/* glpapi17.c (flow network problems) */ /*********************************************************************** * This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit). * * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, * 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 Andrew Makhorin, Department for Applied * Informatics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia. All rights * reserved. E-mail: . * * GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GLPK. If not, see . ***********************************************************************/ #include "env.h" #include "ffalg.h" #include "mc21a.h" #include "okalg.h" #include "prob.h" #include "relax4.h" /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_mincost_lp - convert minimum cost flow problem to LP * * SYNOPSIS * * void glp_mincost_lp(glp_prob *lp, glp_graph *G, int names, * int v_rhs, int a_low, int a_cap, int a_cost); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_mincost_lp builds an LP problem, which corresponds * to the minimum cost flow problem on the specified network G. */ void glp_mincost_lp(glp_prob *lp, glp_graph *G, int names, int v_rhs, int a_low, int a_cap, int a_cost) { glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int i, j, type, ind[1+2]; double rhs, low, cap, cost, val[1+2]; if (!(names == GLP_ON || names == GLP_OFF)) xerror("glp_mincost_lp: names = %d; invalid parameter\n", names); if (v_rhs >= 0 && v_rhs > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_lp: v_rhs = %d; invalid offset\n", v_rhs); if (a_low >= 0 && a_low > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_lp: a_low = %d; invalid offset\n", a_low); if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_lp: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap); if (a_cost >= 0 && a_cost > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_lp: a_cost = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cost) ; glp_erase_prob(lp); if (names) glp_set_prob_name(lp, G->name); if (G->nv > 0) glp_add_rows(lp, G->nv); for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (names) glp_set_row_name(lp, i, v->name); if (v_rhs >= 0) memcpy(&rhs, (char *)v->data + v_rhs, sizeof(double)); else rhs = 0.0; glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i, GLP_FX, rhs, rhs); } if (G->na > 0) glp_add_cols(lp, G->na); for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { j++; if (names) { char name[50+1]; sprintf(name, "x[%d,%d]", a->tail->i, a->head->i); xassert(strlen(name) < sizeof(name)); glp_set_col_name(lp, j, name); } if (a->tail->i != a->head->i) { ind[1] = a->tail->i, val[1] = +1.0; ind[2] = a->head->i, val[2] = -1.0; glp_set_mat_col(lp, j, 2, ind, val); } if (a_low >= 0) memcpy(&low, (char *)a->data + a_low, sizeof(double)); else low = 0.0; if (a_cap >= 0) memcpy(&cap, (char *)a->data + a_cap, sizeof(double)); else cap = 1.0; if (cap == DBL_MAX) type = GLP_LO; else if (low != cap) type = GLP_DB; else type = GLP_FX; glp_set_col_bnds(lp, j, type, low, cap); if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&cost, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else cost = 0.0; glp_set_obj_coef(lp, j, cost); } } xassert(j == G->na); return; } /**********************************************************************/ int glp_mincost_okalg(glp_graph *G, int v_rhs, int a_low, int a_cap, int a_cost, double *sol, int a_x, int v_pi) { /* find minimum-cost flow with out-of-kilter algorithm */ glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int nv, na, i, k, s, t, *tail, *head, *low, *cap, *cost, *x, *pi, ret; double sum, temp; if (v_rhs >= 0 && v_rhs > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: v_rhs = %d; invalid offset\n", v_rhs); if (a_low >= 0 && a_low > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: a_low = %d; invalid offset\n", a_low); if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap); if (a_cost >= 0 && a_cost > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: a_cost = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cost); if (a_x >= 0 && a_x > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: a_x = %d; invalid offset\n", a_x); if (v_pi >= 0 && v_pi > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_okalg: v_pi = %d; invalid offset\n", v_pi); /* s is artificial source node */ s = G->nv + 1; /* t is artificial sink node */ t = s + 1; /* nv is the total number of nodes in the resulting network */ nv = t; /* na is the total number of arcs in the resulting network */ na = G->na + 1; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (v_rhs >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)v->data + v_rhs, sizeof(double)); else temp = 0.0; if (temp != 0.0) na++; } /* allocate working arrays */ tail = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); head = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); low = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); cap = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); cost = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); x = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); pi = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(int)); /* construct the resulting network */ k = 0; /* (original arcs) */ for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; tail[k] = a->tail->i; head[k] = a->head->i; if (tail[k] == head[k]) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } if (a_low >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)a->data + a_low, sizeof(double)); else temp = 0.0; if (!(0.0 <= temp && temp <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } low[k] = (int)temp; if (a_cap >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)a->data + a_cap, sizeof(double)); else temp = 1.0; if (!((double)low[k] <= temp && temp <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } cap[k] = (int)temp; if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else temp = 0.0; if (!(fabs(temp) <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } cost[k] = (int)temp; } } /* (artificial arcs) */ sum = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (v_rhs >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)v->data + v_rhs, sizeof(double)); else temp = 0.0; if (!(fabs(temp) <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } if (temp > 0.0) { /* artificial arc from s to original source i */ k++; tail[k] = s; head[k] = i; low[k] = cap[k] = (int)(+temp); /* supply */ cost[k] = 0; sum += (double)temp; } else if (temp < 0.0) { /* artificial arc from original sink i to t */ k++; tail[k] = i; head[k] = t; low[k] = cap[k] = (int)(-temp); /* demand */ cost[k] = 0; } } /* (feedback arc from t to s) */ k++; xassert(k == na); tail[k] = t; head[k] = s; if (sum > (double)INT_MAX) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } low[k] = cap[k] = (int)sum; /* total supply/demand */ cost[k] = 0; /* find minimal-cost circulation in the resulting network */ ret = okalg(nv, na, tail, head, low, cap, cost, x, pi); switch (ret) { case 0: /* optimal circulation found */ ret = 0; break; case 1: /* no feasible circulation exists */ ret = GLP_ENOPFS; break; case 2: /* integer overflow occured */ ret = GLP_ERANGE; goto done; case 3: /* optimality test failed (logic error) */ ret = GLP_EFAIL; goto done; default: xassert(ret != ret); } /* store solution components */ /* (objective function = the total cost) */ if (sol != NULL) { temp = 0.0; for (k = 1; k <= na; k++) temp += (double)cost[k] * (double)x[k]; *sol = temp; } /* (arc flows) */ if (a_x >= 0) { k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { temp = (double)x[++k]; memcpy((char *)a->data + a_x, &temp, sizeof(double)); } } } /* (node potentials = Lagrange multipliers) */ if (v_pi >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; temp = - (double)pi[i]; memcpy((char *)v->data + v_pi, &temp, sizeof(double)); } } done: /* free working arrays */ xfree(tail); xfree(head); xfree(low); xfree(cap); xfree(cost); xfree(x); xfree(pi); return ret; } /**********************************************************************/ static int overflow(int u, int v) { /* check for integer overflow on computing u + v */ if (u > 0 && v > 0 && u + v < 0) return 1; if (u < 0 && v < 0 && u + v > 0) return 1; return 0; } int glp_mincost_relax4(glp_graph *G, int v_rhs, int a_low, int a_cap, int a_cost, int crash, double *sol, int a_x, int a_rc) { /* find minimum-cost flow with Bertsekas-Tseng relaxation method (RELAX-IV) */ glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; struct relax4_csa csa; int i, k, large, n, na, ret; double cap, cost, low, rc, rhs, sum, x; if (v_rhs >= 0 && v_rhs > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: v_rhs = %d; invalid offset\n", v_rhs); if (a_low >= 0 && a_low > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: a_low = %d; invalid offset\n", a_low); if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap); if (a_cost >= 0 && a_cost > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: a_cost = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cost); if (a_x >= 0 && a_x > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: a_x = %d; invalid offset\n", a_x); if (a_rc >= 0 && a_rc > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_mincost_relax4: a_rc = %d; invalid offset\n", a_rc); csa.n = n = G->nv; /* number of nodes */ csa.na = na = G->na; /* number of arcs */ csa.large = large = INT_MAX / 4; csa.repeat = 0; csa.crash = crash; /* allocate working arrays */ csa.startn = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.endn = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.fou = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.nxtou = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.fin = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.nxtin = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.rc = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.u = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.dfct = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.x = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.label = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.prdcsr = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.save = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.tfstou = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.tnxtou = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.tfstin = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.tnxtin = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); csa.nxtqueue = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.scan = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(char)); csa.mark = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(char)); if (crash) { csa.extend_arc = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.sb_level = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); csa.sb_arc = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); } else { csa.extend_arc = NULL; csa.sb_level = NULL; csa.sb_arc = NULL; } /* scan nodes */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { v = G->v[i]; /* get supply at i-th node */ if (v_rhs >= 0) memcpy(&rhs, (char *)v->data + v_rhs, sizeof(double)); else rhs = 0.0; if (!(fabs(rhs) <= (double)large && rhs == floor(rhs))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } /* set demand at i-th node */ csa.dfct[i] = -(int)rhs; } /* scan arcs */ k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; /* set endpoints of k-th arc */ if (a->tail->i == a->head->i) { /* self-loops not allowed */ ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } csa.startn[k] = a->tail->i; csa.endn[k] = a->head->i; /* set per-unit cost for k-th arc flow */ if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&cost, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else cost = 0.0; if (!(fabs(cost) <= (double)large && cost == floor(cost))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } csa.rc[k] = (int)cost; /* get lower bound for k-th arc flow */ if (a_low >= 0) memcpy(&low, (char *)a->data + a_low, sizeof(double)); else low = 0.0; if (!(0.0 <= low && low <= (double)large && low == floor(low))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } /* get upper bound for k-th arc flow */ if (a_cap >= 0) memcpy(&cap, (char *)a->data + a_cap, sizeof(double)); else cap = 1.0; if (!(low <= cap && cap <= (double)large && cap == floor(cap))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } /* substitute x = x' + low, where 0 <= x' <= cap - low */ csa.u[k] = (int)(cap - low); /* correct demands at endpoints of k-th arc */ if (overflow(csa.dfct[a->tail->i], +low)) { ret = GLP_ERANGE; goto done; } csa.dfct[a->tail->i] += low; if (overflow(csa.dfct[a->head->i], -low)) { ret = GLP_ERANGE; goto done; } csa.dfct[a->head->i] -= low; } } /* construct linked list for network topology */ relax4_inidat(&csa); /* find minimum-cost flow */ ret = relax4(&csa); if (ret != 0) { /* problem is found to be infeasible */ xassert(1 <= ret && ret <= 8); ret = GLP_ENOPFS; goto done; } /* store solution */ sum = 0.0; k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; /* get lower bound for k-th arc flow */ if (a_low >= 0) memcpy(&low, (char *)a->data + a_low, sizeof(double)); else low = 0.0; /* store original flow x = x' + low thru k-th arc */ x = (double)csa.x[k] + low; if (a_x >= 0) memcpy((char *)a->data + a_x, &x, sizeof(double)); /* store reduced cost for k-th arc flow */ rc = (double)csa.rc[k]; if (a_rc >= 0) memcpy((char *)a->data + a_rc, &rc, sizeof(double)); /* get per-unit cost for k-th arc flow */ if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&cost, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else cost = 0.0; /* compute the total cost */ sum += cost * x; } } /* store the total cost */ if (sol != NULL) *sol = sum; done: /* free working arrays */ xfree(csa.startn); xfree(csa.endn); xfree(csa.fou); xfree(csa.nxtou); xfree(csa.fin); xfree(csa.nxtin); xfree(csa.rc); xfree(csa.u); xfree(csa.dfct); xfree(csa.x); xfree(csa.label); xfree(csa.prdcsr); xfree(csa.save); xfree(csa.tfstou); xfree(csa.tnxtou); xfree(csa.tfstin); xfree(csa.tnxtin); xfree(csa.nxtqueue); xfree(csa.scan); xfree(csa.mark); if (crash) { xfree(csa.extend_arc); xfree(csa.sb_level); xfree(csa.sb_arc); } return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_maxflow_lp - convert maximum flow problem to LP * * SYNOPSIS * * void glp_maxflow_lp(glp_prob *lp, glp_graph *G, int names, int s, * int t, int a_cap); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_maxflow_lp builds an LP problem, which corresponds * to the maximum flow problem on the specified network G. */ void glp_maxflow_lp(glp_prob *lp, glp_graph *G, int names, int s, int t, int a_cap) { glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int i, j, type, ind[1+2]; double cap, val[1+2]; if (!(names == GLP_ON || names == GLP_OFF)) xerror("glp_maxflow_lp: names = %d; invalid parameter\n", names); if (!(1 <= s && s <= G->nv)) xerror("glp_maxflow_lp: s = %d; source node number out of rang" "e\n", s); if (!(1 <= t && t <= G->nv)) xerror("glp_maxflow_lp: t = %d: sink node number out of range " "\n", t); if (s == t) xerror("glp_maxflow_lp: s = t = %d; source and sink nodes must" " be distinct\n", s); if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_maxflow_lp: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap); glp_erase_prob(lp); if (names) glp_set_prob_name(lp, G->name); glp_set_obj_dir(lp, GLP_MAX); glp_add_rows(lp, G->nv); for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (names) glp_set_row_name(lp, i, v->name); if (i == s) type = GLP_LO; else if (i == t) type = GLP_UP; else type = GLP_FX; glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i, type, 0.0, 0.0); } if (G->na > 0) glp_add_cols(lp, G->na); for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { j++; if (names) { char name[50+1]; sprintf(name, "x[%d,%d]", a->tail->i, a->head->i); xassert(strlen(name) < sizeof(name)); glp_set_col_name(lp, j, name); } if (a->tail->i != a->head->i) { ind[1] = a->tail->i, val[1] = +1.0; ind[2] = a->head->i, val[2] = -1.0; glp_set_mat_col(lp, j, 2, ind, val); } if (a_cap >= 0) memcpy(&cap, (char *)a->data + a_cap, sizeof(double)); else cap = 1.0; if (cap == DBL_MAX) type = GLP_LO; else if (cap != 0.0) type = GLP_DB; else type = GLP_FX; glp_set_col_bnds(lp, j, type, 0.0, cap); if (a->tail->i == s) glp_set_obj_coef(lp, j, +1.0); else if (a->head->i == s) glp_set_obj_coef(lp, j, -1.0); } } xassert(j == G->na); return; } int glp_maxflow_ffalg(glp_graph *G, int s, int t, int a_cap, double *sol, int a_x, int v_cut) { /* find maximal flow with Ford-Fulkerson algorithm */ glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int nv, na, i, k, flag, *tail, *head, *cap, *x, ret; char *cut; double temp; if (!(1 <= s && s <= G->nv)) xerror("glp_maxflow_ffalg: s = %d; source node number out of r" "ange\n", s); if (!(1 <= t && t <= G->nv)) xerror("glp_maxflow_ffalg: t = %d: sink node number out of ran" "ge\n", t); if (s == t) xerror("glp_maxflow_ffalg: s = t = %d; source and sink nodes m" "ust be distinct\n", s); if (a_cap >= 0 && a_cap > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_maxflow_ffalg: a_cap = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cap); if (v_cut >= 0 && v_cut > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_maxflow_ffalg: v_cut = %d; invalid offset\n", v_cut); /* allocate working arrays */ nv = G->nv; na = G->na; tail = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); head = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); cap = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); x = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); if (v_cut < 0) cut = NULL; else cut = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(char)); /* copy the flow network */ k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; tail[k] = a->tail->i; head[k] = a->head->i; if (tail[k] == head[k]) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } if (a_cap >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)a->data + a_cap, sizeof(double)); else temp = 1.0; if (!(0.0 <= temp && temp <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } cap[k] = (int)temp; } } xassert(k == na); /* find maximal flow in the flow network */ ffalg(nv, na, tail, head, s, t, cap, x, cut); ret = 0; /* store solution components */ /* (objective function = total flow through the network) */ if (sol != NULL) { temp = 0.0; for (k = 1; k <= na; k++) { if (tail[k] == s) temp += (double)x[k]; else if (head[k] == s) temp -= (double)x[k]; } *sol = temp; } /* (arc flows) */ if (a_x >= 0) { k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { temp = (double)x[++k]; memcpy((char *)a->data + a_x, &temp, sizeof(double)); } } } /* (node flags) */ if (v_cut >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; flag = cut[i]; memcpy((char *)v->data + v_cut, &flag, sizeof(int)); } } done: /* free working arrays */ xfree(tail); xfree(head); xfree(cap); xfree(x); if (cut != NULL) xfree(cut); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_check_asnprob - check correctness of assignment problem data * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_check_asnprob(glp_graph *G, int v_set); * * RETURNS * * If the specified assignment problem data are correct, the routine * glp_check_asnprob returns zero, otherwise, non-zero. */ int glp_check_asnprob(glp_graph *G, int v_set) { glp_vertex *v; int i, k, ret = 0; if (v_set >= 0 && v_set > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_check_asnprob: v_set = %d; invalid offset\n", v_set); for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (v_set >= 0) { memcpy(&k, (char *)v->data + v_set, sizeof(int)); if (k == 0) { if (v->in != NULL) { ret = 1; break; } } else if (k == 1) { if (v->out != NULL) { ret = 2; break; } } else { ret = 3; break; } } else { if (v->in != NULL && v->out != NULL) { ret = 4; break; } } } return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_asnprob_lp - convert assignment problem to LP * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_asnprob_lp(glp_prob *P, int form, glp_graph *G, int names, * int v_set, int a_cost); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_asnprob_lp builds an LP problem, which corresponds * to the assignment problem on the specified graph G. * * RETURNS * * If the LP problem has been successfully built, the routine returns * zero, otherwise, non-zero. */ int glp_asnprob_lp(glp_prob *P, int form, glp_graph *G, int names, int v_set, int a_cost) { glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int i, j, ret, ind[1+2]; double cost, val[1+2]; if (!(form == GLP_ASN_MIN || form == GLP_ASN_MAX || form == GLP_ASN_MMP)) xerror("glp_asnprob_lp: form = %d; invalid parameter\n", form); if (!(names == GLP_ON || names == GLP_OFF)) xerror("glp_asnprob_lp: names = %d; invalid parameter\n", names); if (v_set >= 0 && v_set > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_asnprob_lp: v_set = %d; invalid offset\n", v_set); if (a_cost >= 0 && a_cost > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_asnprob_lp: a_cost = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cost); ret = glp_check_asnprob(G, v_set); if (ret != 0) goto done; glp_erase_prob(P); if (names) glp_set_prob_name(P, G->name); glp_set_obj_dir(P, form == GLP_ASN_MIN ? GLP_MIN : GLP_MAX); if (G->nv > 0) glp_add_rows(P, G->nv); for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (names) glp_set_row_name(P, i, v->name); glp_set_row_bnds(P, i, form == GLP_ASN_MMP ? GLP_UP : GLP_FX, 1.0, 1.0); } if (G->na > 0) glp_add_cols(P, G->na); for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { j++; if (names) { char name[50+1]; sprintf(name, "x[%d,%d]", a->tail->i, a->head->i); xassert(strlen(name) < sizeof(name)); glp_set_col_name(P, j, name); } ind[1] = a->tail->i, val[1] = +1.0; ind[2] = a->head->i, val[2] = +1.0; glp_set_mat_col(P, j, 2, ind, val); glp_set_col_bnds(P, j, GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0); if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&cost, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else cost = 1.0; glp_set_obj_coef(P, j, cost); } } xassert(j == G->na); done: return ret; } /**********************************************************************/ int glp_asnprob_okalg(int form, glp_graph *G, int v_set, int a_cost, double *sol, int a_x) { /* solve assignment problem with out-of-kilter algorithm */ glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int nv, na, i, k, *tail, *head, *low, *cap, *cost, *x, *pi, ret; double temp; if (!(form == GLP_ASN_MIN || form == GLP_ASN_MAX || form == GLP_ASN_MMP)) xerror("glp_asnprob_okalg: form = %d; invalid parameter\n", form); if (v_set >= 0 && v_set > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_asnprob_okalg: v_set = %d; invalid offset\n", v_set); if (a_cost >= 0 && a_cost > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_asnprob_okalg: a_cost = %d; invalid offset\n", a_cost); if (a_x >= 0 && a_x > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_asnprob_okalg: a_x = %d; invalid offset\n", a_x); if (glp_check_asnprob(G, v_set)) return GLP_EDATA; /* nv is the total number of nodes in the resulting network */ nv = G->nv + 1; /* na is the total number of arcs in the resulting network */ na = G->na + G->nv; /* allocate working arrays */ tail = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); head = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); low = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); cap = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); cost = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); x = xcalloc(1+na, sizeof(int)); pi = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(int)); /* construct the resulting network */ k = 0; /* (original arcs) */ for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; tail[k] = a->tail->i; head[k] = a->head->i; low[k] = 0; cap[k] = 1; if (a_cost >= 0) memcpy(&temp, (char *)a->data + a_cost, sizeof(double)); else temp = 1.0; if (!(fabs(temp) <= (double)INT_MAX && temp == floor(temp))) { ret = GLP_EDATA; goto done; } cost[k] = (int)temp; if (form != GLP_ASN_MIN) cost[k] = - cost[k]; } } /* (artificial arcs) */ for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; k++; if (v->out == NULL) tail[k] = i, head[k] = nv; else if (v->in == NULL) tail[k] = nv, head[k] = i; else xassert(v != v); low[k] = (form == GLP_ASN_MMP ? 0 : 1); cap[k] = 1; cost[k] = 0; } xassert(k == na); /* find minimal-cost circulation in the resulting network */ ret = okalg(nv, na, tail, head, low, cap, cost, x, pi); switch (ret) { case 0: /* optimal circulation found */ ret = 0; break; case 1: /* no feasible circulation exists */ ret = GLP_ENOPFS; break; case 2: /* integer overflow occured */ ret = GLP_ERANGE; goto done; case 3: /* optimality test failed (logic error) */ ret = GLP_EFAIL; goto done; default: xassert(ret != ret); } /* store solution components */ /* (objective function = the total cost) */ if (sol != NULL) { temp = 0.0; for (k = 1; k <= na; k++) temp += (double)cost[k] * (double)x[k]; if (form != GLP_ASN_MIN) temp = - temp; *sol = temp; } /* (arc flows) */ if (a_x >= 0) { k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { k++; if (ret == 0) xassert(x[k] == 0 || x[k] == 1); memcpy((char *)a->data + a_x, &x[k], sizeof(int)); } } } done: /* free working arrays */ xfree(tail); xfree(head); xfree(low); xfree(cap); xfree(cost); xfree(x); xfree(pi); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_asnprob_hall - find bipartite matching of maximum cardinality * * SYNOPSIS * * int glp_asnprob_hall(glp_graph *G, int v_set, int a_x); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_asnprob_hall finds a matching of maximal cardinality * in the specified bipartite graph G. It uses a version of the Fortran * routine MC21A developed by I.S.Duff [1], which implements Hall's * algorithm [2]. * * RETURNS * * The routine glp_asnprob_hall returns the cardinality of the matching * found. However, if the specified graph is incorrect (as detected by * the routine glp_check_asnprob), the routine returns negative value. * * REFERENCES * * 1. I.S.Duff, Algorithm 575: Permutations for zero-free diagonal, ACM * Trans. on Math. Softw. 7 (1981), 387-390. * * 2. M.Hall, "An Algorithm for distinct representatives," Amer. Math. * Monthly 63 (1956), 716-717. */ int glp_asnprob_hall(glp_graph *G, int v_set, int a_x) { glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int card, i, k, loc, n, n1, n2, xij; int *num, *icn, *ip, *lenr, *iperm, *pr, *arp, *cv, *out; if (v_set >= 0 && v_set > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_asnprob_hall: v_set = %d; invalid offset\n", v_set); if (a_x >= 0 && a_x > G->a_size - (int)sizeof(int)) xerror("glp_asnprob_hall: a_x = %d; invalid offset\n", a_x); if (glp_check_asnprob(G, v_set)) return -1; /* determine the number of vertices in sets R and S and renumber vertices in S which correspond to columns of the matrix; skip all isolated vertices */ num = xcalloc(1+G->nv, sizeof(int)); n1 = n2 = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (v->in == NULL && v->out != NULL) n1++, num[i] = 0; /* vertex in R */ else if (v->in != NULL && v->out == NULL) n2++, num[i] = n2; /* vertex in S */ else { xassert(v->in == NULL && v->out == NULL); num[i] = -1; /* isolated vertex */ } } /* the matrix must be square, thus, if it has more columns than rows, extra rows will be just empty, and vice versa */ n = (n1 >= n2 ? n1 : n2); /* allocate working arrays */ icn = xcalloc(1+G->na, sizeof(int)); ip = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); lenr = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); iperm = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); pr = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); arp = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); cv = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); out = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(int)); /* build the adjacency matrix of the bipartite graph in row-wise format (rows are vertices in R, columns are vertices in S) */ k = 0, loc = 1; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { if (num[i] != 0) continue; /* vertex i in R */ ip[++k] = loc; v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { xassert(num[a->head->i] != 0); icn[loc++] = num[a->head->i]; } lenr[k] = loc - ip[k]; } xassert(loc-1 == G->na); /* make all extra rows empty (all extra columns are empty due to the row-wise format used) */ for (k++; k <= n; k++) ip[k] = loc, lenr[k] = 0; /* find a row permutation that maximizes the number of non-zeros on the main diagonal */ card = mc21a(n, icn, ip, lenr, iperm, pr, arp, cv, out); #if 1 /* 18/II-2010 */ /* FIXED: if card = n, arp remains clobbered on exit */ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) arp[i] = 0; for (i = 1; i <= card; i++) { k = iperm[i]; xassert(1 <= k && k <= n); xassert(arp[k] == 0); arp[k] = i; } #endif /* store solution, if necessary */ if (a_x < 0) goto skip; k = 0; for (i = 1; i <= G->nv; i++) { if (num[i] != 0) continue; /* vertex i in R */ k++; v = G->v[i]; for (a = v->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { /* arp[k] is the number of matched column or zero */ if (arp[k] == num[a->head->i]) { xassert(arp[k] != 0); xij = 1; } else xij = 0; memcpy((char *)a->data + a_x, &xij, sizeof(int)); } } skip: /* free working arrays */ xfree(num); xfree(icn); xfree(ip); xfree(lenr); xfree(iperm); xfree(pr); xfree(arp); xfree(cv); xfree(out); return card; } /*********************************************************************** * NAME * * glp_cpp - solve critical path problem * * SYNOPSIS * * double glp_cpp(glp_graph *G, int v_t, int v_es, int v_ls); * * DESCRIPTION * * The routine glp_cpp solves the critical path problem represented in * the form of the project network. * * The parameter G is a pointer to the graph object, which specifies * the project network. This graph must be acyclic. Multiple arcs are * allowed being considered as single arcs. * * The parameter v_t specifies an offset of the field of type double * in the vertex data block, which contains time t[i] >= 0 needed to * perform corresponding job j. If v_t < 0, it is assumed that t[i] = 1 * for all jobs. * * The parameter v_es specifies an offset of the field of type double * in the vertex data block, to which the routine stores earliest start * time for corresponding job. If v_es < 0, this time is not stored. * * The parameter v_ls specifies an offset of the field of type double * in the vertex data block, to which the routine stores latest start * time for corresponding job. If v_ls < 0, this time is not stored. * * RETURNS * * The routine glp_cpp returns the minimal project duration, that is, * minimal time needed to perform all jobs in the project. */ static void sorting(glp_graph *G, int list[]); double glp_cpp(glp_graph *G, int v_t, int v_es, int v_ls) { glp_vertex *v; glp_arc *a; int i, j, k, nv, *list; double temp, total, *t, *es, *ls; if (v_t >= 0 && v_t > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_cpp: v_t = %d; invalid offset\n", v_t); if (v_es >= 0 && v_es > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_cpp: v_es = %d; invalid offset\n", v_es); if (v_ls >= 0 && v_ls > G->v_size - (int)sizeof(double)) xerror("glp_cpp: v_ls = %d; invalid offset\n", v_ls); nv = G->nv; if (nv == 0) { total = 0.0; goto done; } /* allocate working arrays */ t = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(double)); es = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(double)); ls = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(double)); list = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(int)); /* retrieve job times */ for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; if (v_t >= 0) { memcpy(&t[i], (char *)v->data + v_t, sizeof(double)); if (t[i] < 0.0) xerror("glp_cpp: t[%d] = %g; invalid time\n", i, t[i]); } else t[i] = 1.0; } /* perform topological sorting to determine the list of nodes (jobs) such that if list[k] = i and list[kk] = j and there exists arc (i->j), then k < kk */ sorting(G, list); /* FORWARD PASS */ /* determine earliest start times */ for (k = 1; k <= nv; k++) { j = list[k]; es[j] = 0.0; for (a = G->v[j]->in; a != NULL; a = a->h_next) { i = a->tail->i; /* there exists arc (i->j) in the project network */ temp = es[i] + t[i]; if (es[j] < temp) es[j] = temp; } } /* determine the minimal project duration */ total = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { temp = es[i] + t[i]; if (total < temp) total = temp; } /* BACKWARD PASS */ /* determine latest start times */ for (k = nv; k >= 1; k--) { i = list[k]; ls[i] = total - t[i]; for (a = G->v[i]->out; a != NULL; a = a->t_next) { j = a->head->i; /* there exists arc (i->j) in the project network */ temp = ls[j] - t[i]; if (ls[i] > temp) ls[i] = temp; } /* avoid possible round-off errors */ if (ls[i] < es[i]) ls[i] = es[i]; } /* store results, if necessary */ if (v_es >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; memcpy((char *)v->data + v_es, &es[i], sizeof(double)); } } if (v_ls >= 0) { for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { v = G->v[i]; memcpy((char *)v->data + v_ls, &ls[i], sizeof(double)); } } /* free working arrays */ xfree(t); xfree(es); xfree(ls); xfree(list); done: return total; } static void sorting(glp_graph *G, int list[]) { /* perform topological sorting to determine the list of nodes (jobs) such that if list[k] = i and list[kk] = j and there exists arc (i->j), then k < kk */ int i, k, nv, v_size, *num; void **save; nv = G->nv; v_size = G->v_size; save = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(void *)); num = xcalloc(1+nv, sizeof(int)); G->v_size = sizeof(int); for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { save[i] = G->v[i]->data; G->v[i]->data = &num[i]; list[i] = 0; } if (glp_top_sort(G, 0) != 0) xerror("glp_cpp: project network is not acyclic\n"); G->v_size = v_size; for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { G->v[i]->data = save[i]; k = num[i]; xassert(1 <= k && k <= nv); xassert(list[k] == 0); list[k] = i; } xfree(save); xfree(num); return; } /* eof */