The bnet package

Simple-minded package to read a blif file.

  DdManager * dd, DD manager
  BnetNode * nd, node of the boolean network
  st_table * hash, symbol table of the boolean network
  int  params, type of DD to be built
  int  nodrop retain the intermediate node DDs until the end
Builds the BDD for the function of a node and stores a pointer to it in the dd field of the node itself. The reference count of the BDD is incremented. If params is BNET_LOCAL_DD, then the BDD is built in terms of the local inputs to the node; otherwise, if params is BNET_GLOBAL_DD, the BDD is built in terms of the network primary inputs. To build the global BDD of a node, the BDDs for its local inputs must exist. If that is not the case, Bnet_BuildNodeBDD recursively builds them. Likewise, to create the local BDD for a node, the local inputs must have variables assigned to them. If that is not the case, Bnet_BuildNodeBDD recursively assigns variables to nodes. Bnet_BuildNodeBDD returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects Sets the dd field of the node.

  DdManager * dd, 
  BnetNetwork * net 
Orders the BDD variables by DFS. Returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects Uses the visited flags of the nodes.

  BnetNetwork * net 
Frees a boolean network created by Bnet_ReadNetwork.

Side Effects None

See Also Bnet_ReadNetwork
  BnetNetwork * net boolean network
Prints to the standard output a boolean network created by Bnet_ReadNetwork. Uses the blif format; this way, one can verify the equivalence of the input and the output with, say, sis.

Side Effects None

See Also Bnet_ReadNetwork
  BnetNetwork * net, 
  DdManager * dd 
Prints the order of the DD variables of a network. Only primary inputs and present states are printed. Returns 1 if successful; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects None

BnetNetwork * 
  FILE * fp, pointer to the blif file
  int  pr verbosity level
Reads a boolean network from a blif file. A very restricted subset of blif is supported. Specifically: Caveat emptor: There may be other limitations as well. One should check the syntax of the blif file with some other tool before relying on this parser. Bnet_ReadNetwork returns a pointer to the network if successful; NULL otherwise.

Side Effects None

See Also Bnet_PrintNetwork Bnet_FreeNetwork
  DdManager * dd, 
  char * ordFile, 
  BnetNetwork * net, 
  int  locGlob, 
  int  nodrop 
Reads the variable order from a file. Returns 1 if successful; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects The BDDs for the primary inputs and present state variables are built.

  DdManager * dd, DD manager
  BnetNetwork * network, network whose BDDs should be dumped
  char * dfile, file name
  DdNode ** outputs, BDDs to be dumped
  char ** onames, names of the BDDs to be dumped
  int  noutputs, number of BDDs to be dumped
  int  dumpFmt 0 -> dot
Writes an array of BDDs to a file in dot, blif, DDcal, factored-form, or daVinci format. The BDDs and their names are passed as arguments. The inputs and their names are taken from the network. If "-" is passed as file name, the BDDs are dumped to the standard output. Returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects None

  DdManager * dd, DD manager
  BnetNetwork * network, network whose BDDs should be dumped
  char * dfile, file name
  int  dumpFmt, 0 -> dot
  int  reencoded whether variables have been reencoded
Writes the network BDDs to a file in dot, blif, or daVinci format. If "-" is passed as file name, the BDDs are dumped to the standard output. Returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise.

Side Effects None

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