missing NAME indicator record\n"); /* this indicator record looks like a data record; simulate that fields 1 and 2 were read */ csa->fldno = 2; /* field 3: model name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') warning(csa, "missing model name in field 3\n"); else glp_set_prob_name(csa->P, csa->field); /* skip anything following field 3 */ while (csa->c != '\n') read_char(csa); return; } static void read_rows(struct csa *csa) { /* read ROWS section */ int i, type; loop: if (indicator(csa, 0)) goto done; /* field 1: row type */ read_field(csa), strspx(csa->field); if (strcmp(csa->field, "N") == 0) type = GLP_FR; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "G") == 0) type = GLP_LO; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "L") == 0) type = GLP_UP; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "E") == 0) type = GLP_FX; else if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing row type in field 1\n"); else error(csa, "invalid row type in field 1\n"); /* field 2: row name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing row name in field 2\n"); if (glp_find_row(csa->P, csa->field) != 0) error(csa, "row '%s' multiply specified\n", csa->field); i = glp_add_rows(csa->P, 1); glp_set_row_name(csa->P, i, csa->field); glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, type, 0.0, 0.0); /* fields 3, 4, 5, and 6 must be blank */ skip_field(csa); skip_field(csa); skip_field(csa); skip_field(csa); goto loop; done: return; } static void read_columns(struct csa *csa) { /* read COLUMNS section */ int i, j, f, len, kind = GLP_CV, *ind; double aij, *val; char name[255+1], *flag; /* allocate working arrays */ csa->work1 = ind = xcalloc(1+csa->P->m, sizeof(int)); csa->work2 = val = xcalloc(1+csa->P->m, sizeof(double)); csa->work3 = flag = xcalloc(1+csa->P->m, sizeof(char)); memset(&flag[1], 0, csa->P->m); /* no current column exists */ j = 0, len = 0; loop: if (indicator(csa, 0)) goto done; /* field 1 must be blank */ if (csa->deck) { read_field(csa); if (csa->field[0] != '\0') error(csa, "field 1 must be blank\n"); } else csa->fldno++; /* field 2: column or kind name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); strcpy(name, csa->field); /* field 3: row name or keyword 'MARKER' */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (strcmp(csa->field, "'MARKER'") == 0) { /* process kind data record */ /* field 4 must be blank */ if (csa->deck) { read_field(csa); if (csa->field[0] != '\0') error(csa, "field 4 must be blank\n"); } else csa->fldno++; /* field 5: keyword 'INTORG' or 'INTEND' */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (strcmp(csa->field, "'INTORG'") == 0) kind = GLP_IV; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "'INTEND'") == 0) kind = GLP_CV; else if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing keyword in field 5\n"); else error(csa, "invalid keyword in field 5\n"); /* field 6 must be blank */ skip_field(csa); goto loop; } /* process column name specified in field 2 */ if (name[0] == '\0') { /* the same column as in previous data record */ if (j == 0) error(csa, "missing column name in field 2\n"); } else if (j != 0 && strcmp(name, csa->P->col[j]->name) == 0) { /* the same column as in previous data record */ xassert(j != 0); } else { /* store the current column */ if (j != 0) { glp_set_mat_col(csa->P, j, len, ind, val); while (len > 0) flag[ind[len--]] = 0; } /* create new column */ if (glp_find_col(csa->P, name) != 0) error(csa, "column '%s' multiply specified\n", name); j = glp_add_cols(csa->P, 1); glp_set_col_name(csa->P, j, name); glp_set_col_kind(csa->P, j, kind); if (kind == GLP_CV) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_LO, 0.0, 0.0); else if (kind == GLP_IV) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0); else xassert(kind != kind); } /* process fields 3-4 and 5-6 */ for (f = 3; f <= 5; f += 2) { /* field 3 or 5: row name */ if (f == 3) { if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing row name in field 3\n"); } else { read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { /* if field 5 is blank, field 6 also must be blank */ skip_field(csa); continue; } } i = glp_find_row(csa->P, csa->field); if (i == 0) error(csa, "row '%s' not found\n", csa->field); if (flag[i]) error(csa, "duplicate coefficient in row '%s'\n", csa->field); /* field 4 or 6: coefficient value */ aij = read_number(csa); if (fabs(aij) < csa->parm->tol_mps) aij = 0.0; len++, ind[len] = i, val[len] = aij, flag[i] = 1; } goto loop; done: /* store the last column */ if (j != 0) glp_set_mat_col(csa->P, j, len, ind, val); /* free working arrays */ xfree(ind); xfree(val); xfree(flag); csa->work1 = csa->work2 = csa->work3 = NULL; return; } static void read_rhs(struct csa *csa) { /* read RHS section */ int i, f, v, type; double rhs; char name[255+1], *flag; /* allocate working array */ csa->work3 = flag = xcalloc(1+csa->P->m, sizeof(char)); memset(&flag[1], 0, csa->P->m); /* no current RHS vector exists */ v = 0; loop: if (indicator(csa, 0)) goto done; /* field 1 must be blank */ if (csa->deck) { read_field(csa); if (csa->field[0] != '\0') error(csa, "field 1 must be blank\n"); } else csa->fldno++; /* field 2: RHS vector name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { /* the same RHS vector as in previous data record */ if (v == 0) { warning(csa, "missing RHS vector name in field 2\n"); goto blnk; } } else if (v != 0 && strcmp(csa->field, name) == 0) { /* the same RHS vector as in previous data record */ xassert(v != 0); } else blnk: { /* new RHS vector */ if (v != 0) error(csa, "multiple RHS vectors not supported\n"); v++; strcpy(name, csa->field); } /* process fields 3-4 and 5-6 */ for (f = 3; f <= 5; f += 2) { /* field 3 or 5: row name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { if (f == 3) error(csa, "missing row name in field 3\n"); else { /* if field 5 is blank, field 6 also must be blank */ skip_field(csa); continue; } } i = glp_find_row(csa->P, csa->field); if (i == 0) error(csa, "row '%s' not found\n", csa->field); if (flag[i]) error(csa, "duplicate right-hand side for row '%s'\n", csa->field); /* field 4 or 6: right-hand side value */ rhs = read_number(csa); if (fabs(rhs) < csa->parm->tol_mps) rhs = 0.0; type = csa->P->row[i]->type; if (type == GLP_FR) { if (i == csa->obj_row) glp_set_obj_coef(csa->P, 0, rhs); else if (rhs != 0.0) warning(csa, "non-zero right-hand side for free row '%s'" " ignored\n", csa->P->row[i]->name); } else glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, type, rhs, rhs); flag[i] = 1; } goto loop; done: /* free working array */ xfree(flag); csa->work3 = NULL; return; } static void read_ranges(struct csa *csa) { /* read RANGES section */ int i, f, v, type; double rhs, rng; char name[255+1], *flag; /* allocate working array */ csa->work3 = flag = xcalloc(1+csa->P->m, sizeof(char)); memset(&flag[1], 0, csa->P->m); /* no current RANGES vector exists */ v = 0; loop: if (indicator(csa, 0)) goto done; /* field 1 must be blank */ if (csa->deck) { read_field(csa); if (csa->field[0] != '\0') error(csa, "field 1 must be blank\n"); } else csa->fldno++; /* field 2: RANGES vector name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { /* the same RANGES vector as in previous data record */ if (v == 0) { warning(csa, "missing RANGES vector name in field 2\n"); goto blnk; } } else if (v != 0 && strcmp(csa->field, name) == 0) { /* the same RANGES vector as in previous data record */ xassert(v != 0); } else blnk: { /* new RANGES vector */ if (v != 0) error(csa, "multiple RANGES vectors not supported\n"); v++; strcpy(name, csa->field); } /* process fields 3-4 and 5-6 */ for (f = 3; f <= 5; f += 2) { /* field 3 or 5: row name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { if (f == 3) error(csa, "missing row name in field 3\n"); else { /* if field 5 is blank, field 6 also must be blank */ skip_field(csa); continue; } } i = glp_find_row(csa->P, csa->field); if (i == 0) error(csa, "row '%s' not found\n", csa->field); if (flag[i]) error(csa, "duplicate range for row '%s'\n", csa->field); /* field 4 or 6: range value */ rng = read_number(csa); if (fabs(rng) < csa->parm->tol_mps) rng = 0.0; type = csa->P->row[i]->type; if (type == GLP_FR) warning(csa, "range for free row '%s' ignored\n", csa->P->row[i]->name); else if (type == GLP_LO) { rhs = csa->P->row[i]->lb; glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, rhs == 0.0 ? GLP_FX : GLP_DB, rhs, rhs + fabs(rng)); } else if (type == GLP_UP) { rhs = csa->P->row[i]->ub; glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, rhs == 0.0 ? GLP_FX : GLP_DB, rhs - fabs(rng), rhs); } else if (type == GLP_FX) { rhs = csa->P->row[i]->lb; if (rng > 0.0) glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, GLP_DB, rhs, rhs + rng); else if (rng < 0.0) glp_set_row_bnds(csa->P, i, GLP_DB, rhs + rng, rhs); } else xassert(type != type); flag[i] = 1; } goto loop; done: /* free working array */ xfree(flag); csa->work3 = NULL; return; } static void read_bounds(struct csa *csa) { /* read BOUNDS section */ GLPCOL *col; int j, v, mask, data; double bnd, lb, ub; char type[2+1], name[255+1], *flag; /* allocate working array */ csa->work3 = flag = xcalloc(1+csa->P->n, sizeof(char)); memset(&flag[1], 0, csa->P->n); /* no current BOUNDS vector exists */ v = 0; loop: if (indicator(csa, 0)) goto done; /* field 1: bound type */ read_field(csa); if (strcmp(csa->field, "LO") == 0) mask = 0x01, data = 1; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "UP") == 0) mask = 0x10, data = 1; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "FX") == 0) mask = 0x11, data = 1; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "FR") == 0) mask = 0x11, data = 0; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "MI") == 0) mask = 0x01, data = 0; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "PL") == 0) mask = 0x10, data = 0; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "LI") == 0) mask = 0x01, data = 1; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "UI") == 0) mask = 0x10, data = 1; else if (strcmp(csa->field, "BV") == 0) mask = 0x11, data = 0; else if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing bound type in field 1\n"); else error(csa, "invalid bound type in field 1\n"); strcpy(type, csa->field); /* field 2: BOUNDS vector name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') { /* the same BOUNDS vector as in previous data record */ if (v == 0) { warning(csa, "missing BOUNDS vector name in field 2\n"); goto blnk; } } else if (v != 0 && strcmp(csa->field, name) == 0) { /* the same BOUNDS vector as in previous data record */ xassert(v != 0); } else blnk: { /* new BOUNDS vector */ if (v != 0) error(csa, "multiple BOUNDS vectors not supported\n"); v++; strcpy(name, csa->field); } /* field 3: column name */ read_field(csa), patch_name(csa, csa->field); if (csa->field[0] == '\0') error(csa, "missing column name in field 3\n"); j = glp_find_col(csa->P, csa->field); if (j == 0) error(csa, "column '%s' not found\n", csa->field); if ((flag[j] & mask) == 0x01) error(csa, "duplicate lower bound for column '%s'\n", csa->field); if ((flag[j] & mask) == 0x10) error(csa, "duplicate upper bound for column '%s'\n", csa->field); xassert((flag[j] & mask) == 0x00); /* field 4: bound value */ if (data) { bnd = read_number(csa); if (fabs(bnd) < csa->parm->tol_mps) bnd = 0.0; } else read_field(csa), bnd = 0.0; /* get current column bounds */ col = csa->P->col[j]; if (col->type == GLP_FR) lb = -DBL_MAX, ub = +DBL_MAX; else if (col->type == GLP_LO) lb = col->lb, ub = +DBL_MAX; else if (col->type == GLP_UP) lb = -DBL_MAX, ub = col->ub; else if (col->type == GLP_DB) lb = col->lb, ub = col->ub; else if (col->type == GLP_FX) lb = ub = col->lb; else xassert(col != col); /* change column bounds */ if (strcmp(type, "LO") == 0) lb = bnd; else if (strcmp(type, "UP") == 0) ub = bnd; else if (strcmp(type, "FX") == 0) lb = ub = bnd; else if (strcmp(type, "FR") == 0) lb = -DBL_MAX, ub = +DBL_MAX; else if (strcmp(type, "MI") == 0) lb = -DBL_MAX; else if (strcmp(type, "PL") == 0) ub = +DBL_MAX; else if (strcmp(type, "LI") == 0) { glp_set_col_kind(csa->P, j, GLP_IV); lb = ceil(bnd); #if 1 /* 16/VII-2013 */ /* if column upper bound has not been explicitly specified, take it as +inf */ if (!(flag[j] & 0x10)) ub = +DBL_MAX; #endif } else if (strcmp(type, "UI") == 0) { glp_set_col_kind(csa->P, j, GLP_IV); ub = floor(bnd); } else if (strcmp(type, "BV") == 0) { glp_set_col_kind(csa->P, j, GLP_IV); lb = 0.0, ub = 1.0; } else xassert(type != type); /* set new column bounds */ if (lb == -DBL_MAX && ub == +DBL_MAX) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_FR, lb, ub); else if (ub == +DBL_MAX) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_LO, lb, ub); else if (lb == -DBL_MAX) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_UP, lb, ub); else if (lb != ub) glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_DB, lb, ub); else glp_set_col_bnds(csa->P, j, GLP_FX, lb, ub); flag[j] |= (char)mask; /* fields 5 and 6 must be blank */ skip_field(csa); skip_field(csa); goto loop; done: /* free working array */ xfree(flag); csa->work3 = NULL; return; } int glp_read_mps(glp_prob *P, int fmt, const glp_mpscp *parm, const char *fname) { /* read problem data in MPS format */ glp_mpscp _parm; struct csa _csa, *csa = &_csa; int ret; xprintf("Reading problem data from '%s'...\n", fname); if (!(fmt == GLP_MPS_DECK || fmt == GLP_MPS_FILE)) xerror("glp_read_mps: fmt = %d; invalid parameter\n", fmt); if (parm == NULL) glp_init_mpscp(&_parm), parm = &_parm; /* check control parameters */ check_parm("glp_read_mps", parm); /* initialize common storage area */ csa->P = P; csa->deck = (fmt == GLP_MPS_DECK); csa->parm = parm; csa->fname = fname; csa->fp = NULL; if (setjmp(csa->jump)) { ret = 1; goto done; } csa->recno = csa->recpos = 0; csa->c = '\n'; csa->fldno = 0; csa->field[0] = '\0'; csa->w80 = csa->wef = 0; csa->obj_row = 0; csa->work1 = csa->work2 = csa->work3 = NULL; /* erase problem object */ glp_erase_prob(P); glp_create_index(P); /* open input MPS file */ csa->fp = glp_open(fname, "r"); if (csa->fp == NULL) { xprintf("Unable to open '%s' - %s\n", fname, get_err_msg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* read NAME indicator record */ read_name(csa); if (P->name != NULL) xprintf("Problem: %s\n", P->name); /* read ROWS section */ if (!(indicator(csa, 0) && strcmp(csa->field, "ROWS") == 0)) error(csa, "missing ROWS indicator record\n"); read_rows(csa); /* determine objective row */ if (parm->obj_name == NULL || parm->obj_name[0] == '\0') { /* use the first row of N type */ int i; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { if (P->row[i]->type == GLP_FR) { csa->obj_row = i; break; } } if (csa->obj_row == 0) warning(csa, "unable to determine objective row\n"); } else { /* use a row with specified name */ int i; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { xassert(P->row[i]->name != NULL); if (strcmp(parm->obj_name, P->row[i]->name) == 0) { csa->obj_row = i; break; } } if (csa->obj_row == 0) error(csa, "objective row '%s' not found\n", parm->obj_name); } if (csa->obj_row != 0) { glp_set_obj_name(P, P->row[csa->obj_row]->name); xprintf("Objective: %s\n", P->obj); } /* read COLUMNS section */ if (strcmp(csa->field, "COLUMNS") != 0) error(csa, "missing COLUMNS indicator record\n"); read_columns(csa); /* set objective coefficients */ if (csa->obj_row != 0) { GLPAIJ *aij; for (aij = P->row[csa->obj_row]->ptr; aij != NULL; aij = aij->r_next) glp_set_obj_coef(P, aij->col->j, aij->val); } /* read optional RHS section */ if (strcmp(csa->field, "RHS") == 0) read_rhs(csa); /* read optional RANGES section */ if (strcmp(csa->field, "RANGES") == 0) read_ranges(csa); /* read optional BOUNDS section */ if (strcmp(csa->field, "BOUNDS") == 0) read_bounds(csa); /* read ENDATA indicator record */ if (strcmp(csa->field, "ENDATA") != 0) error(csa, "invalid use of %s indicator record\n", csa->field); /* print some statistics */ xprintf("%d row%s, %d column%s, %d non-zero%s\n", P->m, P->m == 1 ? "" : "s", P->n, P->n == 1 ? "" : "s", P->nnz, P->nnz == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (glp_get_num_int(P) > 0) { int ni = glp_get_num_int(P); int nb = glp_get_num_bin(P); if (ni == 1) { if (nb == 0) xprintf("One variable is integer\n"); else xprintf("One variable is binary\n"); } else { xprintf("%d integer variables, ", ni); if (nb == 0) xprintf("none"); else if (nb == 1) xprintf("one"); else if (nb == ni) xprintf("all"); else xprintf("%d", nb); xprintf(" of which %s binary\n", nb == 1 ? "is" : "are"); } } xprintf("%d records were read\n", csa->recno); #if 1 /* 08/VIII-2013 */ /* remove free rows */ { int i, nrs, *num; num = talloc(1+P->m, int); nrs = 0; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { if (P->row[i]->type == GLP_FR) num[++nrs] = i; } if (nrs > 0) { glp_del_rows(P, nrs, num); if (nrs == 1) xprintf("One free row was removed\n"); else xprintf("%d free rows were removed\n", nrs); } tfree(num); } #endif /* problem data has been successfully read */ glp_delete_index(P); glp_sort_matrix(P); ret = 0; done: if (csa->fp != NULL) glp_close(csa->fp); if (csa->work1 != NULL) xfree(csa->work1); if (csa->work2 != NULL) xfree(csa->work2); if (csa->work3 != NULL) xfree(csa->work3); if (ret != 0) glp_erase_prob(P); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_write_mps - write problem data in MPS format * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_write_mps(glp_prob *P, int fmt, const glp_mpscp *parm, * const char *fname); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_write_mps writes problem data in MPS format to a * text file. * * The parameter fmt specifies the version of MPS format: * * GLP_MPS_DECK - fixed (ancient) MPS format; * GLP_MPS_FILE - free (modern) MPS format. * * The parameter parm is a pointer to the structure glp_mpscp, which * specifies control parameters used by the routine. If parm is NULL, * the routine uses default settings. * * The character string fname specifies a name of the text file to be * written. * * RETURNS * * If the operation was successful, the routine glp_read_mps returns * zero. Otherwise, it prints an error message and returns non-zero. */ #define csa csa1 struct csa { /* common storage area */ glp_prob *P; /* pointer to problem object */ int deck; /* MPS format (0 - free, 1 - fixed) */ const glp_mpscp *parm; /* pointer to control parameters */ char field[255+1]; /* field buffer */ }; static char *mps_name(struct csa *csa) { /* make problem name */ char *f; if (csa->P->name == NULL) csa->field[0] = '\0'; else if (csa->deck) { strncpy(csa->field, csa->P->name, 8); csa->field[8] = '\0'; } else strcpy(csa->field, csa->P->name); for (f = csa->field; *f != '\0'; f++) if (*f == ' ') *f = '_'; return csa->field; } static char *row_name(struct csa *csa, int i) { /* make i-th row name */ char *f; xassert(0 <= i && i <= csa->P->m); if (i == 0 || csa->P->row[i]->name == NULL || csa->deck && strlen(csa->P->row[i]->name) > 8) sprintf(csa->field, "R%07d", i); else { strcpy(csa->field, csa->P->row[i]->name); for (f = csa->field; *f != '\0'; f++) if (*f == ' ') *f = '_'; } return csa->field; } static char *col_name(struct csa *csa, int j) { /* make j-th column name */ char *f; xassert(1 <= j && j <= csa->P->n); if (csa->P->col[j]->name == NULL || csa->deck && strlen(csa->P->col[j]->name) > 8) sprintf(csa->field, "C%07d", j); else { strcpy(csa->field, csa->P->col[j]->name); for (f = csa->field; *f != '\0'; f++) if (*f == ' ') *f = '_'; } return csa->field; } static char *mps_numb(struct csa *csa, double val) { /* format floating-point number */ int dig; char *exp; for (dig = 12; dig >= 6; dig--) { if (val != 0.0 && fabs(val) < 0.002) sprintf(csa->field, "%.*E", dig-1, val); else sprintf(csa->field, "%.*G", dig, val); exp = strchr(csa->field, 'E'); if (exp != NULL) sprintf(exp+1, "%d", atoi(exp+1)); if (strlen(csa->field) <= 12) break; } xassert(strlen(csa->field) <= 12); return csa->field; } int glp_write_mps(glp_prob *P, int fmt, const glp_mpscp *parm, const char *fname) { /* write problem data in MPS format */ glp_mpscp _parm; struct csa _csa, *csa = &_csa; glp_file *fp; int out_obj, one_col = 0, empty = 0; int i, j, recno, marker, count, gap, ret; xprintf("Writing problem data to '%s'...\n", fname); if (!(fmt == GLP_MPS_DECK || fmt == GLP_MPS_FILE)) xerror("glp_write_mps: fmt = %d; invalid parameter\n", fmt); if (parm == NULL) glp_init_mpscp(&_parm), parm = &_parm; /* check control parameters */ check_parm("glp_write_mps", parm); /* initialize common storage area */ csa->P = P; csa->deck = (fmt == GLP_MPS_DECK); csa->parm = parm; /* create output MPS file */ fp = glp_open(fname, "w"), recno = 0; if (fp == NULL) { xprintf("Unable to create '%s' - %s\n", fname, get_err_msg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* write comment records */ xfprintf(fp, "* %-*s%s\n", P->name == NULL ? 1 : 12, "Problem:", P->name == NULL ? "" : P->name), recno++; xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%s\n", "Class:", glp_get_num_int(P) == 0 ? "LP" : "MIP"), recno++; xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%d\n", "Rows:", P->m), recno++; if (glp_get_num_int(P) == 0) xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%d\n", "Columns:", P->n), recno++; else xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%d (%d integer, %d binary)\n", "Columns:", P->n, glp_get_num_int(P), glp_get_num_bin(P)), recno++; xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%d\n", "Non-zeros:", P->nnz), recno++; xfprintf(fp, "* %-12s%s\n", "Format:", csa->deck ? "Fixed MPS" : "Free MPS"), recno++; xfprintf(fp, "*\n", recno++); /* write NAME indicator record */ xfprintf(fp, "NAME%*s%s\n", P->name == NULL ? 0 : csa->deck ? 10 : 1, "", mps_name(csa)), recno++; #if 1 /* determine whether to write the objective row */ out_obj = 1; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { if (P->row[i]->type == GLP_FR) { out_obj = 0; break; } } #endif /* write ROWS section */ xfprintf(fp, "ROWS\n"), recno++; for (i = (out_obj ? 0 : 1); i <= P->m; i++) { int type; type = (i == 0 ? GLP_FR : P->row[i]->type); if (type == GLP_FR) type = 'N'; else if (type == GLP_LO) type = 'G'; else if (type == GLP_UP) type = 'L'; else if (type == GLP_DB || type == GLP_FX) type = 'E'; else xassert(type != type); xfprintf(fp, " %c%*s%s\n", type, csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", row_name(csa, i)), recno++; } /* write COLUMNS section */ xfprintf(fp, "COLUMNS\n"), recno++; marker = 0; for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { GLPAIJ cj, *aij; int kind; kind = P->col[j]->kind; if (kind == GLP_CV) { if (marker % 2 == 1) { /* close current integer block */ marker++; xfprintf(fp, "%*sM%07d%*s'MARKER'%*s'INTEND'\n", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", marker, csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 17 : 1, ""), recno++; } } else if (kind == GLP_IV) { if (marker % 2 == 0) { /* open new integer block */ marker++; xfprintf(fp, "%*sM%07d%*s'MARKER'%*s'INTORG'\n", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", marker, csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 17 : 1, ""), recno++; } } else xassert(kind != kind); if (out_obj && P->col[j]->coef != 0.0) { /* make fake objective coefficient */ aij = &cj; aij->row = NULL; aij->val = P->col[j]->coef; aij->c_next = P->col[j]->ptr; } else aij = P->col[j]->ptr; #if 1 /* FIXME */ if (aij == NULL) { /* empty column */ empty++; xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, col_name(csa, j)); /* we need a row */ xassert(P->m > 0); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, row_name(csa, 1)); xfprintf(fp, "%*s0%*s$ empty column\n", csa->deck ? 13 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 3 : 1, ""), recno++; } #endif count = 0; for (aij = aij; aij != NULL; aij = aij->c_next) { if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, col_name(csa, j)); gap = (one_col || count % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? gap : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, row_name(csa, aij->row == NULL ? 0 : aij->row->i)); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%*s", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 12 : 1, mps_numb(csa, aij->val)), count++; if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; } if (!(one_col || count % 2 == 0)) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; } if (marker % 2 == 1) { /* close last integer block */ marker++; xfprintf(fp, "%*sM%07d%*s'MARKER'%*s'INTEND'\n", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", marker, csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 17 : 1, ""), recno++; } #if 1 if (empty > 0) xprintf("Warning: problem has %d empty column(s)\n", empty); #endif /* write RHS section */ xfprintf(fp, "RHS\n"), recno++; count = 0; for (i = (out_obj ? 0 : 1); i <= P->m; i++) { int type; double rhs; if (i == 0) rhs = P->c0; else { type = P->row[i]->type; if (type == GLP_FR) rhs = 0.0; else if (type == GLP_LO) rhs = P->row[i]->lb; else if (type == GLP_UP) rhs = P->row[i]->ub; else if (type == GLP_DB || type == GLP_FX) rhs = P->row[i]->lb; else xassert(type != type); } if (rhs != 0.0) { if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, "RHS1"); gap = (one_col || count % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? gap : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, row_name(csa, i)); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%*s", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 12 : 1, mps_numb(csa, rhs)), count++; if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; } } if (!(one_col || count % 2 == 0)) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; /* write RANGES section */ for (i = P->m; i >= 1; i--) if (P->row[i]->type == GLP_DB) break; if (i == 0) goto bnds; xfprintf(fp, "RANGES\n"), recno++; count = 0; for (i = 1; i <= P->m; i++) { if (P->row[i]->type == GLP_DB) { if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? 4 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, "RNG1"); gap = (one_col || count % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 3); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%-*s", csa->deck ? gap : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, row_name(csa, i)); xfprintf(fp, "%*s%*s", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 12 : 1, mps_numb(csa, P->row[i]->ub - P->row[i]->lb)), count++; if (one_col || count % 2 == 0) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; } } if (!(one_col || count % 2 == 0)) xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; bnds: /* write BOUNDS section */ for (j = P->n; j >= 1; j--) if (!(P->col[j]->kind == GLP_CV && P->col[j]->type == GLP_LO && P->col[j]->lb == 0.0)) break; if (j == 0) goto endt; xfprintf(fp, "BOUNDS\n"), recno++; for (j = 1; j <= P->n; j++) { int type, data[2]; double bnd[2]; char *spec[2]; spec[0] = spec[1] = NULL; type = P->col[j]->type; if (type == GLP_FR) spec[0] = "FR", data[0] = 0; else if (type == GLP_LO) { if (P->col[j]->lb != 0.0) spec[0] = "LO", data[0] = 1, bnd[0] = P->col[j]->lb; if (P->col[j]->kind == GLP_IV) spec[1] = "PL", data[1] = 0; } else if (type == GLP_UP) { spec[0] = "MI", data[0] = 0; spec[1] = "UP", data[1] = 1, bnd[1] = P->col[j]->ub; } else if (type == GLP_DB) { if (P->col[j]->lb != 0.0) spec[0] = "LO", data[0] = 1, bnd[0] = P->col[j]->lb; spec[1] = "UP", data[1] = 1, bnd[1] = P->col[j]->ub; } else if (type == GLP_FX) spec[0] = "FX", data[0] = 1, bnd[0] = P->col[j]->lb; else xassert(type != type); for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { if (spec[i] != NULL) { xfprintf(fp, " %s %-*s%*s%-*s", spec[i], csa->deck ? 8 : 1, "BND1", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 8 : 1, col_name(csa, j)); if (data[i]) xfprintf(fp, "%*s%*s", csa->deck ? 2 : 1, "", csa->deck ? 12 : 1, mps_numb(csa, bnd[i])); xfprintf(fp, "\n"), recno++; } } } endt: /* write ENDATA indicator record */ xfprintf(fp, "ENDATA\n"), recno++; #if 0 /* FIXME */ xfflush(fp); #endif if (glp_ioerr(fp)) { xprintf("Write error on '%s' - %s\n", fname, get_err_msg()); ret = 1; goto done; } /* problem data has been successfully written */ xprintf("%d records were written\n", recno); ret = 0; done: if (fp != NULL) glp_close(fp); return ret; } /* eof */